Activities Monthly News

The Trans Tasman Contest 2013 – ZL2GT


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Our magnificent site at Haumoana under blue skies and no rain!

Some weeks back the build-up banter began between contestants and some “stretching of the truth” was embarked upon. Prior arrangements came together on a great weather weekend and off went the ZL2GT Team to Moore Rd, Haumoana to be active in the
ZL – VK competition on 80m CW and 160m phone.

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The very expensive 30 Metre dipole centre insulator

Our crane……….yes crane, arrived early and soon after we had our Inverted Vee ant’s up and going. The 30m high hook provided the support for our rope halyard and we were easily able to pull up the two aerials. The 80m aerial was suspended about 6m below the 160m aerial and was at right angles to it, we had little or no interaction between the two bands. RG213 coax fed both aerials. We were well ready with plenty of spare time.

We also erected 40/20 m dipole for Randall to enjoy a brief guided tour around a band not often used (yet). Lots of time too for a cuppa and a catch-up.

A bulk package of Fish and Chips arrived and duly enjoyed before “the business” began.

Not so many participants on 160m this year and sadly we had a “standing crash” level of about S9 so this put paid to some contacts that might otherwise have been easily made.

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Dave ZL2DW (left) getting to grips with N1MM while Mike ZL2VM looks on

This year we introduced computer logging (N1MM), were shown the deep end and got on with it. As usual, something put off for some time turns into something we wish we’d done years ago. Thanks to Peter ZL2LF for his persistence, encouragement, PC’s and wry smile.

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Peter, ZL2MS Looking for those elusive VKs

We logged 42 contacts on 160m SSB and 69 contacts on 80m CW. Last year we logged 62 contacts on 160m and 79 contacts on 80 m CW.

The event adds to the experience level and we can now embark upon plans for next year.


Happy punters at Moore Road were: David ZL2DW, Peter ZL2LF, Peter ZL2MS, Graham ZL2BCK, Randall ZL1NW, Rob ZL2US, Sue, ZL2DC, Bill ZL2UBG and me, ZL2VM. Not all stayed overnight.

Peter, ZL2LF looking at the numbers on N1MM Logger
Peter, ZL2LF looking at the numbers on N1MM Logger

(Right) Peter, ZL2LF operating

73, Mike Bull ZL2VM


Amateur Radio Operator ZL4XE