Monthly News

NARC Minutes June 5, 2013

Meeting on Wednesday 5 June 2013 at the Clubrooms 123 Latham Street

Chair: Laurie ZL2TC, the meeting started at 7:30 pm.

Apologies: ZL2GAZ, ZL2DC, ZL2LF.

Present: Mike ZL2VM, Lee ZL2AL, Dave ZL2DW, Rob ZL2US, Stan ZL2ST, Terrig ZL2TJX, Mr. Revell Troy and Karl ZL1TJ.

Minutes previous meeting, confirmed correct: ZL2AL, ZL2VM.

Arising: To be discussed during general business.

Out: A submission to the Napier City Council to the Draft Annual Plan 2013/2014 regarding antenna heights by Laurie, and an application for funding for new AREC equipment through the Napier City Council Community Services Grants Scheme.

Finance: No significant financial transactions reported.

General business:
Laurie, Mike and Dave reported on attending the business section of the NZART annual conference held at Masterton over the previous weekend. The motion to alter the method of counting votes at conference was lost. The votes were actually counted on this occasion which turned out to be a slow process. Laurie noted the resignation from Council of ZL2TB and ZL2AMJ.

The Annual General Meeting ran smoothly and the atmosphere was friendly and co-operative.
Membership and subscriptions were briefly referred too, the $99 ceiling likely to be maintained.

Mike and Dave reported on the recent Trans Tasman 80m Contest. Details can be found in the report written by Dave and Lee on the club’s website. Mike mentioned preparations underway for the July 21 and 22 Trans Tasman 160m phone and 80m cw and digital contest.
Stan reported on participating in the previous week-ends CQ WW WPX cw contest by the ZL2M group, this time consisting of ZL2AL, ZL2MY and ZL2ST.

Stan thanked Laurie for single-handedly removing a substantial fresh batch of graffiti from the clubroom’s exterior walls. While at it Laurie did wash all exterior paintwork in preparation for a much needed re-paint.

Rob reported on providing communications for the Hawke’s Bay Car Club Rally the previous weekend. Comms went fine but one or two near collisions were reported.

The meeting closed at 8pm followed by a short technical lecture by Laurie, explaining the workings of the finalised design for the Club Project dual band VHF / UHF whip antenna. The design, which will be published once the construction project starts, is for a relatively robust, simple and cheap antenna with proven performance. The antenna will be enclosed in a 2m tall fibreglass rod.

During the remainder of the evening those present were pleasantly entertained by auctioneers Laurie and Rob who managed to sell a fair amount of the donated gizmo’s and parts on display.

Rob ZL2US in league with Auctioneer Laurie ZL2TC to get shod of the pre-loved quality junque!
Rob ZL2US in league with Auctioneer Laurie ZL2TC to get shod of the pre-loved quality junque!
The enthusiastic buyers looked on in amazement at the bargains about to me offered.
The enthusiastic buyers looked on in amazement at the bargains about to be offered.

The undersigned went home with an (ancient) rotator, swr meter and a Dick Smith frequency counter, all for the princely sum of fifteen dollars.

Karl ZL1TJ.


Amateur Radio Operator ZL4XE