
Feb 5 – Work in the Radio Shack

Stan, Lee and Peter went to the clubrooms and:
1) Hung the ladder up on the wall in the shack.
2) removed all the records from the wardrobe and Stan made a big start to sorting them out
3) Took the wardrobe, old glass cabinet, and other stuff to Marewa junk dealer. Stan was amazed when I brought back $40.00
4) Cut out 2 shelves just below the tea counter and re-located the beacon under the shelf. Strangely, it still works!
5) Mounted the white bulletin board on the right hand side wall near the op desk.
6) Peter arrived and we removed all the old gear from under the long green bench that the beacon was on. Peter took most of it home to sort out and check for operation.
7) put a lot of records back under the long beacon cabinet and has a box of paper for recycling
8) Lee removed all the old Canadian Air force manuals for re-cycling.
9) The following day, Laurie ZL2TC was in and ran a cap strip down the wall and sorted the coaxial cables. The VHF and UHF radios are now operational.

The shack looks amazing!

Still a bit more to do. Lee got the AEA Electronic Keyer going and has won a Trade-me bid on a Galbraith keying paddle to be donated to the club.

Thanks for the help guys. More to come!


Amateur Radio Operator ZL4XE