Monthly News

Meeting February 6, 2013


Chair: Laurie ZL2TC, the meeting started at 7:30 pm.

Apologies: ZL2DC, ZL2VM, ZL2LAB.

Present: Dave ZL2DW, Mike ZL2MY, Rob ZL2US, Lee ZL2AL, Peter ZL2LF, Karl ZL1TJ and newly licensed Shane Redlick, now ZL2PG.

Minutes previous meeting, confirmed correct: ZL2MY, ZL2TC.

Arising: Laurie ZL2TC: the 2m 70cm dual band antenna installed during the January 27 working bee was donated to the club by Apex Comms (Dave ZL2DW).

Correspondence: A letter to the Property Manager, Napier City Council, to enquire regarding the possibility of the council assisting with an application of graffiti proof paint to the club rooms.
A cheque for $ 51.11 received from Hastings AREC for the use of the 725 repeater during the Silver Fern Rally. Email notices from Lee ZL2AL regarding the newly established NARC web site.

Finance: No financial matters were reported.

General business:
Dave ZL2DW: the possibility that the clubrooms be used for this years Tranz Tasman 80m contest, initially raised by Mike ZL2VM.
Laurie ZL2TC: A proposal is under consideration that the club becomes more active with participation in NZART sponsored competitions. To be followed up.

Lee ZL2AL: posted a notice on the local supermarket notice board to gauge the interest in other groups making use of the clubrooms. One response was received from a local cultural group looking for a Sunday pm meeting place. Laurie: The time slot may clash with the clubs proposed contest activities which may at times run into Sunday afternoon. Lee to investigate further.

Rob ZL2US congratulated newly licensed Shane, ZL2PG. Also expressed some disappointment with the lack of consideration shown by several prospective participants who, after making initial commitments, failed to communicate their inability to take part in the weekend course.
Peter ZL2LF suggested a rethink of the way the course is organised, assuring a a firmer commitment from candidates.
Karl ZL1TJ thanked Lee for setting up and maintaining the club’s very first web site. It is well designed and rich in information regarding the club’s long and distinguished history and also current affairs and references. As in time search engines acknowledge the club’s existence it will be easier for those interested to find us via the world wide web.

Laurie referred to the address on amateur radio by Mr Riley Hollingsworth to be accessed through the NZART reflector / website.
The meeting closed at 8:10 pm.

The evening was rounded off by a live demonstration by Peter ZL2LF of the digital modes used by amateur radio operators, followed by Lee’s video presentation of the 2006 Raoul Island DXpedition, called by the Microlite DXpeditioners as only minimal gear was brought.

Thanks to Peter and Lee.

Karl, ZL1TJ


Amateur Radio Operator ZL4XE