Club Meetings 2017 Other

Club Meeting 3.5.2017


Meeting on Wednesday 3 May 2017 at the Clubrooms 123 Latham Street

Chair: Dave ZL2MQ, the meeting started at 7:30 pm.

Present: Revell ZL2SS, Blue ZL3TT, Rob ZL2US, Peter ZL2CD, Dave ZL2DW, Wally ZL2MO, Paul ZL2HB, Mike ZL2VM and Karl ZL1TJ. Apologies: ZL2IT.

Minutes of previous meeting: Read and confirmed to be correct: ZL3TT, ZL2HB.

Arising: Wally: Engineer John Foote, being too busy at present, was told not to proceed with the mast project. Mike 2VM: thank you to Wally for all the work he has done for the club recently.

Dave 2MQ: thanks to Mike 2VM for opening the clubrooms for antenna experimentation / testing on Saturday 22.4. Would there be support for a regular monthly technical afternoon meeting?

Mike: Some two years ago the club ran a social / chat meeting on a monthly basis, usually Sunday afternoon. This was initially well supported but eventually came to an end.

After some discussion it was agreed to revive this but with a more technical slant.

Second Sunday of the month, starting time 1:30 pm.

Correspondence: Email from ELG’s Steve Fogerty about the 2m beacon licence having been created, confirmation from RSM still to come. Outward: confirmation of receipt of this.

Other inward: Bank correspondence, statements and cheque book. NZART annual info request.

Finance: No transactions reported.

General Business: Dave 2MQ: Consequent to the most recent Jock White Field day contest investigated building the necessary filters to prevent cross band interference at future contests.

Mr Morris White ZL2AAA offered to build these for the cost of the cores only. The resulting professional looking band pass filters for 40 and 80 metres were presented by Dave.

A great addition to the club’s equipment.  Moved by 1TJ and seconded by 2HB that Dave 2MQ be re-imbursed for the cost of materials. Passed. Karl to send thank you note to Morris ZL2AAA.

Dave 2MQ: the club project (Arduino based swr bridge) is progressing. Estimated specs: 1.8 to 450 MHz, 1Kw power rating, sensitive enough to use as Field Strength meter, ‘pip’ mode audio function.

Initial costing $150. Some pre- soldering of surface mount ic’s to be done by soldering experts.

Kitset to be offered to non club members at a price assuring a reasonable return to the club.

Remits to the forthcoming NZART Rotorua conference: voting ZL2MQ, 2MO, 2VM, 2CD, 1TJ.

Remit 1: In favour 4, abstained 1

Remit 2: In favour 5

Remit 3: In favour 4, abstained 1

As none of the members present intend to attend the conference Karl is to seek a delegate willing to represent Branch 25. Options are Laurie ZL2TC or Debbie ZL2DL.

The meeting closed at 9:50 pm.

Followed by an attempt by 1TJ to connect to and demonstrate SDR Northland Radio, ZM292 using a laptop computer connected to the internet through a cellphone in ‘hotspot’ mode. The screen being projected on the wide screen allowed all to follow proceedings. The concept of using remote receivers in quiet locations is becoming increasingly interesting as suburban noise levels are making reception of weak signals difficult. Wally operated the club station on 40 and 80 m but the signal did not appear to reach the Bay of Islands. Also: the internet connection was not really adequate.

Karl ZL1TJ Sec. NARC.


Amateur Radio Operator ZL4XE