Monthly News

NARC Minutes July 4, 2013

Meeting on Wednesday 3 July 2013 at the Clubrooms 123 Latham Street

Chair: Laurie ZL2TC, the meeting started at 7:30 pm.
Apologies: ZL2GAZ, ZL2DC, ZL2LF.
Present: Mike ZL2VM, Lee ZL2AL, Dave ZL2DW, Rob ZL2US, Stan ZL2ST, Jan ZL2CZE, Dave ZL2MQ, Mike ZL2MY and Karl ZL1TJ.

Minutes previous meeting, confirmed correct: ZL2AL, ZL2VM.
Arising: To be discussed during general business.

In: A request from the Hamilton Branch, via NZART, to send a submission supporting adequate aerial heights allowance in the proposed Hamilton City Council District Plan proposal.
Acknowledgement of our submission to the Napier City Council to the Draft Annual Plan 2013/2014 regarding antenna heights by Laurie.
Out: A submission to The Hamilton City Council as detailed above.

Finance: No significant financial transactions reported.

General business:
Lee reported having bought an additional aerial mast for the club via Trade me, he does not seek reimbursement for the cost of both the mast and transport and so made another donation to the club.

Laurie ZL2TC Demonstrating the NARC VHF/UHF "Pool Cue" Antenna
Laurie ZL2TC Demonstrating the NARC VHF/UHF “Pool Cue” Antenna

Laurie presented a completed prototype of the club project dual band VHF / UHF base station aerial. Mounted inside a 2m fibreglass rod the aerial exhibits SWR less than 2:1 on both bands and can handle up to 100Watts. To be offered in kit set form at a cost in the region of $50.

Stan referred to the Memorial Contest, both phone and CW coming up this weekend.

Rob suggested the Napier ARC organise the annual end of year combined branches dinner this year.
Agreed to by Laurie, Dave 2MQ offered to check if the Maraenui Golf Club might be suitable.
Suggested date: Friday 29th of November.
Laurie reminded us that Stan ZL2ST first joined the Napier ARC on 12 June 1955, 58 years ago.

Lee ZL2AL explains how the ARRL “Logbook of the World” QSL system functions

The meeting closed at 8pm and was followed by a QSL card of special interest session.
Lee presented a brief talk on the history of the QSL confirmation needs arising from the establishment around 1936 of the DX Century Club and similar schemes whereby radio hams could prove their prowess in world wide radio communications.

Stan ZL2ST
Stan ZL2ST showing his QSLs from the old days

Presently the original 100 countries target stands at 340. To obtain a DXCC Honour Roll accreditation a total of 331 countries must be confirmed. In NZ only 4 or 5 have achieved this and of these two were present at the meeting namely Lee himself with a total score of 336/340 and Stan with a score of 339/340, with only North Korea missing! Cards of special interest were presented by Dave 2DW: early Plessey and combined Branches Millennium Cards,

Laurie_ ZL2TC
Laurie ZL2TC showing his prize 6 metre QSLs

Stan 2ST: Sine wave George, Bouvet Island, 2m Wellington to Christchurch, Dave 2MQ: EME moonbounce contacts,

Laurie 2TC: Mexico City on 6m, SSB 2m contact with ZL2TOT with a homebrew converter putting out 50 milliwatts and Lee himself with a few of his most treasured cards out of a collection packed in 8 shoe boxes, some 2000 cards, the most treasured one being form North Korea.

Dave ZL2MQ showed his rare EME cards and gave an outline of the difficulties work EME contacts.

DAve ZL2MQ showing his EME QSL cards.
DAve ZL2MQ showing his EME QSL cards.

Lee finished with a short explanation of the ARRL ‘Logbook of the World system. Lee’s total log entry of 47000 QSO’s has been matched 11000 times there. The system holds some 500 million QSO’s at present.

Karl ZL1TJ.

Monthly News

NARC Minutes June 5, 2013

Meeting on Wednesday 5 June 2013 at the Clubrooms 123 Latham Street

Chair: Laurie ZL2TC, the meeting started at 7:30 pm.

Apologies: ZL2GAZ, ZL2DC, ZL2LF.

Present: Mike ZL2VM, Lee ZL2AL, Dave ZL2DW, Rob ZL2US, Stan ZL2ST, Terrig ZL2TJX, Mr. Revell Troy and Karl ZL1TJ.

Minutes previous meeting, confirmed correct: ZL2AL, ZL2VM.

Arising: To be discussed during general business.

Out: A submission to the Napier City Council to the Draft Annual Plan 2013/2014 regarding antenna heights by Laurie, and an application for funding for new AREC equipment through the Napier City Council Community Services Grants Scheme.

Finance: No significant financial transactions reported.

General business:
Laurie, Mike and Dave reported on attending the business section of the NZART annual conference held at Masterton over the previous weekend. The motion to alter the method of counting votes at conference was lost. The votes were actually counted on this occasion which turned out to be a slow process. Laurie noted the resignation from Council of ZL2TB and ZL2AMJ.

The Annual General Meeting ran smoothly and the atmosphere was friendly and co-operative.
Membership and subscriptions were briefly referred too, the $99 ceiling likely to be maintained.

Mike and Dave reported on the recent Trans Tasman 80m Contest. Details can be found in the report written by Dave and Lee on the club’s website. Mike mentioned preparations underway for the July 21 and 22 Trans Tasman 160m phone and 80m cw and digital contest.
Stan reported on participating in the previous week-ends CQ WW WPX cw contest by the ZL2M group, this time consisting of ZL2AL, ZL2MY and ZL2ST.

Stan thanked Laurie for single-handedly removing a substantial fresh batch of graffiti from the clubroom’s exterior walls. While at it Laurie did wash all exterior paintwork in preparation for a much needed re-paint.

Rob reported on providing communications for the Hawke’s Bay Car Club Rally the previous weekend. Comms went fine but one or two near collisions were reported.

The meeting closed at 8pm followed by a short technical lecture by Laurie, explaining the workings of the finalised design for the Club Project dual band VHF / UHF whip antenna. The design, which will be published once the construction project starts, is for a relatively robust, simple and cheap antenna with proven performance. The antenna will be enclosed in a 2m tall fibreglass rod.

During the remainder of the evening those present were pleasantly entertained by auctioneers Laurie and Rob who managed to sell a fair amount of the donated gizmo’s and parts on display.

Rob ZL2US in league with Auctioneer Laurie ZL2TC to get shod of the pre-loved quality junque!
Rob ZL2US in league with Auctioneer Laurie ZL2TC to get shod of the pre-loved quality junque!
The enthusiastic buyers looked on in amazement at the bargains about to me offered.
The enthusiastic buyers looked on in amazement at the bargains about to be offered.

The undersigned went home with an (ancient) rotator, swr meter and a Dick Smith frequency counter, all for the princely sum of fifteen dollars.

Karl ZL1TJ.

Club History Monthly News

NARC Life Members

NARC has a proud history of being an active amateur radio club since 1946. A club cannot be successful unless it’s members contribute. And contribute they did. The list below is from the Honours Board hanging on the club wall. It is a tribute to these life members that they made things happen and still do.

Life Members

E. H Fairbrother ZL2NQ (SK)
G. C. Studd ZL2AFZ (SK)
W. Forsyth ZL2ALO (SK)
J. W. Black ZL2AX (SK)
R. H. R. Angus ZL2BDA (SK)
K. A. Wilson ZL2AQO
I. W. Wilson ZL2 141
L. A. Sharman ZL2IC (SK)
D. J. Chapman ZL2VR (SK)
G. C. Frazer ZL2NF (SK)
S. J. White ZL2ST
J. W. R. McGonical ZL2AKG (SK)

Activities Monthly News

TransTasman Contest May, 2013

It has been many years since the Napier Amateur Radio Club has operated a contest from it’s Latham Street clubhouse. A year ago, the club committee decided to clean out the junk in the old radio room and rebuild the radio shack with an operational station which could be used by the members. The FT-840 and Emtron Antenna tuner with the newly erected 80/40M trap dipole does a credible job on the HF bands. VHF and UHF radios in the shack are also available for use. A few months ago, Mike ZL2VM asked to have the use of the shack for this year’s Trans Tasman Contest with help from Dave ZL2DW and Michael ZL2MY. The result was the team was up and running and the new shack was finally in use.

Dave ZL2DW Continues the story ……

Having had a taste of a few other similar events over recent years Mike (ZL2VM) raised the idea of doing the 80m Phone section from the Napier Br 25 Club Rooms, so the appointment was made and set for participation on 11 May 2013. Armed with tea, biscuits and sleeping bag etc Mike and I met at the Club Rooms about an hour before start time, (8pm NZT) and soon after were joined by Mike (ZL2MY). We had a “tactics talk” and pre brief of the event and off we went. The first hour was quiet with only 15 contacts, however the VK’s were there and workable. Mike and Mike and myself rostered our way through the night (the event finishing at 2am NZT).

The New ZL2GT Radio Shack
The New ZL2GT Radio Shack
While not the highest contact numbering station in ZL we believe we had a good selection of ZL 1 – 4 and VK1 – 9 stations to give a good score of multipliers. The Branch station (using a 40/80m trapped dipole) had a standing S6 noise level coming from suburbia but we could always achieve a contact with anyone we targeted. I believe this is the first time the Branch Club Rooms located station has been used in a competition, and the Br 25 ZL2GT call sign was put to good use.

Mike ZL2VM in the middle of a "Run"
Mike ZL2VM in the middle of a “Run”
Dave ZL2DW takes a minute off to look relaxed
Dave ZL2DW takes a minute off to look relaxed

Later in the evening Lee ZL2AL called in for a while with his camera and took pictures of proceedings. While leaving the operator uninterrupted in the “shack” the others quietly talked amongst themselves in the main hall, about all and sundry. 2am (NZT) came and the log stopped, with about 150 ish contacts, so it was “crash on the floor” time for Mike ZL2VM and myself, Mike 2MY having gone home an hour earlier at the end of his hour on.

Michael ZL2MY having a go
Michael ZL2MY having a go

A very happy team after a very successful contest
A very happy team after a very successful contest
So that puts aside this years 80m Phone section of the ZL- VK Competition, roll on the 160m Phone and 80m CW/Digital section in July at rural Moore Rd, Haumoana.
There is also a suggestion that a second station will be active then too, again from the Branch 25 Club Rooms.

A great time was had by all.
David Walker (ZL2DW) ( for the ZL2GT Team)

Monthly News

Meeting May 1, 2013

Meeting on Wednesday 1 May 2013 at the Clubrooms 123 Latham Street

Chair: Laurie ZL2TC, the meeting started at 7:30 pm.

Apologies: ZL2US, ZL2DW.

Present: Mike ZL2VM, Mike ZL2MY, Lee ZL2AL, Dave ZL2MQ, Jan ZL2CZE, Mr. Revell Troy and Karl ZL1TJ.

Minutes previous meeting, confirmed correct: ZL2TC, ZL2MY.

Arising: Lee brought the 250 Watt resistors and other parts for the prototype dummy load project.
Mike ZL2MY : Is the Napier City Council’s District Plan being revised?
Mike ZL2VM: a revision is being contemplated.
Lee: Should we be doing a joint submission with Branch 13?
Karl: The current NCC District plan is online, requirements for aerials can be found in:
Download part two chapter five, look up item 5.26, Aerials,lines and support structures (and trees).

In: From NZART, the 2013 branch circular, requesting a Branch info update, a set of NZART’s annual accounts, Branch 25 voting statistics, advertising the availability of a Promotional Banner (at $ 199.00), reminder of Annual Conference Awards and requesting nominations for these and finally a reminder that subscriptions may be paid at a monthly rate of ten dollars.

Finance: No significant financial transactions reported.

General business:
Laurie presented the one Conference Remit to be voted on, the proposal by Branch 20, Manawatu, that clause 6.4 of the NZART Constitution by amended by adding sub-clause c. This sub clause states that all voting on remits at general meetings is done by an actual count of votes.
Members entitled to vote present were ZL2TC, ZL2MY, ZL2VM and ZL1TJ. All voted in favour. Branch 25 voting membership according to NZART stands presently at 25.

Lee presented parts and conceptual drawings for the NARC Kilowatt dummy load project.
A discussion followed primarily between Lee and Dave (2MQ) regarding adequate heat dissipation and other similar practical considerations such as metal box versus plastic, forced cooling, Dave mentioned that the circuit board may actually be able to be bought from Chinese manufacturers at relatively low cost. Other cost savings may be made as the final product is developed The unit may be offered as a kit or fully built which may be a more attractive proposition for potential buyers. Both Lee and Dave to build prototypes with materials available to them and conduct various tests and will report back at the June or July meeting.

Mike reminded those present of the Trans Tasman ZL-VK 80 m phone contest to take place on 11 and 12 May. Location NARC Clubrooms. The contest starts at 8 pm, door open at 6 pm. All welcome to have a go……

Lee reported getting his JT65 equipment up and running, making a very loud and clear contact with Peter ZL2LF.

The meeting closed at 8:30 pm followed by the programmed video presentation.

Karl, ZL1TJ.

2006 Raoul Island DX pedition ZL8R

Lee ZL2AL’s presentation of the James Brooks Video of the 2006 Raoul Island DXpedition was the more interesting as Lee in his introduction explained he had been there, done that (1996) and could comment from personal experience. Refer to the item in Lee’s own web site for a detailed account and pictures:

The very volcanic Island which is New Zealand’s most northerly piece of real estate and 1 of 5 ARRL DXCC Entities  is a most fascinating place with a checkered history details of which may be found in Wikipedia:

Another well made video report of a very pleasant Dxpedition run by a bunch of laid back hams using mainly simple dipoles for aerials and having a great time.

Karl ZL1TJ

Activities Monthly News

Napier Amateur Radio Club ZL2G Wins Jock White Field Day 2013

The Napier ARC Jock White Field Day team, ZL2G consisting of Stan ZL2ST, John ZL2QM, Michael ZL2MY and Lee ZL2AL managed to head off ZL1AA in Auckland and ZL2QF in Patea with 396,090 points winning the Patea Trophy again and posting the highest score in the contest. The scores of all teams are below


Monthly News

Meeting April 3, 2013

Meeting on Wednesday 3 April 2013 at the Clubrooms 123 Latham Street

Chair: Laurie ZL2TC, the meeting started at 7:30 pm.

Apologies: ZL2DC, ZL2LF.

Present: Stan ZL2ST, Dave ZL2DW, Mike ZL2MY, Rob ZL2US, Lee ZL2AL, Shane ZL2PG, Dave ZL2MQ, Jan ZL2CZE, Gary ZL2GAZ, Mr. Revell Troy and Karl ZL1TJ.

Minutes previous meeting, confirmed correct: ZL2TC, ZL2ST.

Arising: Nothing significant.

In: a request from NZART to send a submission to the Ministry for the Environment in response to the discussion paper on Resource Management Reform.
Also a request to make a submission to the Marlborough District Council in support of the NZART submission on proposed plan changes 26 and 61.
An email from Dave ZL2DW regarding SK procedures under way for Des Stephens ZL2HB and Colin McCormick ZL2CDK.
Out: A submission to the MFE on the RMF discussion paper as outlined above. CC to NZART.

Finance: No significant financial transactions reported.

General business:

Dave ZL2DW briefly explained the circumstances of Silent key ZL2CDK. He also mentioned that Des Stephens ZL2HB is off the air being permanently incapacitated.

Laurie ZL2TC and Rob ZL2US presented Lee ZL2AL with a certificate issued by the Old Timers Club commemorating Lee’s 60 years of licensed Amateur Radio operation. The actual operating years may actually be somewhat longer but that must be off the record. A brief report to be published in the next Break Out magazine is appended to these minutes.

Laurie ZL2TC reported briefly on the Branch 13 organised trip to the Southward Car and Technology Museum in Paraparaumu, also visiting the Waikanae Radio Museum.
In spite of mixed feelings about the local caterer fun was had by all nine participants.

Karl ZL1TJ reported on the likely cost of installing a dedicated generator connection and change over switch to the clubroom’s switchboard. Material cost about $180. To be further considered.

The meeting closed at 8:00 pm followed by the programmed equipment review session.

Programme – Equipment Review and Talks

Dave ZL2DW:
Presented the Autek Research WM-1 RF power output meter. An active device requiring 12 volt for operation, it has a remote sensing ‘head’ and can be switched to measure either PEP (peak envelope power) or average power output from a transmitter. The device is accurate and recommended.

Lee ZL2AL:
Somewhat out of alignment with the task at hand Lee came nevertheless up with an interesting idea for the next club project. Having found, on E-Bay; 50 Ohm resistors that can handle, with the help of a heatsink 250 Watts. Lee proposes to build a one Kilowatt dummy load cum Watt meter using four of these and an off the shelf $7 digital voltmeter. A 250 Watt version is an option also.
A quick calculation showed that the cost would not be great and a show of hands proved the popularity of the idea. The club could possibly even make a small profit from the project.
Dave ZL2MQ offered some assistance with the execution if needed. Lee to do a prototype.

Laurie ZL2TC:
If you are contemplating buying a new rig, check out If the rig you like has nine good reports and one bad one it’s probably OK. Lee suggested though that the bad report may well be the only honest one. Laurie presented his Yaesu FT 897 which could be called a Shack in a box as it incorporates all HF bands, 6m, 2m, 70cm, FM broadcast, and general coverage from 1 to 60 MHz. As with so many multi purpose things there is a trade off and Laurie considers dedicated HF rigs are doing a better job.

However, the FT 897 (and it’s smaller equivalent FT 857) are good on the higher frequencies. The rig has all the bells and whistles of a modern radio, memories to store all settings and frequencies, digital signal processing etc. Laurie has minor gripes with the am tuning system but is reasonably happy overall with the rig and would buy another one.
Mike ZL2MY had some trouble with ceramic filters failing in his FT897 while Lee sold his after six months as he found the menu system not user friendly.

Karl ZL1TJ – Secretary


TransTasman Contests 2013

Mike ZL2VM will head a group to operate the TransTasman Contest from the clubrooms on 80M SSB using our new station.

Contest Information below:

2013 Trans-Tasman Contests

Contest Manager: Rob Glassey (ZL3AKM)

Queries and comments can be emailed to the Contest Manager on:

The old VK/trans-Tasman Contests web site is no longer active. This WIA page is now the main source of information for this contest.

Contest Introduction

80m phone: SAT 11th MAY 2013

The ever popular 80m phone contest continues much the same (see rules).

Multi-Mode contest: SAT 20st JULY 2013

The Multi-Mode contest combines 160m phone with CW and Digital modes on both 80m and 160m, all on the same night!

Both contests are run as 6 one-hour blocks, from 8 UTC to 14 UTC.

The best 5 hours count toward the final score.

See the rules below for details and this years changes to the scoring system.

Aim Of The Contest

The main emphasis of the contest is on making trans-Tasman and trans-continental contacts.

The 6-hour contests are not intended to be either sprints or marathons, but to provide a good evenings contesting without too much intrusion on family life or sleep time. The format is intended to be suitable for both the serious and the novice contester, with a friendly and relaxing atmosphere.

The scoring system rewards contacting as many different call areas of VK and ZL as possible. Bonus points are awarded each hour for every group of 5 different call areas.

The points tables reflect typical propagation during the contest, accounting for distance and band, and also allows for differences in propagation with time zone. Selecting the best 5 hours of the 6 allows for poor propagation in the west in the first hour, and late nights in the east.

The 80m phone contest is always popular, and the second night’s mix of 160m phone, and 80m&160m CW and Digital modes, has something for everyone, and plenty to offer a multi-op station as well! So extend the dipole, fire up the PC, or break out the paddle and have a go!

Monthly News

Meeting March 6, 2013

Meeting on Wednesday 6 March 2013 at the Clubrooms 123 Latham Street

Chair: Laurie ZL2TC, the meeting started at 7:30 pm.

Apologies: ZL2DC.

Present: Stan ZL2ST, Dave ZL2DW, Mike ZL2MY, Rob ZL2US, Lee ZL2AL, Mike ZL2VM, Mr. Revell Troy and Karl ZL1TJ.

Minutes previous meeting, confirmed correct: ZL2AL, ZL2US.

Arising: ZL2TC: correction: two band aerial donated by AREC section, not Apex Comms.
ZL2AL: reported on discussion with the local cultural club regarding the use of our building, financial considerations made the proposal not viable.

Correspondence: A letter from Artanz regarding the forthcoming NZART election for president.
Notice of the Wanganui junk sale to take place May the 4th.

Finance: Receipts: Lee ZL2AL disposed of surplus furniture and equipment bringing in $ 230, also presented the account for the hosting of the Club’s website for three years amounting to $ 204. Payment moved ZL2TC seconded ZL1TJ , passed unanimously. Stan ZL2ST reported on account status, suggesting the possibility of using AREC funds to cover expenses. A change of power supplier is to be actioned, possibly resulting in an annual saving of $360.

General business:
Stan ZL2ST reported on the recent Jock White Field Day contest. Details to be found on the Club’s website. The results are close but at this stage Napier Branch is ahead. Activity was similar to last years, a few VK stations were contacted, there was a call from the contest manager and others that country wide, operating techniques need improving.

Laurie ZL2TC reported hearing positive comments regarding the Club’s website at the Paengaroa junk sale. There is also evidence that Break-Out is being distributed well beyond the local clubs. Dave ZL2DW suggested that only local subscription paying members should receive a copy. Lee ZL2AL responded that general practice is to freely distribute such information, referring to the excellent K9YA and TCDXA (Twin City DX Association) newsletters. Dave also reported that he personally forwards Breakout to approximately 20 other recipients, all out of town radio clubs.

Mike ZL2VM mentioned the upcoming 80 meter Trans Tasman contest on May the 11th. Also referred to recent AREC equipment check, one station complete, one in boxes.

Rob ZL2US mentioned the planned trip to the Southward Car and Technology Museum, also including the local privately owned Radio Museum on 24 March. Last day to book March 17th.

Mike ZL2MY: Expressed concern about the Hamilton Council’s proposed ban on radio towers. Response from Laurie ZL2TC that at this stage the plan is a draft version only and that both the Hamilton’s Branch and the NZART’s local authority liason officer are ‘on the job’ to ensure that the current conditions are carried through to the new scheme. A discussion on the topic followed, various members relating personal experiences with local councils.

The meeting closed at 8:30 pm followed by the programmed Show and Tell session

Show and Tell:
Dave ZL2DW, pictures and diagrams of recently completed aerial system comprising of 9 meter two part tilt over mast (thanks to Morris ZL2AAA for the welding job), a 70 cm colinear and a part homebrew Skeleton slot 2 m Yagi. Two meter QRP simplex into Fielding and other remote places are the outcome so must be working well.

Mike ZL2MY, base plate and central column for a 5 band Hexagonal (Hex) Beam. Solid construction, some parts with the help of Holger ZL3IO, The difficult part was to instal the connecting wires inside the supporting tube. The antenna is nearing completion.

Mike ZL2VM, an article in Silicon Chip Magazine triggered an interest in magnetic loop audio systems. About to order the circuit board for a home brew receiver Mike discovered a kitset at Jaycar and built that instead. The system is used in halls and churches etc. and can be coupled to fire alarm systems to alert (hard of hearing) users of an alarm condition.

Lee ZL2AL, discovered the availability of a device called the Logitalker, made by the makers of the Logikeyer. It is a voice recording device specifically made for ham radio and is ideal for contesting. Advantages over earlier similar devices are adjustable output levels, a delay repeat function for CQ calling and adaptability through jumper settings to all current radio brands. Cost about US$150.

Laurie ZL2TC, due to poor 6 meter conditions finally forced into the High Frequency bands decided to try and convert a surplus channel 1 TV antenna into a 10 m antenna. The elements being a bit on the short side to be augmented with center mounted loading coils.
Ongoing experimentation is to decide wether to feed the radiator through tappings on the coil or by way of a small coupling coil wound around the loading coil. The latter was constructed and initial tests are promising. A very compact two element 10 meter yagi with slightly reduced gain but good back to front ratio will be the outcome when completed.

Karl ZL1TJ


Field Day Contest 2013

The current Napier Branch Field Day team has been in the fray for over 30 years. Stan ZL2ST, Peter ZL2LF, John ZL2QM, Lee ZL2AL and Michael ZL2FAR are regulars. We have enjoyed success at winning the Patea Trophy many times often placing first nationally with top scores. Success is enjoyable but having fun with your mates is always our objective. We have been doing the Jock White Field Day contest so long that any of us can do each other’s job.

Peter ZL2LF to John Zl2QM “This connector is stuffed John!”

Each year, the equipment varies as do the antennas but the constant is the usual tent and the generator.

Yaesu FT1000MP’s, K1EL electronic keyers and IBM laptops are used along with the N1MM Contest logger N1MMjwfd1  which has a module specifically designed for the Jock White contest. We always use boom mic/headsets and Bencher keyer paddles. The program controls the radios, operates the keyers, while keeping track of QSOs, multipliers and total scores. It also prevents us from making duplicate contacts and creates a Cabrillo format file for submission to the contest organizer.

We gave up using paper logs over 15 years ago and have used several logging programs since then and finally settled on N1MM. It’s free to download and use. The screen shot shows that when the callsign is entered, the RSTs are automatically placed (may be modified) and it waits for our op to enter the other station’s number and branch number. When you hit Enter, the contact is logged, the score calculated and multipliers considered. The running total score for the band is always at hand. N1MMjwfd2  The score screen is shown for the 40M operation only. The 80M operation is on another laptop screen.

At the end of the contest, the 80M and 40M logs are combined and the total score is arrived at. No paper or pens are needed. Computer logging takes care of the mechanical side of operating and allows us to concentrate on searching, pouncing and operating. Sending automatic perfect CW exchanges allows the other station to copy the numbers much easier with fewer requests for repeats.

Stan ZL2ST pressurizing the spud gun to shoot a line over the trees for an antenna halyard.
Stan ZL2ST pressurizing the spud gun to shoot a line over the trees for an antenna halyard.

The team assembled Saturday morning and quickly got to work. Peter, John and Stan got to work assembling the 80M vertical loop and 40M horizontal loop antennas.

Lee assembled the two stations in the tent. Computers and radios were lit up when the generator was fired up.  Meanwhile last minute changes to antenna lengths were made to bring them into resonance.

"Another 2 metres added here will bring it down to 3550 Khz"
“Another 2 metres added here will bring it down to 3550 Khz”

All was ready on we were into it at 3pm contest start. Stan and Lee got away to a good start and 40m was playing very well. ZL2G was slowly edging away from the pack. It became evident early on that our competition was coming from the usual ZL1s and ZL2QF who won the Patea trophy in 2012.

Stan ZL2ST lurking in the trees on the other end of the 80M halyard
Stan ZL2ST lurking in the trees on the other end of the 80M halyard
Stan ZL2ST is off and running on 80M
Stan ZL2ST is off and running on 80M

For most of the contest, ZL2QF was only a few contacts behind and chasing us. We were ahead on 40M while they were level with us on 80M and the final score always comes down to the multipliers each station works.

John ZL2QM running them on 40M
John ZL2QM running them on 40M

In previous years, the various branches around ZL fielded a lot of teams and most were active. We felt that there were more “Home” stations entered. 40M has traditionally been a band where we trail behind our 80m band station. This year the activity was almost equal in QSOs made.

John does the graveyard shift just before midnight
John does the graveyard shift just before midnight

Big scores over 600 – 700 QSOs on 80M hasn’t happened over the past few years which may be a reflection of sunspot activity, more home stations or just overall reduced contest participation. We don’t know but I am sure the Contest Organizer, Stuart ZL2TW will comment at a later date. Our raw scores are up on last year and we had additional multipliers which gave us nearly 40K more points than last year.

Lee ZL2AL satisfied with the final score on the screen.
Lee ZL2AL satisfied with the final score on the screen.

The weather was kind to us and fortunately Murphy didn’t strike in any major way. The end of the contest saw a good score in the log. The important thing was we had a lot of fun. It sure beats watching TV for the weekend doing something a bit out of the ordinary. A fast teardown of our setup and we were back home in Napier two hours after the contest ended.

73, Lee ZL2AL