
VK – ZL Contest 2012

Five of us gave it a good go on 21 – 22 July in the recent ZL – VK Contest with call sign ZL2GT. It kept us occupied on air from 8pm Sat. night until 2am Sunday morning at the Guides/Scout Camp east of Hastings near Haumoana. We ran dipole aerials on 80m (CW mode) and 160m (Phone mode).

There was much frustration being able to hear and not work many VK stations but we did manage a few but it certainly was not our best year, our guys on 80m/CW made similar comments. ZL event stations with large/gain aerials seemed to have the edge over our dipoles but having said that our contact numbers were creditable but the VK multipliers were not as we had hoped.

We can at least be happy with our “Boys Weekend Away”. Many thanks to those who worked us, every point helps. Photographs below……
David ZL2DW

Peter ZL2LF Lost in the Moment
Michael ZL2MY Checks the Log for Dupes
Dave ZL2DW Listens to Mike ZL2VM working a station
Peter ZL2MS does the business

Secret Operating Technique



Amateur Radio Operator ZL4XE