Monthly News

Meeting May 1, 2013

Meeting on Wednesday 1 May 2013 at the Clubrooms 123 Latham Street

Chair: Laurie ZL2TC, the meeting started at 7:30 pm.

Apologies: ZL2US, ZL2DW.

Present: Mike ZL2VM, Mike ZL2MY, Lee ZL2AL, Dave ZL2MQ, Jan ZL2CZE, Mr. Revell Troy and Karl ZL1TJ.

Minutes previous meeting, confirmed correct: ZL2TC, ZL2MY.

Arising: Lee brought the 250 Watt resistors and other parts for the prototype dummy load project.
Mike ZL2MY : Is the Napier City Council’s District Plan being revised?
Mike ZL2VM: a revision is being contemplated.
Lee: Should we be doing a joint submission with Branch 13?
Karl: The current NCC District plan is online, requirements for aerials can be found in:
Download part two chapter five, look up item 5.26, Aerials,lines and support structures (and trees).

In: From NZART, the 2013 branch circular, requesting a Branch info update, a set of NZART’s annual accounts, Branch 25 voting statistics, advertising the availability of a Promotional Banner (at $ 199.00), reminder of Annual Conference Awards and requesting nominations for these and finally a reminder that subscriptions may be paid at a monthly rate of ten dollars.

Finance: No significant financial transactions reported.

General business:
Laurie presented the one Conference Remit to be voted on, the proposal by Branch 20, Manawatu, that clause 6.4 of the NZART Constitution by amended by adding sub-clause c. This sub clause states that all voting on remits at general meetings is done by an actual count of votes.
Members entitled to vote present were ZL2TC, ZL2MY, ZL2VM and ZL1TJ. All voted in favour. Branch 25 voting membership according to NZART stands presently at 25.

Lee presented parts and conceptual drawings for the NARC Kilowatt dummy load project.
A discussion followed primarily between Lee and Dave (2MQ) regarding adequate heat dissipation and other similar practical considerations such as metal box versus plastic, forced cooling, Dave mentioned that the circuit board may actually be able to be bought from Chinese manufacturers at relatively low cost. Other cost savings may be made as the final product is developed The unit may be offered as a kit or fully built which may be a more attractive proposition for potential buyers. Both Lee and Dave to build prototypes with materials available to them and conduct various tests and will report back at the June or July meeting.

Mike reminded those present of the Trans Tasman ZL-VK 80 m phone contest to take place on 11 and 12 May. Location NARC Clubrooms. The contest starts at 8 pm, door open at 6 pm. All welcome to have a go……

Lee reported getting his JT65 equipment up and running, making a very loud and clear contact with Peter ZL2LF.

The meeting closed at 8:30 pm followed by the programmed video presentation.

Karl, ZL1TJ.

2006 Raoul Island DX pedition ZL8R

Lee ZL2AL’s presentation of the James Brooks Video of the 2006 Raoul Island DXpedition was the more interesting as Lee in his introduction explained he had been there, done that (1996) and could comment from personal experience. Refer to the item in Lee’s own web site for a detailed account and pictures:

The very volcanic Island which is New Zealand’s most northerly piece of real estate and 1 of 5 ARRL DXCC Entities  is a most fascinating place with a checkered history details of which may be found in Wikipedia:

Another well made video report of a very pleasant Dxpedition run by a bunch of laid back hams using mainly simple dipoles for aerials and having a great time.

Karl ZL1TJ


Amateur Radio Operator ZL4XE