
NARC Minutes – Oct 2, 2013

Meeting on Wednesday 2 October 2013 at the Clubrooms 123 Latham Street

Chair: Laurie ZL2TC, the meeting started at 7:30 pm. Laurie welcomed visitor Marty ZL2PX.

Apologies: ZL2ST.

Present: Lee ZL2AL, Dave ZL2DW, Rob ZL2US, Sue ZL2DC, Peter ZL2LF, Jan ZL2CZE,
Mike ZL2MY, Willy ZL2AGD, Wally ZL2MO, Bert ZL2OC, Revell Troy, visitor Marty ZL2PX and Karl ZL1TJ.

Minutes of the previous meeting, confirmed correct: ZL2MO, ZL2TC.

Arising: Dave ZL2DW was informed by Collin Robertson ZL4KJ ‘s daughter that she intends to keep her dad’s callsign ‘in the family’ through obtaining an amateur radio operators licence.
Dave also referred to preparations for the planned annual combined radio club’s end of year dinner, a list of those wishing to participate to be started by the undersigned.

Correspondence: None

Finance: No financial transactions.

General business: a reminder from Lee ZL2AL, the Oceania phone contest is on this weekend, see the web site for information and rules: .
Rob ZL2US mentioned the need for amateur radio operators to be available for the annual Labour weekend Jota event. See for information.

Laurie ZL2TC and Lee ZL2AL presented some ideas for the proposed Hamfest to be held the 1st weekend of April, 2014. Suggested names sofar: Bayfest, Baywave Hamfets. Format to be similar to previously held Hamfests such as Westfest and Eastfest. A brief equipment market or junk sale late morning, afternoon speakers on current topics and a shared meal of sorts after. Possibly another social or sightseeing activity the following morning for those interested. Cost to be as low as possible.

The meeting closed at 7:45 pm. Possibly the briefest meeting in the club’s history!

Then followed by Laurie’s guess the mistery object competition and Lee’s annual quiz.
The first was won by Revell who guessed that the round, complex and fairly aged (valves) gizmo was the amplifier and transmitter section of a post World War II Sonar Boy. These were dropped in great numbers from aircraft into the sea to keep an ear out for potentially hostile submarines.

Lee’s quiz was fun as usual, 24 questions mostly to do with radio but livened up with the likes of: “Who played the role of Boss Cartwright in Bonanza” Graham Green, Lorne Green or Charles Green? A bit tough on the younger members but the undersigned got that one right! (Lorne).
Scoring 22 out of 24 were both Laurie ZL2TC and Peter ZL2LF. The toss of a coin decided the bottle of wine went to Laurie, Sorry Pete!

Laurie, ZL2TC Was The Winner On The Night!
Laurie, ZL2TC Was The Winner On The Night!

Supper followed with fresh buttered buns provided by Laurie. Very nice.

Karl ZL1TJ
Secretary NARC.


Amateur Radio Operator ZL4XE