
NARC Meeting June 2, 2014



Chair: Laurie ZL2TC, the meeting started at 7:30 pm.

Apologies: ZL2US, ZL2DC, ZL2DW, Mike ZL2VM and Karl ZL1TJ.

Present: Lee ZL2AL, Mike ZL2MY, Wally ZL2MO, Revell ZL2SS, Stan ZL2ST, Dave ZL2MQ, Peter ZL2CD, Laurie ZL2TC

Visitor: Laurie welcomed Bob ZL2BDL from Hastings

Minutes of the previous meeting: read and confirmed correct: ZL2MO, ZL2MY.

Arising: All “Q” antenna kits have now been sold.

Correspondence: nil.

Finance: nil to report.

Conference Report. No one from Napier Branch intended going to Conference and Laurie emailed our voting on remits to Business Manager Debbie to arrange for someone at Conference to represent us.

Report from Laurie ZL2TC:

Remit 1 was lost unanimously and remit 2 was carried with a minor amendment.

Kordia have signed a contract with NZART extending access to their repeater sites until 2016.

NZART subs will remain at the same level as last year.

Most Branches have public liability insurance and NZART may extend their cover to clubs.

General Business:.Laurie moved that we re-establish our 70 cm beacon station. Seconded ZL2ST and carried unanimously.

Wally ZL2MO suggested that an electric clock (ie not battery) be purchased for the clubrooms.

The meeting closed at 8.00 pm.

Followed by Members Show and Tell of items from their shack. The following were presented:-

Dave ZL2MQ – 2 metre masthead preamps for horizontal and vertical cross-polarised antennae plus a noise source for them.

Mike ZL2MY presented his Icom 720A transceiver.

Laurie ZL2TC showed his 5760 MHz transverter. It uses 144 MHz as the IF and for 10mw transmitter power it produces 5Watts of output.

Lee ZL2AL presented his very attractive Russian ‘Peter 1 The Great” HF Award plaque for contacting Russian and European stations.

Stan ZL2ST Acting secretary.



Amateur Radio Operator ZL4XE