Club meetings 2021 Other

Club Meeting 2 June 2021

Minutes of the Napier Amateur Radio Club

Meeting on Wednesday 2 June 2021 at the Clubrooms 123 Latham Street

Chair: Dave ZL2MQ, the meeting started at 7:30pm.

Present: Peter ZL2LF, Stu ZL2XC, Errol ZL2IT, Revell ZL2SS, Mike ZL2MY, Peter ZL2CD, Rob ZL2AN, David ZL2DW, Mike ZL2VM, Blue ZL3TT, Wally ZL2MO, Mark Paton, Bryce Gilbert and Karl ZL1TJ. Apology: none.

Minutes of the previous meeting: Read and confirmed to be correct: ZL2LF, ZL2MY.

Arising: Dave 2DW: a clearer explanation of the one and only Conference remit has been published in the May / June Break-In magazine. Revell: confirmed Napier City Council’s intention to remove the last remaining tree on our Eastern boundary. Bare (zero catering) Conference registrations for the Deco Techo Sunday are five only.

Correspondence: Amendment to May minutes request from Dave 2DW, confirmation from John ZL2VF regarding his July club meeting talk, request from Napier City Council to update our entry in the community database and the usual notices etc. to club members.

Finance: Stu gave an overview Club’s financial affairs.

General business: Dave 2MQ requested an overview of key holders to the club rooms.

Wally handed his keys to Stu, keys are held by all committee members and one set is with our Menz Shed neighbours who use the Clubrooms for committee meetings.

Conference Delegate: moved by Karl and seconded by Errol that Dave 2MQ is appointed Branch 25 Conference delegate. Passed unanimously.

The balance of G.B. was mostly dedicated to Conference organisation final details.

Discussed were: Raffle organisation etc.. Saturday afternoon drivers: Karl to email instructions to volunteers Mike 2MY, Peter 2CD, Errol and Mary Crook.

Peter 2LF presented the (very nice) booklets and ID tags. A few blank ID tags available for last minute joiners. Many thanks to Peter and Rosemary for an excellent job done.

Dave 2MQ to attend NZART Council meeting Friday afternoon. Peter 2 LF, Dave 2MQ, Karl and whoever wants to join meet at East Pier Friday 7pm for early registrations and a chat (beer?) with the Friday arrivals. Errol offered (once again) to provide the occasional airport shuttle service.

Quiz prizes: Debby and Topsy will be running a quiz on Sunday night. The Club to provide prizes, Karl to purchase some local wines and other goodies for this. May need to stipulate that wine is to take home (not consume on premises) to maintain the peace with East Pier.

Dave 2MQ referred to Presenters getting a free lunch, further reward not deemed necessary.

Security: George had to pull out due to urgent family matters. Dave 2DW presented Eric 2TSU as his replacement to assist Wally. Wayne Jacobsen ZL2OZ (QRP) had to pull out for medical reasons. His slot will now be filled by Vaughn Henderson and Don Wallace (NZART ALO) presiding over the ‘VHF Spectrum Forum’.

Dave 2DW presented a breakdown of Conference attendees by region on the white board.

A general discussion followed. De-brief meeting to be held reasonably soon after Conference.

The meeting closed at 8:30 pm and was followed by a coffee / tea and chat session.

Karl ZL1TJ

By admin

Amateur Radio Operator ZL1TJ