Activities Club Projects Posts

The Napier Amateur Radio Club “Q” VHF/UHF Antenna Project

The Completed “Q” Antenna ready for use. It does look like a Pool Q!

This antenna was recently developed by Laurie, ZL2TC as a Club project for the Napier Amateur Radio Club. The design brief was for a simple, rugged 2 M/ 70 Cm antenna that is easily constructed by club members in an evening. We ended up with a repeatable design that acts as an end-fed half-wave dipole on 2 M and a 3 dB gain collinear antenna on 70 Cm. The SWR is unity on 2M and less than 2:1 on 70cm and is very effective in triggering local repeaters. The stiff 2M long tapered fibreglass housing is UV resistant, waterproof and the base of the antenna is a 28mm alloy tubing for mounting.

The 28mm Alloy base mounting Tube
The 28mm Alloy base mounting Tube
The Waterproof Choke Winding
The Waterproof Choke Winding
The Top Choke Sleeve
The Top Choke Sleeve

The kit comes complete with Step by Step instructions and all parts including cut to length coaxial cable, the pre-drilled fibreglass tube outer casing, alloy mounting tube, heat shrink tubing and waterproof tip.

This antenna kit would make a great project for a club evening construction evening. The price is very reasonable at $40.00 plus another $15 P&P within NZ. You can pay via Direct Credit or by cheque or by cash.The NARC has a limited number of these for sale.

Contact: The Napier Amateur Radio Club Inc via Karl ZL1TJ ( for information on ordering and payment.



Amateur Radio Operator ZL4XE