club meeting 2019

Club Meeting 6 June 2019


Meeting on Wednesday 5 June 2019 at the Clubrooms 123 Latham Street

Chair: Dave ZL2MQ, the meeting started at 7:30 pm.

Present: Blue ZL3TT, Mike ZL2MY, Peter ZL2CD, Revel ZL2SS, Wally ZL2MO, John ZL2AGE, Errol ZL2IT, Dave ZL2DW, Jaidyn ZL4WW, Peter ZL2LF, Fergus ZL2VF and Karl ZL1TJ. Apologies: ZL2VM, ZL2US, ZL2XC.

Minutes of previous meeting: Read and confirmed to be correct: ZL2MO, ZL2SS.

Arising: Wally: the HF dipole was in fact re-instated by Blue and himself.

Correspondence: Received: a response from Korin ZL2PGJ.

Outwards: Call-book information to NZART, also the outcome of remit voting, response to Kiwi Bank foreign financial ties questionnaire.

Finance: Treasurer’s report attached. Donation of $200 to 4WW and 4YL travel fund paid.

General Business: The club was approached by Warren ZL2AJ about the possibility of it organising the 2021 NZART AGM and annual conference. The initial response was cautious, the workload would need to be shared by a number of members. Does Napier have a suitable venue, ideally combined with accommodation and restaurant facilities? Dave 2DW tabled numbers, costs etc. from his attendance of this year’s conference in New Plymouth. Blue suggested a joint Branches approach. Dave 2MQ asked for a show of hands of those willing to be involved, and at 6 or 7 there appears to be sufficient interest. Dave 2DW suggested a more ‘minimalist’ approach.

Blue and Dave to gauge interest at the HBARC.

Dave 2DW: the annual combined branches (buffet) dinner, now held midyear (solstice) will be at the Napier RSA, June 28. Bookings required with himself or the undersigned. The Branch 13 annual junk auction and scrap metal collection will be July 24.

Peter 2LF has the equipment to rescue ageing VHS tapes to digital storage and will do so for club members for a nominal fee. Peter also suggested that the club investigates Internet access to facilitate any-time access to Web Radio.

Karl reported the resignation from club membership by Paul ZL2HB.

Blue reminded all to follow protocol, in particular pause and listen when using IRLP systems.

Errol suggested the club looks into the possibility of starting an electronics hobby club, either as a subsection to the radio club or as a stand alone, just using the clubrooms, with club members being available for assistance and tuition. Such a club may attract younger people who then possibly might eventually become interested in amateur radio.

A discussion followed, gauging interest and considering potential problems such as the need for parent supervision when mentoring young people. Publicizing etc. was discussed. To be given further consideration at committee level.

Dave 2DW then briefly reported procedures and outcomes from the NZART AGM etc.. Remit one lost, remit two passed, new President and Vice-President. Dave’s talk went well with substantial attendance. Would he attend Conference again? Answer: Yes.

The meeting closed at 8:25 pm. And was followed by Dave 2MQ explaining the circuit diagram and Arduino programming of the ‘up market’ version of this year’s club project, a 100W dummy load with built-in Watt meter. An excellent presentation with diagrams etc. projected on the screen.

Karl ZL1TJ Secretary NARC.


Amateur Radio Operator ZL4XE