
TransTasman Contests 2013

Mike ZL2VM will head a group to operate the TransTasman Contest from the clubrooms on 80M SSB using our new station.

Contest Information below:

2013 Trans-Tasman Contests

Contest Manager: Rob Glassey (ZL3AKM)

Queries and comments can be emailed to the Contest Manager on:

The old VK/trans-Tasman Contests web site is no longer active. This WIA page is now the main source of information for this contest.

Contest Introduction

80m phone: SAT 11th MAY 2013

The ever popular 80m phone contest continues much the same (see rules).

Multi-Mode contest: SAT 20st JULY 2013

The Multi-Mode contest combines 160m phone with CW and Digital modes on both 80m and 160m, all on the same night!

Both contests are run as 6 one-hour blocks, from 8 UTC to 14 UTC.

The best 5 hours count toward the final score.

See the rules below for details and this years changes to the scoring system.

Aim Of The Contest

The main emphasis of the contest is on making trans-Tasman and trans-continental contacts.

The 6-hour contests are not intended to be either sprints or marathons, but to provide a good evenings contesting without too much intrusion on family life or sleep time. The format is intended to be suitable for both the serious and the novice contester, with a friendly and relaxing atmosphere.

The scoring system rewards contacting as many different call areas of VK and ZL as possible. Bonus points are awarded each hour for every group of 5 different call areas.

The points tables reflect typical propagation during the contest, accounting for distance and band, and also allows for differences in propagation with time zone. Selecting the best 5 hours of the 6 allows for poor propagation in the west in the first hour, and late nights in the east.

The 80m phone contest is always popular, and the second night’s mix of 160m phone, and 80m&160m CW and Digital modes, has something for everyone, and plenty to offer a multi-op station as well! So extend the dipole, fire up the PC, or break out the paddle and have a go!


Amateur Radio Operator ZL4XE