

After a bit of time figuring out who will be managing our lovely Branch 25 spot on the net, at this stage the responsibility will reside with ZL4XE who became the secretary for Branch 25 in November 2024.

We will endeavor to update the page with all of the events that have happened since the last update in 2023 including minutes for meetings that were held between then and now.

Please be patient as we work on these updates!


ZL4XE – Lisa Thompson


Ham Cram 13 and 14 May 2023

Club meetings 2021 Other

Club Meeting 2 June 2021

Minutes of the Napier Amateur Radio Club

Meeting on Wednesday 2 June 2021 at the Clubrooms 123 Latham Street

Chair: Dave ZL2MQ, the meeting started at 7:30pm.

Present: Peter ZL2LF, Stu ZL2XC, Errol ZL2IT, Revell ZL2SS, Mike ZL2MY, Peter ZL2CD, Rob ZL2AN, David ZL2DW, Mike ZL2VM, Blue ZL3TT, Wally ZL2MO, Mark Paton, Bryce Gilbert and Karl ZL1TJ. Apology: none.

Minutes of the previous meeting: Read and confirmed to be correct: ZL2LF, ZL2MY.

Arising: Dave 2DW: a clearer explanation of the one and only Conference remit has been published in the May / June Break-In magazine. Revell: confirmed Napier City Council’s intention to remove the last remaining tree on our Eastern boundary. Bare (zero catering) Conference registrations for the Deco Techo Sunday are five only.

Correspondence: Amendment to May minutes request from Dave 2DW, confirmation from John ZL2VF regarding his July club meeting talk, request from Napier City Council to update our entry in the community database and the usual notices etc. to club members.

Finance: Stu gave an overview Club’s financial affairs.

General business: Dave 2MQ requested an overview of key holders to the club rooms.

Wally handed his keys to Stu, keys are held by all committee members and one set is with our Menz Shed neighbours who use the Clubrooms for committee meetings.

Conference Delegate: moved by Karl and seconded by Errol that Dave 2MQ is appointed Branch 25 Conference delegate. Passed unanimously.

The balance of G.B. was mostly dedicated to Conference organisation final details.

Discussed were: Raffle organisation etc.. Saturday afternoon drivers: Karl to email instructions to volunteers Mike 2MY, Peter 2CD, Errol and Mary Crook.

Peter 2LF presented the (very nice) booklets and ID tags. A few blank ID tags available for last minute joiners. Many thanks to Peter and Rosemary for an excellent job done.

Dave 2MQ to attend NZART Council meeting Friday afternoon. Peter 2 LF, Dave 2MQ, Karl and whoever wants to join meet at East Pier Friday 7pm for early registrations and a chat (beer?) with the Friday arrivals. Errol offered (once again) to provide the occasional airport shuttle service.

Quiz prizes: Debby and Topsy will be running a quiz on Sunday night. The Club to provide prizes, Karl to purchase some local wines and other goodies for this. May need to stipulate that wine is to take home (not consume on premises) to maintain the peace with East Pier.

Dave 2MQ referred to Presenters getting a free lunch, further reward not deemed necessary.

Security: George had to pull out due to urgent family matters. Dave 2DW presented Eric 2TSU as his replacement to assist Wally. Wayne Jacobsen ZL2OZ (QRP) had to pull out for medical reasons. His slot will now be filled by Vaughn Henderson and Don Wallace (NZART ALO) presiding over the ‘VHF Spectrum Forum’.

Dave 2DW presented a breakdown of Conference attendees by region on the white board.

A general discussion followed. De-brief meeting to be held reasonably soon after Conference.

The meeting closed at 8:30 pm and was followed by a coffee / tea and chat session.

Karl ZL1TJ

Club meetings 2021 Other

Club Meeting 10 March 2021

Minutes of the Napier Amateur Radio Club

Meeting on Wednesday 10 March 2021 at the Clubrooms 123 Latham Street

Chair: Dave ZL2MQ, the meeting started at 7:30pm.

Present: Stu ZL2XC, Revell ZL2SS, Mike ZL2MY, Peter ZL2CD, Errol ZL2IT, Peter ZL2HM, Fergus ZL2FV and Karl ZL1TJ.

Apology: ZL2VM, ZL3TT, ZL2LF, ZL2DW.

Minutes of the previous meeting: Read and confirmed to be correct: ZL2MY, ZL2XC.

Arising: Fifty dollars paid to Branch 13 confirmed by Bch 13 Treasurer Peter ZL2HM

Correspondence: With members: regarding NZART President candidacy, Stan ZL2ST’s estate (via ZL2VM), postponement of the 3 March meeting due to Covid level 2 requirements. To John 2VAF regarding changes to the Branch 25 Break-Out listing. To members: the link to the Conference info and registration website, various notices.

Conference correspondence recorded in dedicated file.

Finance: Stu presented a very detailed printed statement of the Club’s financial affairs. Payments for Conference registration are now being received in the Conference account.

General business: Dave 2MQ: Stan 2ST(SK)’s equipment has now been transferred to the clubrooms and is awaiting completion of cataloging and processing. Mike 2VM, who has been the prime mover for this has suffered a health set back and may wish to hand over completion of the task.

Also: another tree has been removed by the Napier City Council leaving only one, which will probably also disappear. Discussion of aerial options resulted in Mike 2MY’s suggestion that a galvanised pipe to be installed on the foundation near the NE corner of the building be the support for a new end-fed multi-band antenna terminating at the Menz-Shed being adopted.

Errol 2IT: Is the record of subscription payments accessible? Stu to follow previous practice of issuing invoices and receipts after payment. A membership record is maintained by the Club Secretary.

A brief discussion on the topic of (some) members suddenly losing interest followed.

Revell 2SS: Maintaining contact with Councilor Maxine Boag, will inquire about the NCC tree cutting program.

The meeting closed at 8 pm.

Followed by Dave and Errol presenting a preliminary version of the tech talk on Magnetic loop antennas to be given at the NZART Conference. A tuning capacitor made of baked bean cans and teflon cutting board as insulator is the latest refinement. Brilliant. Errol’s concept of using a noise generator and bridge circuit to do the tuning to save the transmitter from being connected to a total mismatch deserves the same: brilliant.

Going to be the best talk of the Deco-Techo show.

Karl ZL1TJ


Club Meeting 7 October 2020

Minutes of the Napier Amateur Radio Club

Meeting on Wednesday 7 October 2020 at the Clubrooms 123 Latham Street

Chair: Dave ZL2MQ, the meeting started at 7:30pm.

Present: Stu ZL2XC, Errol ZL2IT, Peter ZL2CD, Revell ZL3SS, Mike ZL2MY, Peter ZL2LF, Ross ZL2FN, visitor Mark Paton and Karl ZL1TJ.

Apologies: ZL2DW, ZL3TT, ZL2VM, ZL2MO.

Dave welcomed visitor Mark Paton.

Minutes of the previous meeting: Read and confirmed to be correct: ZL2LF, ZL2CD.

Arising: Peter 2LF to take care of identification swingers for the 2021 Conference. Dave contacted the Napier Mayor. She will be available to open the conference.


Inward: Mail from Mike 2VM regarding another graffiti attack on the clubrooms. We had a long break from this misery. Request from Dave 2DW to correct website repeater frequency listing. Request from Dave 2DW that the club consider ‘going halves’ with a Branch 13 donation of $100 towards the cost of replacing the battery of the Wharite National system repeater. Annual ground lease account from the Napier City Council.

Outward: various notices to members etc..

Finance: Peter 2CD: financial statement attached. Moved by Dave 2MQ and seconded by Michael 2MY that the treasurer is authorized to top up the club’s current account from the term deposit account as needed. Passed.

General business:

Dave 2MQ: Stan ZL2ST was awarded the ‘Jumbo’ ZL1HV award for service to Branch 25 at the recent NZART AGM. Dave accepted the award on Stan’s behalf at the AGM and will present it to him at his home.

Peter 2LF referred to the HB airport’s plans to install a major solar power generator wondering if increased HF interference might result. Response from Dave: probably not.

The meeting closed at 8 pm.

And was followed by Dave ZL2MQ presenting the annual quiz. Another good one with ten questions from the NZART licensing exam database and a further ten general knowledge.

The winner: Ross ZL2FN with 18/20 correct, second place: Peter ZL2LF: 16/20.

The usual good fun.

Karl ZL1TJ


Club Meeting 6 November 2019

Minutes of the Napier Amateur Radio Club

Meeting on Wednesday 6 November 2019 at the Clubrooms 123 Latham Street

Chair: Dave ZL2MQ, the meeting started at 7:30pm.

Present: Wally ZL2MO, Errol ZL2IT, Mike ZL2VM, Dave ZL2DW, Blue ZL3TT, Revell ZL2SS, Stu ZL2XC, Rob ZL2AN, Martin ZL2MD, Karl ZL1TJ, Peter ZL2CD and Mike ZL2MY. Apologies: ZL2HB, ZL2ST. (2MO, 2MQ)

Minutes of the previous meeting: Read and confirmed to be correct: ZL3TT, ZL2XC.

Arising: Dave 2DW informed Warren 2AJ regarding the decision not to take up his offer to link HB repeaters to the proposed South Waikato network.

Correspondence: Inward: Yahoo groups moving from message board format to email platform, existing data may be downloaded for preservation. Mail from Simon Osborne ZL2TSO, active again, replied and cc’d to 2DW. From Mike 2VM: updated HB Hams list. From the Napier Citizen’s Advice Bureau, the NARC listing on their bulletin board, responded with corrections. From the Unison Consumers Trust advice regarding energy refund. From RSM, License fees of $100 due on 30 November.

Outward: To RSM, cancellation of two beacon licenses. To the Te Puke Radio Club: Thank you but no thank you to the proposal to link their extended repeater system to 725, received a brief acknowledgement to this. Various notices to members. Venue info to the Conference sub-committee.

Finance: Treasurers report attached.

General business: Karl: downloaded Yahoo bulletin board contents for future reference, for some unknown reason Branch 13 content came with it.

Dave 2DW: questioned the de-activation of the Club’s beacons. Responded to by Dave 2MQ: The beacon design, being software driven caused some interference to nearby stations. Both a rebuild or relocation of the beacons were considered but found to be not practicable. An alternative being looked into is using WSPR on HF, a future project.

The meeting closed at 7:45 pm and was followed by the AGM.

After the AGM the annual Home Brew contest took place. Two entries only: Errol ZL2IT presented two transmitters for the 630 m band. Both designed by himself. The more powerful one (250W) posing the greatest challenge as currents through the low impedance side of matching networks are substantial.

Revell ZL2SS, while searching for alternative sources of energy to do his bit to counter global warming experimented with an ancient bicycle generator. Equipped with led lights the demonstration proved that just minor input energy can in fact light up the room. (well, sort off).

The prize went to Erroll, with a pat on the back to Revell for an entertaining presentation.

Karl ZL1TJ

club meeting 2019 Other

Club Meeting 2 October 2019


Meeting on Wednesday 2 October 2019 at the Clubrooms 123 Latham Street

Chair: Dave ZL2MQ, the meeting started at 7:30 pm.

Dave read out the death notice of Karen Wilson ZL2AQO who was secretary / treasurer of the Napier ARC for many years. A brief silence was observed.

Present: Peter ZL2CD, Revel ZL2SS, Martin ZL2MD, Dave ZL2DW, Blue ZL3TT, Rob ZL2AN, Stu ZL2XC and Karl ZL1TJ.

Apologies: ZL2MO, ZL2HB, ZL2ST and ZL2IT.

Minutes of previous meeting: Read and confirmed to be correct: ZL3TT, ZL2CD.

Arising: Dave 2DW:The Mt Threave repeater co-ordinates were determined and submitted.

Dave 2MQ: our attempt to book the Napier Memorial Conference Centre for the 2021 NZART Conference failed. There is a perpetual booking for the QBD weekend in place.

Correspondence: with Syd Rowe ZL1LWR, Te Puke ARC, regarding proposed linking of their repeater with Rotorua, Taupo and so with our 725 repeater. Also with Warren ZL2AJ who proposes to establish several new repeaters in South Waikato and link these to the local 405 repeater.

A confirmation and offer of assistance with the 2021 conference organisation from NZART Conference Coordinator Topsy Scott ZL2LS.

A newsletter from Icom agent RWS Communications.

Finance: Treasurer’s report attached. The last power account jumped to $131.14. The consequence of the clubroom heater being left on for several days. A cut-out timer is needed.

General Business: A discussion regarding to the two proposals to link Hawke’s Bay repeaters to other networks (see correspondence above) ended with both repeater trustees (2DW and 2MQ) voicing opinions that there is no need for this as the National System does a similar job and works well. A negative response was agreed to by all present. Dave 2DW to respond to Warren 2AJ, Karl to the Te Puke ARC.

The meeting closed at 7:50 pm.

And was followed by our annual quiz, once again devised by quiz master Dave 2MQ. The usual format, 10 general knowledge and 10 technical questions were within the easy to not so easy range.

The winner: new member Martin ZL2MD who did the licensing study recently so should know the tech stuff but has obviously also a great deal of general knowledge.

The sticky buns were fresh and beautiful. Thanks Dave.

Karl ZL1TJ

club meeting 2019 Other

Club Meeting 4 September 2019

Minutes of the Gen. Meeting of Br 25/NARC, Napier, 4/9/19, 7-30pm

(Min’s taken by David ZL2DW due to Karl ZL1TJ being absent)

Chair: Dave ZL2MQ

Present: Wally ZL2MO, Blue ZL3TT, Michael ZL2MY, Dave ZL2DW, Rob ZL2AN, Martin ZL2MD, Stan ZL2ST, Errol ZL2IT, Revell ZL2SS and Peter ZL2CD.

Apologies: Karl ZL1TJ, Michael ZL2VM, Stu ZL2XC.

Minutes of the previous meeting: Read and confirmed correct: ZL3TT, ZL2MD


– a reply from Warren ZL2AJ on behalf of NZART Council accepting the offer by Br 25 to host the 2021 NZART Conference and AGM at Napier.


– a report from Peter ZL2CD was given re the Br 25 bank balances, he also noted that Kiwi Bank was about to decline cheque deposits and to stop their customers issuing cheques also.

– A White Board was donated to Br 25 by Wally ZL2MO (value $10).

General Business:

– ZL2MD asked about the requirement for the upcoming DMR repeater Lic. at Mt Threave to have a Long. and Lat. as measured at the base of the repeater aerial mast. David ZL2DW explained that it was a request by the licencing ARC (Doug ZL2TAR) and as it was being done for free we would comply, as soon as the info. was obtained during a visit to the site.

– Further to the NZART Conference correspondence above, David ZL2MQ said that the first Conference Committee meeting would be held at the Br 25 Club Rooms at 7-30 pm on 17 Sept.

The Meeting closed at 7-45pm

Guest Speaker

Errol ZL2IT gave a talk on the history and creation of 50 OHM coax cable. This was followed by contributions by those gathered on various subjects……….peppered with much humour.

Club Meetings 2017 Other

Club Meeting 3.5.2017


Meeting on Wednesday 3 May 2017 at the Clubrooms 123 Latham Street

Chair: Dave ZL2MQ, the meeting started at 7:30 pm.

Present: Revell ZL2SS, Blue ZL3TT, Rob ZL2US, Peter ZL2CD, Dave ZL2DW, Wally ZL2MO, Paul ZL2HB, Mike ZL2VM and Karl ZL1TJ. Apologies: ZL2IT.

Minutes of previous meeting: Read and confirmed to be correct: ZL3TT, ZL2HB.

Arising: Wally: Engineer John Foote, being too busy at present, was told not to proceed with the mast project. Mike 2VM: thank you to Wally for all the work he has done for the club recently.

Dave 2MQ: thanks to Mike 2VM for opening the clubrooms for antenna experimentation / testing on Saturday 22.4. Would there be support for a regular monthly technical afternoon meeting?

Mike: Some two years ago the club ran a social / chat meeting on a monthly basis, usually Sunday afternoon. This was initially well supported but eventually came to an end.

After some discussion it was agreed to revive this but with a more technical slant.

Second Sunday of the month, starting time 1:30 pm.

Correspondence: Email from ELG’s Steve Fogerty about the 2m beacon licence having been created, confirmation from RSM still to come. Outward: confirmation of receipt of this.

Other inward: Bank correspondence, statements and cheque book. NZART annual info request.

Finance: No transactions reported.

General Business: Dave 2MQ: Consequent to the most recent Jock White Field day contest investigated building the necessary filters to prevent cross band interference at future contests.

Mr Morris White ZL2AAA offered to build these for the cost of the cores only. The resulting professional looking band pass filters for 40 and 80 metres were presented by Dave.

A great addition to the club’s equipment.  Moved by 1TJ and seconded by 2HB that Dave 2MQ be re-imbursed for the cost of materials. Passed. Karl to send thank you note to Morris ZL2AAA.

Dave 2MQ: the club project (Arduino based swr bridge) is progressing. Estimated specs: 1.8 to 450 MHz, 1Kw power rating, sensitive enough to use as Field Strength meter, ‘pip’ mode audio function.

Initial costing $150. Some pre- soldering of surface mount ic’s to be done by soldering experts.

Kitset to be offered to non club members at a price assuring a reasonable return to the club.

Remits to the forthcoming NZART Rotorua conference: voting ZL2MQ, 2MO, 2VM, 2CD, 1TJ.

Remit 1: In favour 4, abstained 1

Remit 2: In favour 5

Remit 3: In favour 4, abstained 1

As none of the members present intend to attend the conference Karl is to seek a delegate willing to represent Branch 25. Options are Laurie ZL2TC or Debbie ZL2DL.

The meeting closed at 9:50 pm.

Followed by an attempt by 1TJ to connect to and demonstrate SDR Northland Radio, ZM292 using a laptop computer connected to the internet through a cellphone in ‘hotspot’ mode. The screen being projected on the wide screen allowed all to follow proceedings. The concept of using remote receivers in quiet locations is becoming increasingly interesting as suburban noise levels are making reception of weak signals difficult. Wally operated the club station on 40 and 80 m but the signal did not appear to reach the Bay of Islands. Also: the internet connection was not really adequate.

Karl ZL1TJ Sec. NARC.

Club Meetings 2015 Other

October 2015 Club meeting

Meeting on Wednesday 7 October 2015 at the Clubrooms 123 Latham Street

Chair: Karl ZL1TJ, the meeting started at 7:30 pm.

Present: Erroll ZL2IT, Revell ZL2SS, Peter ZL2CD, Dave ZL2DW, Paul ZL2HB, Mike ZL2MY, Rob ZL2US, Blue ZL3TT, Wally ZL2MO and Stan ZL2ST.

Apologies: ZL2TC, ZL2CZE, ZL2OC, ZL2DC, ZL2VM.

Minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed correct: ZL3TT, ZL2MY.

Arising: Dave ZL2DW reported the 725 and 4050 antennas on Taraponui were repaired by three senior members (2DW, 2TC and 2VM) refer to Break-Out of the details.

Rob reported the successful re-activation of the IRLP node 6793 (725 repeater). The hardware is now located at the Branch 13 clubrooms, connected by microwave link to his QTH. Much of the work was done by Jan ZL2CZE. The Hawke’s Bay amateur radio fraternity is indebted to Bch13.
The forthcoming combined branches Christmas dinner was discussed and a preference for the Napier RSA restaurant was evident. Karl to check out and book.

Correspondence: Email correspondence regarding Mark ZL3AB’s running of the Lee Jennings activity marathon. Also correspondence from Dave ZL2DW about Ray Barlow ZL2RB becoming the 3rd Branch 13 and Branch 25 exam supervisor.

Finance: Received account for repeater maintenance ($25).

General Business:
A reminder that another effort is needed to complete the exterior repaint of the clubrooms.
A working bee is to be called by Laurie.
Wally ZL2MO confirmed: the rotator for the HF yagi antenna is ready to go

Rob ZL2US reported that this month’s Branch 13 meeting is advanced one week to October 21.
The meeting will be held at ‘Skinny Mulligans’ Waipawa and will be preceded by a meal.
Bookings to Dave ZL2DW, see Rob about carpooling.

Further suggested speakers for the proposed 2016 Bay Hamfest: Dr Gary Bold ZL1AN and Jim Meachen ZL2BHF. Karl to check and write.
The annual quiz and sticky bun event has been postponed to the December meeting.

The meeting closed at 8:10 pm.

A discussion on VHF propagation was initiated by Dave ZL2DW. Erroll ZL2IT discussed recent successes bridging the Tasman on 2m SSB transmitting 50Watts.
The evening was rounded off with the usual chit-chat over a cup of tea and a biscuit.
Karl ZL1TJ, Secretary Branch 25.