
NARC Minutes April 2, 2014

Meeting on Wednesday 2 April 2014 at the Clubrooms 123 Latham Street

Chair: Laurie ZL2TC, the meeting started at 7:30 pm.
Apologies: ZL2CZE, ZL2DC, ZL2VM, ZL2MQ.

Present: Lee ZL2AL, Mike ZL2MY, Wally ZL2MO, Bert ZL2OC, Revell ZL2SS, Willy ZL2AGD, Stan ZL2ST, Rob ZL2US, Dave ZL2DW, Gary ZL2GAZ and Karl ZL1TJ.

Minutes of the previous meeting: read and confirmed correct: ZL2MO, ZL2AL.

Arising: Rob reported Branch 13 has received a communication from NZART business manager Debbie Morgan expressing appreciation for the warm welcome and enjoyable afternoon she and her husband experienced at the 1st of March ‘Meet Debbie’ event.

Various emails regarding the forthcoming Bay Hamfest.

Accounts were tabled by Lee for various minor expenses related to the Hamfest.
Treasurer Stan reported on the state of the club’s current account, Lee suggested that the Hamfest should return a modest surplus, especially if all, including club members, pay the entrance fee.

General business:
A report by Rob and Dave ZL2DW on the 29th of March trip to the Navy’s Irirangi radio establishment and the Waiouru Army Museum organised by Branch 13.
The journey over the now totally sealed Napier Taihape road is a great way to travel West.
The Irirangi Receive and Transmit installations are about 10 Km apart and cover some 20 acres and contain an iteresting collection of antennas of all descriptions.
The receiving equipmet was kept ‘under cover’ but the three 10 kW transmitters and ancillary equipment were inspected. The station is remotely controlled from Auckland.
The Waiouru Army Museum visit followed, it was discovered that the museum contains an extensive and very interesting library.

Lee then reported on the final arrangements for the Saturday the 5th Bay Hamfest. Various minor changes and adjustments to the organisation, the main raffle prize will be a Q-tenna 2 band kitset antenna. Some further kits will be available for sale also (price $40). Icom made available some baseball hats to be used as minor raffle prizes. Dave ZL2DW was appointed ‘official’ photographer.
Forty plus hams from as far away as Whangarei, Wellington and New Plymouth have booked.

The meeting closed at 8.05 pm.

Followed by Lee ZL2AL’s presentation: “The History of Amateur Radio”.
Lee is obviously becoming an expert at the art of ‘Power Point Presentation. Coupled with being a totally dedicated Amateur Radio Operator from his 16th (Which adds up to many years!) made for a fascinating talk starting with Spark Transmitters and ending with the latest equipmet and what might be round the corner. Thanks Lee, hang on to the slide show, it is good enough to be used again.

Karl ZL1TJ
Secretary NARC


Amateur Radio Operator ZL4XE