club meeting 2018

Club Meeting 7 February 2018


Meeting on Wednesday 7 February 2018 at the Clubrooms 123 Latham Street

Chair: Dave ZL2MQ, the meeting started at 7:30 pm.

Present: Revell ZL2SS, Peter ZL2CD, Dave ZL2DW, Rob ZL2US, Wally ZL2MO, Paul ZL2HB, Blue ZL3TT, Errol ZL2IT, Stan ZL2ST, Mike ZL2VM, Peter ZL2LF, Phil ZL2RO, Peter ZL2HM, Rob ZL2AN, Ray ZL2RB, visitor Ray Morison ZL2JE (Taupo) and Karl ZL1TJ.

Apologies: ZL2XC and ZL2MY.

Minutes of previous meeting: Read and confirmed to be correct: ZL3TT, ZL2HB.

Arising: Wally marked on the floor the outline of the proposed club building advertising sign. Quoted for cut out letters on an aluminium base $ 140.00.

Correspondence: various email correspondence regarding the 2018 hamfest: advertising, speakers, early registrations. Also some early orders for the Club Project SWR-Power meter. Bank statements.

Finance: Term deposit re-invested, several further subs received. Paul requested that all club members give some thought to fund raising so that subs can remain as low as they are.

General Business:

Moved by Wally, seconded by Revell that the proposed sign is ordered. Carried unanimously. Rob 2US suggested a contact phone number could be included. To be considered.

Peter ZL2LF: Offered to the club on a long term loan basis a 60MHz oscilloscope and antistatic mat. Accepted with thanks. Peter also offered to look into obtaining new chairs for the clubroom.

HB Hamfest: The venue has now been changed to the Napier Aero Club rooms, Watchman road.

A proposed programme has been sent to all members and was briefly discussed. Starting time now is 9 am. Advertising has resulted in a number of enquiries. Peter 2LF confirmed the availability of his audio system. Projector and screen to be hired (Dave 2MQ) Due to the additional cost it was proposed that the attendance fee is $20. Agreed to by all present. The final costing for the SWR – power meter kitset will be known within the next week or so.

Dave ZL2DW: at the last Bch 13 the following was discussed: 1) The possibility of an advertised ‘public’ open day, possibly held at the Napier clubrooms, possibly coinciding with a NARC open door (Sunday afternoon). To be considered at committee level. 2) A visit to the Reporoa Marine radio station, either the 3rd or 10th of March. 3) A Bch 13 organised DF (fox hunt) exercise (using Errol 2IT’s gear and ideas) on a Saturday afternoon to be decided. To be advertised.

Stan ZL2ST will be, with John ZL2QM, spearheading the annual Jock White Field Day contest. Jim Tait’s farm, dates 24 and 25 Feb..Showing an interest in taking part: ZL2HB, 2LF, 2SS, 2MO,1TJ. There is space for one or two more, operating half hour slots, either phone or cw. Contact Stan or Karl.

Revell ZL2SS: Tuesday nights at the clubrooms, participating in the Home brew net is fun. Any one interested in joining? Learning to drive the Yeasu FT 1000. Contact Revell.

The meeting closed at 8:15 pm.

Followed by Errol presenting a talk / demo prepared for the April Hamfest: A simple and effective way to manufacture printed circuit boards. Needed: design software (free), a laser printer, an A4 sized piece of glossy paper (backing of shipping labels or front page of glossy magazine) and the Mrs’s iron. And some etching chemical from Jaycar. It worked!

Karl ZL1TJ Secretary NARC.


Amateur Radio Operator ZL4XE