Club Meetings 2022

Club Meeting 2 February 2022

Minutes of the Napier Amateur Radio Club

Held at the clubrooms at 123 Latham Street on the 2nd of February 2022

Chair Dave ZL2MQ Started the meeting at 7:31pm

Present: Dave ZL2MQ, Rob 2AN, Mike 2MY, Stu 2XC, David 2DW, Karl 1TJ, Peter 2LF, George 2KKT, Bryce 1BCG, Revell 2SS and Hunter 2EDH. Also Hunter’s dad and George’s daughter Corrie.

Apologies: Mike 2VM and Errol 2IT.

Minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed to be true and correct once Dave Sheath’s name amended to Rob 2AN in general business. Mike 2MY seconded by Karl 1TJ.

Matters arising: Dave 2DW was Hunters first contact on the clubs 2M radio.

Correspondence: Filed Annual Report with the Companies Office. Update of records with NZART in regards to the committee changes. From NCC update of Draft Annual Plan process , repeater charges to be shared with Branch 13, Dave 2DW Regarding 75th Anniversary, Subs due and the usual notices to members.

Finances: paid: the monthly power account, annual licence fees to RSM and payment for the club’s new screen. Account balaces were read out by Stu.

General Business: Karl 1TJ: our website was down for a few days. Dave 2MQ: due to administrative confusion resulting from a $zero pro forma invoice.

The repeater licence fees to be equalized between the two branches.

Karl 1TJ: about the 75th anniversary dinner, about ten Branch 13 members are interested in joining us for this joint event. A show of hands indicated a similar number of our members to be interested. Karl to investigate options, either the Taradale club or Taradale RSA possibly earl March. Dave 2DW: the trip to the Taraponui repeater site, it was an awesome day. The branch 13 sale was disappointing but there is an upcoming auction in July. Dave Lamont’s aerial is still available. Dave 2MQ to pick up various items for sale with proceeds going to the club. Membership drive. Is anyone having interference with Cber’s in the CW portion of the spectrum and also repeater triggering. Stu to present photo’s of the Tiwai power plant upgrade he has been working on at our March meeting.

Dave 2MQ suggested to have a tech only “meeting/get together” without the need for minutes etc.

To be followed up.

Meeting Closed : 8:09pm

And was followed by the club’s new video screen being ‘inaugurated’. Linked to the internet via a ‘hotspotted’ phone it was used to demostrate the graphical representation of all parameters of a magnetic loop antenna for a variety of dimensions and materials. Very fascinating and found to be correct when checked against dave 2MQ’s reccently constructed antenna.

Revell used the new screen to show the ‘melodical morse code show’ which came on a USB stick.

The new screen is an absolute treasure and will enrich the club meetings for years to come.

Bryce ZL2BCG


Amateur Radio Operator ZL4XE