Club Meetings 2020

Club meeting 2 December 2020

Minutes of the Napier Amateur Radio Club

Meeting on Wednesday 2 December 2020 at the Clubrooms 123 Latham Street

Chair: Dave ZL2MQ, the meeting started at 7:30pm.

Present: Stu ZL2XC, Revell ZL2SS, Mike ZL2MY, David ZL2DW, Rob ZL2AN,

Ross ZL2FN, Mark Paton and Karl ZL1TJ.

Apology: ZL2VM, ZL2LF, ZL2CD, ZL2ST and ZL3TT.

Minutes of the previous meeting: Read and confirmed to be correct: ZL2MY, ZL2SS.


David 2DW: A request for contribution to the Wharite repeater battery replacement has not been received yet.

Mike 2MY: both Gary ZL2IFB and Holger ZL3IO have agreed to present a topic at the Conference forum.


Inward: Tax invoice for repeater licences from RSM.

Outward: Annual report to the Companies Office, various notices to members etc..

With: Napier City Councillor Maxine Boag re: visit and grant application.

Stu ZL2XC re the treasurers job, Mike 2VM re the club programme, Peter 2CD re the Companies office requirements, David 2DW re Conference after dinner speaker.

Finance: Paid: RSM $100, D.Morgan $100 (Conference acct.) and Power Company $88.10. Subs are now due, still only $25. Kiwi Bank account number is 38-9019-0636026-00.

General business: A brief report on last Saturday’s antenna fix gathering, attended by Dave 2MQ, Peter 2CD, Revell 2SS, Mike 2VM, Mark Paton (who did the ladder climbing) and the undersigned. The 80/40m dipole was disconnected from the tree which is about to be cut down. The 5 band vertical was temporarily stabilized but will need more work.

Next year’s club programme was presented in printed form by Mike 2VM, improved format and with additional ideas. John 2VAF to discuss AREC at the July meeting.

At the November 17th committee meeting Dave 2MQ’s mag-loop antenna was considered as the club’s 2021 project. It was given a tentative go-ahead. Dave to further develop design, Karl to get a few quotes for materials. Initial (Chinese) prices indicate the cost of a copper loop and two junction boxes are about NZ$ 55.00. A discussion on the merits of other materials and tuning options followed. To be continued.

The meeting closed at 8:15 pm.

And was followed by the Club’s end of year social event.

Seasons greetings to all members and families and may next year be a better one.

Karl ZL1TJ

By admin

Amateur Radio Operator ZL1TJ