Club Meetings 2015 Monthly News Other

NARC Meeting April 1, 2015


Meeting Wednesday 1 April 2015 at the Clubrooms 

Chair: Laurie ZL2TC, the meeting started at 7:30 pm.

Apologies: ZL2GAZ, ZL2MO, ZL2LF, ZL2MQ, ZL2OC.

Present: Lee ZL2AL, Mike ZL2VM, Erroll ZL2IT, Revell ZL2SS, Peter ZL2CD, Dave ZL2DW, Blue ZL3TT, Rob ZL2US, Rob ZL2AN, Jan ZL2CZE, Stan ZL2ST and Karl ZL1TJ.

Minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed correct: ZL2TC, ZL2AL.

Arising: Dave ZL2DW referred to the NZART / AON public liability scheme. Branch 13 has received no further communication.

Correspondence: Notice from the Wanganui Radio Club that their annual sale will be held once again this year on the 2nd of May, starting 10am. Also a letter from the Napier City Council requesting that our entry in the Community info database be checked and updated if necessary.

Finance: Accounts for components for this year’s club project, a 4way remote antenna switch, were presented by Lee. Payment to reimburse expenses was agreed to at last month’s committee meeting.

General business: Laurie: the club’s first ‘Open Door’ social Sunday afternoon was held on March 15 and was attended by eight or nine members. The next (April) one will be on Sunday the 19th. Also, a clubrooms painting working bee will be held on Sunday the 12th starting 9am.

Dave ZL2DW reported that the urgent request for Break-Out copy did result in a March magazine with some really interesting articles. Pleas keep up the flow!

Revell mentioned the first Emergency Check In net held on March the 18th and wondered if any feedback has been received. The net was run by Laurie and Lee, many local hams and two ‘outsiders’ reported in. Generally the concept has been welcomed and the ECI net will continue to be held at 7:30pm on the 3rd Wednesday of the month on 670 and 3.615.

The meeting closed at 7:45pm.

Followed by a look into Civil Defence. Mike ZL2VM, who is not only our Amateur Radio Emergency Corps organiser but also plays an active role in CD, introduced Napier City Council Emergency Management Officer Mr. Marcus Hayes-Jones.

Marcus Hayes- Jones explains the inner workings of our CD setup and plans for the future.
Marcus Hayes-Jones explains the inner workings of our CD setup and plans for the future.

What followed was a detailed explanation of the structure, responsibilities and capabilities of the Council’s emergency response organisation. Though the Council’s budget is limited, communications equipment includes self contained portable VHF radio stations with substantial aerials, a trailer capable of accessing the Internet via satellite and a miniature linking device that allows ordinary smart phones to be used via satellite as well. Both voice and data transmissions are possible. Marcus answered a number of questions and in te process indicated that there is always a need for skilled radio people to make themselves available on a regular basis. He agreed that amateur radio initiatives such as the ECI net could have a place in the system and suggested that information such as station availability, equipment and capabilities could be recorded in the nation wide EMIS (Emergency Management Information System) operated by the Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management. It was an interesting presentation.

Lee then briefly explained progress made on the antenna switch project, components purchased, instruction manual printed etc. All bar one have been sold! A brief working bee to assemble the kits will be coming up. Stan the treasurer will be smiling.

Karl ZL1TJ, Secretary NARC .

By admin

Amateur Radio Operator ZL1TJ