Monthly News

Meeting March 6, 2013

Meeting on Wednesday 6 March 2013 at the Clubrooms 123 Latham Street

Chair: Laurie ZL2TC, the meeting started at 7:30 pm.

Apologies: ZL2DC.

Present: Stan ZL2ST, Dave ZL2DW, Mike ZL2MY, Rob ZL2US, Lee ZL2AL, Mike ZL2VM, Mr. Revell Troy and Karl ZL1TJ.

Minutes previous meeting, confirmed correct: ZL2AL, ZL2US.

Arising: ZL2TC: correction: two band aerial donated by AREC section, not Apex Comms.
ZL2AL: reported on discussion with the local cultural club regarding the use of our building, financial considerations made the proposal not viable.

Correspondence: A letter from Artanz regarding the forthcoming NZART election for president.
Notice of the Wanganui junk sale to take place May the 4th.

Finance: Receipts: Lee ZL2AL disposed of surplus furniture and equipment bringing in $ 230, also presented the account for the hosting of the Club’s website for three years amounting to $ 204. Payment moved ZL2TC seconded ZL1TJ , passed unanimously. Stan ZL2ST reported on account status, suggesting the possibility of using AREC funds to cover expenses. A change of power supplier is to be actioned, possibly resulting in an annual saving of $360.

General business:
Stan ZL2ST reported on the recent Jock White Field Day contest. Details to be found on the Club’s website. The results are close but at this stage Napier Branch is ahead. Activity was similar to last years, a few VK stations were contacted, there was a call from the contest manager and others that country wide, operating techniques need improving.

Laurie ZL2TC reported hearing positive comments regarding the Club’s website at the Paengaroa junk sale. There is also evidence that Break-Out is being distributed well beyond the local clubs. Dave ZL2DW suggested that only local subscription paying members should receive a copy. Lee ZL2AL responded that general practice is to freely distribute such information, referring to the excellent K9YA and TCDXA (Twin City DX Association) newsletters. Dave also reported that he personally forwards Breakout to approximately 20 other recipients, all out of town radio clubs.

Mike ZL2VM mentioned the upcoming 80 meter Trans Tasman contest on May the 11th. Also referred to recent AREC equipment check, one station complete, one in boxes.

Rob ZL2US mentioned the planned trip to the Southward Car and Technology Museum, also including the local privately owned Radio Museum on 24 March. Last day to book March 17th.

Mike ZL2MY: Expressed concern about the Hamilton Council’s proposed ban on radio towers. Response from Laurie ZL2TC that at this stage the plan is a draft version only and that both the Hamilton’s Branch and the NZART’s local authority liason officer are ‘on the job’ to ensure that the current conditions are carried through to the new scheme. A discussion on the topic followed, various members relating personal experiences with local councils.

The meeting closed at 8:30 pm followed by the programmed Show and Tell session

Show and Tell:
Dave ZL2DW, pictures and diagrams of recently completed aerial system comprising of 9 meter two part tilt over mast (thanks to Morris ZL2AAA for the welding job), a 70 cm colinear and a part homebrew Skeleton slot 2 m Yagi. Two meter QRP simplex into Fielding and other remote places are the outcome so must be working well.

Mike ZL2MY, base plate and central column for a 5 band Hexagonal (Hex) Beam. Solid construction, some parts with the help of Holger ZL3IO, The difficult part was to instal the connecting wires inside the supporting tube. The antenna is nearing completion.

Mike ZL2VM, an article in Silicon Chip Magazine triggered an interest in magnetic loop audio systems. About to order the circuit board for a home brew receiver Mike discovered a kitset at Jaycar and built that instead. The system is used in halls and churches etc. and can be coupled to fire alarm systems to alert (hard of hearing) users of an alarm condition.

Lee ZL2AL, discovered the availability of a device called the Logitalker, made by the makers of the Logikeyer. It is a voice recording device specifically made for ham radio and is ideal for contesting. Advantages over earlier similar devices are adjustable output levels, a delay repeat function for CQ calling and adaptability through jumper settings to all current radio brands. Cost about US$150.

Laurie ZL2TC, due to poor 6 meter conditions finally forced into the High Frequency bands decided to try and convert a surplus channel 1 TV antenna into a 10 m antenna. The elements being a bit on the short side to be augmented with center mounted loading coils.
Ongoing experimentation is to decide wether to feed the radiator through tappings on the coil or by way of a small coupling coil wound around the loading coil. The latter was constructed and initial tests are promising. A very compact two element 10 meter yagi with slightly reduced gain but good back to front ratio will be the outcome when completed.

Karl ZL1TJ

By admin

Amateur Radio Operator ZL1TJ