Club meetings 2021

Club Meeting 4 August 2021

Minutes of the Napier Amateur Radio Club

Meeting on Wednesday 4 August 2021 at the Clubrooms 123 Latham Street

Chair: Dave ZL2MQ, the meeting started at 7:30pm.

Present: Errol ZL2IT, Peter ZL2CD, Rob ZL2AN, Mike ZL2VM, Mark Paton ZL2TVK, Bryce Gilbert ZL1BCG, George ZL2KKT, Dave ZL2DW, Stu ZL2XC, Peter ZL2LF,

Brian Meikle ZL2BPM, Mike ZL2MY, Revell ZL2SS and Karl ZL1TJ.

Apology: ZL2KKT, ZL3TT.

Dave 2MQ welcomed Brian ZL2BPM.

Minutes of the previous meeting: Read and confirmed to be correct: ZL2AN, ZL2VM.

Arising: Dave 2MQ: The licensing exam held on 10 July resulted in three passes: (12 year old) Hunter Picket, Mark Paton, callsign ZL2TVK and Bryce Gilbert, callsign ZL1BCG. Congratulations to Mark and Bryce. Arrangements to assist Mark, Bryce and Hunter are being considered. An opportunity to resume Sunday afternoon technology sessions?

Mike 2MY: Still looking for large size screen, 65 inch seems to be the best value for money.

Dave 2mQ: HF antenna project waiting for warmer weather. Anyone willing to take charge?

Apology from John ZL2VAF for defaulting at the July meeting.

Correspondence: With the Napier City Council regarding the District Plan, with Bryce Gilbert regarding the licensing exam, with Hunter Picket regarding the spelling of his name, with Craig Crawford, NZART historian, regarding celebrating the Club’s 75 years existence.

From Debby NZART regarding Conference financial reconciliation. From Dave 2DW regarding branch 25 and branch 13 seventy five year celebrations and proposed Award.

From John Newson regarding the Rally of Hawke’s Bay. From John Cowell VK2IAU regarding a new morse code learning facility stimulating interest in Amateur radio.

Various notices to members.

Finance: Stu presented the month’s financial statements. Also gave notice that, due to work arrangements, his attendance to club meetings will be minimal over the next 6 months.

General business:

Dave 2DW promoting the branch 13 raffle (RWB Voucher).

Dave 2MQ: the 75 year celebration. Joint effort with branch 13? An Award is being organised by Dave 2DW. Other options might be a celebration dinner, or Sunday afternoon barbecue. Other ideas are solicited. Dates need to be set so events can be advertised in Break-In and Break-Out magazines. Dave 2DW reported that AREC involvement in the Rally of Hawke’s bay was a success.

The meeting closed at 8 pm and was followed by the customary ‘Show and Tell’ event.


  1. Dave 2DW: 6 items of interest ranging from the original 670 Kahuranaki repeater to books, gadgets, pictures and an illustrated explanation of the radio inspector’s ongoing efforts to find the cause of marine channel 16 interference.

  2. Peter 2LF: an audio mixer USB device vastly superior to a standard computer sound card, a home made stereo microphone and a handy gadget for opening pull tab tins.

  3. Rob 2AN: Controller and description of his new German made 3 element Ultra Beam. 20 to 6 m bands, much superior to his previous US made one.

  4. Errol 2IT: home made voltage booster 12V to 150V- oscillator-transformer-rectifier, home made crystal replacement, DC to 12MHz using synthesizer chip, software to multiply miniature printed circuit board patterns to make multiple copies.

  5. Mike 2MY: experimentation with a delta loop antenna, measurement of parameters, matching networks, final outcome: tuner needed to achieve maximum performance.

  6. Dave 2MQ: A more ‘up market’ VNA, robust construction with all bells and whistles. Good instructions and features that cheaper models do not have. Range up to 3GHz. Amazing piece of technology for $220.

This was, as always, a fun evening for the club.

Karl ZL1TJ


Amateur Radio Operator ZL4XE