Activities Club Meetings 2015

NARC Meeting Feb 4, 2015


Meeting on Wednesday 4 February 2015 at the Clubrooms 123 Latham Street

Chair: Laurie ZL2TC, the meeting started at 7:30 pm.

Apologies: ZL2ST, ZL2DC, ZL2ALK.

Present: Laurie ZL2TC, Lee ZL2AL, Dave ZL2MQ, Mike ZL2MY, Errol ZL2IT,
Wally ZL2MO, Bert ZL2OC, Revell ZL2SS, Peter ZL2CD, Dave ZL2DW, Rob ZL2US, Jan ZL2CZE and Karl ZL1TJ.

Minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed correct: ZL2MO, ZL2TC.

Arising: Wally: polycarbonate panels for the front porch on hold till painting completed.
Clubhouse interior now further enhanced with new lino in the kitchen and storage shelves relocated. Once again Wally was thanked for the many hours he has given to the club over recent months.

Correspondence: Notice of the Te Puke annual sale, letter from the Hastings District Council regarding the District Plan meeting on January 21, a thank you note to and response from Korin Tsuruta ZL2PGJ, quotes for new gutters around the clubroom.

Finance: No financial transactions reported.

General business: Dave ZL2DW and Rob ZL2US reported on attending the Hastings D.C. Meeting on January 21. Council insisting that aerials etc. are part of Building Construction while Branch 13 submits that aerial structures are more aligned with Network Utilities. Council staff did not appear to have studied the issues adequately and do not seem to understand the need for adequate antenna hight. No significant progress was made.

Dave ZL2MQ reported on the participation by the Moon bounce boys tracking an experimental Moon orbiter launched by the Luxemberg based ‘LuxSpace’ organisation. Dave’s submission of tracking data placed him no.6 on a worldwide basis and earned him a prize for his efforts.

Lee ZL2AL brought up the concept of a stand alone Hawke’s Bay amateur radio disaster backup communication network. This has been discussed before and Rob ZL2US suggested basic frequencies and procedures in a short article in the Breakout of 3 March 2012.

Lee, having discussed the idea with Laurie and Mike ZL2VM, said that the previously strong link of AREC with both SAR and CD is now no longer there. A Hawke’s Bay wide network of radio hams  called the ECI Net It would in the first instance be for the purpose of supporting fellow members in case of natural disaster but may also be available to authorities as a communication network ‘of last resort’.

Lee put the questions ‘Is this worthwhile’ and ‘Will it work’? All present answered yes to both.

It is proposed to set up a (short) net, say the 3rd Thursday of each month where a controller will call for log ins on both VHF and HF.  Records will be made and recorded of the availability and status of participants’ equipment. The controller function could rotate to ensure ongoing participation and work sharing. Frequencies: local repeater “670” and HF 3615 Khz on 80 m. These frequencies and brief instructions to be added permanently to Breakout. Jan suggested a booklet of a few pages to be kept in a prominent place in the shack.

Lee explained this year’s club project, a four port remote antenna switch. These switches reduce the number of coax cables into the shack and make antenna switching quick. Commercially available for $200 to $350, the proposed high quality kits would sell for $150 or so. Circuit boards available from CZE land. Parts for 20 kits are to be ordered.

Other general business: Errol donating a vintage Marconi receiver to the club, Rob going to the Palmerston North club Waitangi day picnic ( has spare seats), Lee: NZ licence valid for 6 months only in Canada and possibly other countries for permanent residents?

The meeting closed at 7:45 pm

Followed by Laurie explaining the mystical behaviour of antennas, reactances, impedances and how to measure these quantities using the Antenna Analyzer.

Laurie explains the mysteries of an Antenna Analyzer
Laurie explains the mysteries of an Antenna Analyzer

Good clear diagrams and down to earth explanations made the talk another good one.

Karl ZL1TJ, Secretary NARC .

Other Posts

NARC Meeting Dec 3, 2014

Meeting on Wednesday 3 December 2014 at the Clubrooms 123 Latham Street

Chair: Laurie ZL2TC, the meeting started at 7:30 pm.

Apologies: ZL2DW, ZL2DC.

Present: Lee ZL2AL, Dave ZL2MQ, Mike ZL2MY, Willy ZL2AGD, Wally ZL2MO, Bert ZL2OC, Revell ZL2SS, Peter ZL2CD, Stan ZL2ST, Bob ZL2BDL, Rob ZL2US, Jan ZL2CZE and Karl ZL1TJ.

Minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed correct: ZL2MO, ZL2ST.

Arising: Revell, insisting on a firm time frame for the ongoing club room upgrade but had to be content with statements from both Wally and Laurie that members would prefer a more relaxed approach. Revell’s enthusiasm for getting things done is much appreciated all the same.

Correspondence: None.

Finance: Stan reported on financial affairs and reminded the gathering that subs are now due.

General business:

Rob ZL2US  reported the combined branches dinner was enjoyed by all, with some 36 members attending.

Lee and Stan kept up the Contest Group’s reputation by clocking up more than 1500 contacts with 70 countries during the previous weekend’s CQ WW CW contest. Conditions were good, the highlight was a contact with EL2DT in  Monrovia, Liberia.

Wallie sought and was given the ok to source and purchase replacement translucent panelling for the front porch. The timing of further working bees was discussed and agreed on.

The meeting closed at 7:45 pm.

And was then followed by Lee firing up computer and projector and, instead of presenting the promised Logging Software demonstration, had to revert to plan B for technical reasons. This was a video presentation, first showing the efforts made by London RGSB members to commemorate the historic contact between Frank Bell and Cecil Goyder at Mill Hill School, London,

18 October 1924. See

The second video about the December 2011- January 2012 HK0NA Dxpedition to a dismal place called Malpelo Island. A fascinating story.

The HK0NA DVD enjoyed by all. Why is it that DXpeditioners choose the most difficult places on the planet to operate from?
The HK0NA DVD enjoyed by all. Why is it that DXpeditioners choose the most difficult places on the planet to operate from?


As Lee says, take part in one of these and you make close friends for life. But it has to be said that it was a miracle that no one was hurt and these guys, some in their seventies must have been both fit and brave. Getting the gear up to the top of the mountain must have been horrendous. Anyway… that’s Ham Radio at it’s best.

Thanks Lee for another entertaining presentation.


Karl ZL1TJ, Secretary NARC .


Working Bee 2

This session was to concrete in a base post for the tilt-over tri-band Yagi Mast. 9AM Sunday morning saw the team of Laurie ZL2IC, Lee ZL2AL, Stan ZL2ST, Wally ZL2MO, Michael ZL2MY and Revell ZL2SS arrive ready to get to work. Very quickly plans were in place, pipes were moved from the clubhouse and it was all go.The mast is about 90mm diameter and it is planned that this “75mm “Stub” set in concrete would prevent the upper mast from moving sideways or rotating. The upper mast which will anchored to the clubhouse will be installed during a 3rd working bee. There will probably be a 4th session to install the antenna and rotator. the photos below tells the story.

Michael ZL2MY breaks the ground for the hole
Michael ZL2MY breaks the ground for the hole
Lee ZL2AL gets stuck into the 75mm stub mast with his "Canuck hacksaw"
Lee ZL2AL gets stuck into the 75mm stub mast with his “Canuck hacksaw”
Michael ZL2MY didn't find any treasure inspite of Wally and Revell's encouragement
Michael ZL2MY didn’t find any treasure inspite of Wally and Revell’s encouragement
Laurie ZL2TC inspects the stub in place and that it is perfectly vertical as Wally, ZL2MO mixes the instant concrete.
The fourth bag of concrete is poured and the project is almost at an end
Finished!! And never to be seen again once the full mast is lowered over it.
Finished!! And never to be seen again once the full mast is lowered over it.

The job went well and was finished early on a beautiful Sunday morning.

The worst day working on antennas is infinitely better than the best day working

73, Lee ZL2AL (Working Bee #3 will follow later)

Monthly News Posts

NARC Meeting Nov 5, 2014

Meeting on Wednesday 5 November 2014 at the Clubrooms 123 Latham Street

Chair: Laurie ZL2TC, the meeting started at 7:30 pm.

Apologies: ZL2MQ, ZL2CZE, ZL2DC.

Present: Lee ZL2AL, Dave ZL2DW, Mike ZL2MY, Willy ZL2AGD, Wally ZL2MO, Bert ZL2OC, Revell ZL2SS, Peter ZL2CD, Stan ZL2ST, Mike ZL2VM, Rob ZL2US, Erroll ZL2IT,
Phil ZL2RO and Karl ZL1TJ.

Minutes of the previous meeting: read and confirmed correct: ZL2AL, ZL2MO.

Arising: Lee: thanking Wally for organising and supervising window panel replacements. The not so easily damaged policarbonate panels look great and should last a long time.

From the Napier City Council, acknowledgement of receipt of our letter asking for assistance with the exterior repaint of the building. Labour is not available but council will make the paint available at Council buying rates.

The $500 cheque from Keep Napier Beautiful as a contribution towards the building repaint was banked, the annual account for repeater licences from RSM is due for payment.

General business:
Dave ZL2DW reported the Branch 13 (now) annual Waipukerau Meeting and Munchies was a success, with some 22 attending and fun being had by all. A reminder that the combined branch end of year dinner at the Taradale RSA is not far away now, book with Dave ZL2DW or Rob ZL2US.
Laurie briefly reported on the antenna erection efforts the previous Sunday by ZL2AL, 2MY, 2SS, 2MO, 1TJ and himself, when a tiltover mast and Hustler five band vertical were erected and the forty/eighty meter diplole repaired.

Election of Officers
An election was held to confirm the new executive for 2015. Results as follows:
President: Laurie ZL2TC
Secretary: Karl ZL1TJ
Treasurer: Stan ZL2ST
Building Maintenance: Wally, ZL2MO
Committee: Laurie ZL2TC, Lee ZL2AL, Michael, ZL2MY, Revell ZL2SS, Peter ZL2CD

The new Executive for 2015 (L to R) Peter ZL2CD, Revell ZL2SS, Mike ZL2VM, Wally, ZL2MO, Karl ZL1TJ, Laurie ZL2TC, Lee ZL2AL and Michael ZL2MY
The new Executive for 2015
(L to R) Peter ZL2CD, Revell ZL2SS, Mike ZL2VM, Wally, ZL2MO, Karl ZL1TJ, Laurie ZL2TC, Stan ZL2ST, Lee ZL2AL and Michael ZL2MY

The meeting closed at 7:45 pm and was followed by the AGM.

Treasurer Stan delivering the the Club's financial report for the year.
The AGM – Treasurer Stan delivering the the Club’s financial report for the year.

Which was then followed by the annual Pan Pac Homebrew Contest.

Revell, ZL2SS demonstrates his PanPac trophy winning entry
Revell, ZL2SS demonstrates his PanPac trophy winning entry

Our newest licenced member Revell ZL2SS presented what he himself rated to be a very humble entry: a Homebrew audio morse code oscillator.
The other entry: a 23 cm yagi antenna constructed by Laurie ZL2TC was probably somewhat more sophisticated.

But rightfully considering the relative experience of the builders the meeting voted overwhelmingly for the oscillator, resulting in Revell being the current holder of the Trophy.
And of course we are looking forward to Revell joining the CW boys of the club (at 25 wpm at least) soon.


Karl ZL1TJ, Secretary NARC .

Activities Club Projects Posts

Working Bee 1 – Nov 3

The mission was to erect the new Hustler All Band vertical antenna on a tilt-over mast that was donated to us by Hilton Myer ZL2MN (SK).  ZL2TC, ZL1TJ, ZL2AL, ZL2MY, ZL2MO and ZL2SS assembled bright and early on Sunday morning ready to do great things. The weather was warm with sunshine and perfect antenna weather.

The front of the Club Rooms quickly became a hive of activity.
The front of the Club Rooms quickly became a hive of activity.

We had two jobs to complete. The first was to repair the 80M/40M trap dipole which had one leg disconnected from the a supporting giant gum tree. The spud gun soon took care of getting a line over the top branches while Laurie installed a new halyard line on the top of the VHF dipole mast.

The second job was to assemble the Hustler vertical antenna and get it on the mast. The photos below tell the story.

The Hustler laid out and ready to assemble
The Hustler laid out and ready to assemble
Maybe we should read the instruction manual?
Maybe we should read the instruction manual?
The radials are attached here says Karl
The radials are attached here says Karl
Lee, drilling holes in the cross brace
Lee, drilling holes in the cross brace
Wally and Revell working on the cross brace for the mast
Wally and Revell working on the cross brace for the mast
Wally and Michael clamping the Hustler to the mast
Wally and Michael clamping the Hustler to the mast
The Hustler raised to it's operating position.
The Hustler raised to it’s operating position.

And does it work? Yes, indeed it does. A quick run with the antenna analyzer showed resonant spots near where they were supposed to be on each band. The morning turned into afternoon and there was limited time to check how well it will actually work and we left around 3Pm. We were getting some good signals through on 15M and 40M Comparison with the trap dipole showed that the vertical was noisy. We expected that. In any case, the job is done and the antennas are back in operation.

Our next project is getting the bigger mast up to put the tri-bander on. That will happen at the next working bee.

73, Lee ZL2AL


NARC Meeting Oct 1, 2014

Meeting on Wednesday 1 October 2014 at the Clubrooms 123 Latham Street

Chair: Laurie ZL2TC, the meeting started at 7:30 pm.

Apologies: ZL2DW, ZL2US, ZL2DC.

Present: Lee ZL2AL, Revell ZL2SS, Peter ZL2CD, Wally ZL2MO, Bert ZL2OC, Mike ZL2MY, Erroll ZL2IT, Stan ZL2ST, Jan ZL2CZE and Karl ZL1TJ.

Minutes of the previous meeting: read and confirmed correct: ZL2OC, ZL2TC.

Arising: Nil

From Keep Napier Beautifull, a cheque for $500 to assist with the exterior upgrade of the clubrooms, from Dave ZL2DW a reminder that Branch 25 members will be welcome at this month’s branch 13 Meal and Meeting to be held at Waipukerau. Also that this years Christmas dinner will be on November 21 at the Taradale RSA Club.
Outwards: a letter of thanks to Maxine Boag of Keep Napier Beautiful and a letter to the CEO of the Napier City Council enquiring if the council’s resources might be available to assist with the planned exterior re-paint.

No significant transactions to report.

General business:
Laurie reported on a proposal from Branch 13 to install, at apropriate locations, signs informing visitors to the district of the local repeater frequencies.
Visiting radio amateurs would be reminded to make their presence known and be made to feel welcome by a local ham responding.
The idea was thought to be excellent and worthy of further investigation.
Wally reported on the ongoing improvements to the building, the operating room is now completed and polycarbonate window panels have been ordered.

The meeting closed at 8 pm.

Followed by Lee,
conducting his fourth Annual Quiz, questions mostly on ham radio and electronics but also including some general knowledge (did you know a ‘Twit’ is a pregnant goldfish?) Don’t think anyone got that one right! And on average the human heart beats about 60,000 times a day, amazing it lasts as long as it does!

Aftermatch: Checking the answers to the Quiz
Aftermath: Checking the answers to the Quiz

The highest score of 24 (out of 30) correct answers was Lauries’ who (once again) took home the prize (a bottle of Pinot Noir wine). Three or four contestants managed 21 out of 30 correct answers. It was a good quiz, not too hard and not too easy.

Laurie brought the customary buns and the evening ended on a high note.

Karl ZL1TJ, Secretary NARC .

Other Posts

NARC Meeting Sept 3, 2014

Meeting on Wednesday 3 September 2014 at the Clubrooms 123 Latham Street

Chair: Laurie ZL2TC, the meeting started at 7:30 pm.

Apologies: ZL2DW

Present: Lee ZL2AL, Revell ZL2SS, Peter ZL2CD, Wally ZL2MO, Bert ZL2OC, Mike ZL2MY, Willy ZL2AGD, Erroll ZL2IT, Mike ZL2VM, Rob ZL2US, Stan ZL2ST and Karl ZL1TJ.

Minutes of the previous meeting: read and confirmed correct: ZL2MO, ZL2TC.

Arising: Nil

From the Napier City Council, the signed Lease Agreement. Valid for 15 years (from 1 November 2009), with a right of renewal for a further 15 years.
An application to the Keep Napier Beautifull Group for a grant of $500 for an external paint and repair job for the clubrooms.

Stan reported having a number of bills to pay, on the credit side is powerline company Unison’s refund for $170 and a few deposits by Lee for Trademe receipts.

General business:
Rob reported the annual combined branches 13 and 25 Christmas dinner will be held at the Taradale RSA club on Friday November 21. Cost about $22. Bookings to Rob or Dave ZL2DW.
Laurie gave Wally ZL2MO another pat on the back for ongoing improvements to the clubroom interior, the radio room has been repainted and the operating bench extended. Looking great.
Karl presented the enclosure with circuitbreakers and safety switch needed to replace the outdated porcelain fuses etc. on the electrical distribution board. The cost of $85 was approved.
Meeting closed at 8pm.

Followed by Laurie,
explaining the history and the workings of the Maidenhead Locator System.
The system was devised by Dr John Morris G4ANB around 1980 and adopted by a group of amateur radio managers meeting at the town of Maidenhead (near Windsor), Berkshire England.
Details of the system can be found at:
Searching the web with ‘QTH locator’ brings up a number of sites with tools that provide instant locator codes by pointing to a location on a worldwide map.
An interesting talk.

The meeting was rounded off with a cuppa and a chat with fellow hams.

Karl ZL1TJ, Secretary NARC .

Monthly News

NARC Meeting Aug 6, 2014

Meeting on Wednesday 6 August 2014 at the Clubrooms 123 Latham Street

Chair: Laurie ZL2TC, the meeting started at 7:30 pm.
Apologies: ZL2ST, ZL2DW, ZL2VM, ZL2US, ZL2IT
Present: Lee ZL2AL, Revell ZL2SS, Dave ZL2MQ, Peter ZL2CD, Wally ZL2MO, Bert ZL2OC, Mike ZL2MY and Karl ZL1TJ.

Minutes of the previous meeting: read and confirmed correct: ZL2TC, ZL2SS.
Arising: Lee: further enquiries regarding Q-Tennas are still coming in.

Exchange of emails with President Vaughan ZL1VH regarding Silent Key procedures.
Notification to NZART HQ regarding H.Meyer, SK. A request to Debby at NZART HQ that Branch 25 be included in the proposed umbrella public liability scheme, if this is to succeed.
A submission to the Auckland City Council in support of the submission by Branch 66 regarding antenna restrictions in the proposed Unitary Plan and confirmation that this has been received.
A note from Dave ZL2DW that Branch 13 will organise this year’s combined branches Xmas dinner. Also that Brach 13 ‘s October meeting (22/10) will be held at Waipukurau, with a light meal before as an optional extra.

Finance: A few accounts for previously approved expenses were presented by Lee.

General business:
The Napier City Council advertised the renewal of the Club’s ground lease.
A brief discussion primarily between Laurie and Dave regarding Beacon frequencies etc.
Laurie: Ongoing improvements to the clubrooms now include a connection point for the club’s generator and repairs to the generator connection panel. The club building meeting room (interior) repaint is now complete. Thanks to Wally for doing this single handedly, by acclamation.

Meeting closed at 8pm.

Followed by Lee, making a passionate case for giving the AWARD option of Amateur Radio a go.
Amateur radio operators chase Awards for reasons similar to those of athletes striving to win medals, preferably gold medals. Awards allow the more competitive amongst us to proudly prove our radio skills and ability to persevere to fellow Hams. The certificate(s), beautifully framed, displayed in the shack remind us of the struggle to achieve and the satisfaction of getting there.
There are some 3500 awards to be had, 3000 or so of which are basically give-aways. But some are almost impossible to complete and these are the ones that ‘sort the men from the boys’.
Awards can be Local, National or International

DXCC Challenge Award
DXCC Challenge Award

and are awarded by clubs, national organisations, magazines or special interest groups. The USA ARRL is foremost with the more prestigious awards such as DXCC (DX Century Club)


, certified contacts with stations from 100 countries and other more difficult variations of the basic award.

An interesting NZ Award is NZART’s Worked All Pacific, some 30 countries to be contacted. A good Award to get underway with is WAC, worked all 6 continents. Lee then proceeded to pass around the most prestigious of his Award Certificates. (It must have taken some time to remove the documents from their frames). Probably the top Award that can be achieved is the DXCC Honor Roll.Adxcchr The number of ‘Entities’ (NZ has 5) on the list for this award is 332 and working all 340 achieves No.1 Honour Roll. The last few are almost impossible to get e.g. North Korea, as there are no hams in the country and the only stations operating there are visitors who have been given special licenses. Lee is on of the few with a DPRK (P5) QSL card. A list with Award information web sites was prepared and distributed by Lee. Information on New Zealand Awards can be found in section 6 of the Callbook. More information with links may be found at It was another interesting evening.

Karl ZL1TJ, Secretary NARC

Monthly News

NARC Meeting July 2, 2014


Meeting Wednesday 2 July 2014 at the Clubrooms 123 Latham Street

Chair: Laurie ZL2TC, the meeting started at 7:30 pm.

Apologies: ZL2MO, ZL2DW.

Present: Lee ZL2AL, Rob ZL2US, Sue ZL2DC, Jan ZL2CZE, Shane ZL2PG, Revell ZL2SS, Stan ZL2ST, Mike ZL2VM, Dave ZL2MQ, Peter ZL2CD and Karl ZL1TJ.

Minutes of the previous meeting: read and confirmed correct: ZL2TC, ZL2MQ.

Arising: Lee: all 20 Q-Tenna kits have been sold, another four enquiries have been received. Laurie suggested that if sufficient demand exists a further run may be considered .A brief discussion on insurance. Laurie: apparently the Napier City Council insures the building, NZART covers members public liability while on repeater sites.

Correspondence: A letter from Doug Ingham, ZL2TAR, Secretary of FMTAG, requesting updated info regarding repeaters etc for the next callbook. Karl to action.

NZART HQ Infoline issue 297, item 2, president Vaughan proposes that NZART extends it’s public liability insurance to provide cover (of up to $10M) for branches. Cost would be in the region of $35 to $50 per annum. Karl to write to Headquarters to include Branch 25 into the scheme.

Finance: Thanks to donations of gear (Hilton Meyer, ZL2MN, SK and Eric Robson, ZL2BJD, QRT) and Lee’s ongoing major job of converting some of this into cash, the smile is still on treasurer Stan’s face.

General business: Lee and Stan reported on the task involved dealing with Hilton Meyers gear. Mrs Meyer received the bulk of the proceeds which was well beyond expectation. The club also benefitted considerably, a working bee to remove and salvage a tilt-over mast is still to come. Laurie was contacted by Eric Robinson. He donated his gear to the club on the understanding that the more modern items would be used as part of the club’s station.

Stan reported Errol Lilley, ZL2IT expressing an interest in joining NARC.

Lee referred to giving the signwriting to update the Presidents Board etc a go but decided a professional job would be preferable. Lee was authorised to organise this.

The meeting closed at 8 pm.

Followed by Mike ZL2VM’s discourse on the Amateur Radio Emergency Corps.

Mike started by presenting a brief history of AREC in Hawke’s Bay. Early members of the group (including himself) being involved with police in search and rescue and similar operations were mentioned. Equipment over the years evolved and became more sophisticated. At present such refinements as portable repeaters make coverage of a search area really good.

Mike stated that the latest developments have unfortunately made amateur radio not as critical as most traffic is on non-amateur frequencies and equipment is easy to install, operate and is very reliable. Radio ‘Hams’ are often inclined to follow their own procedures which may clash with standard Civil Defense or Search and Rescue protocol. Also some communications systems use satellites and involve data transmission.

Mike believes that there still is a need for an amateur radio emergency system.

The Councils’ Civil Defence emergency station has a 2m and 70cm radio for the purpose of linking to Ham systems if the need arises. The club has a portable emergency station that can be quickly loaded into he back of a car. Rob, ZL2SG owns a fully equipped station permanently fitted into a caravan to be located at a disaster site. A late development is Urban SAR, searching for missing people, again assisting police.
Mike referred to Rob ZL2US’s call in the March 2012 Break-Out for all HB hams to be prepared to form an ad-hoc Emergency communications system ‘Of Last Resort’ when all else fails!

Karl ZL1TJ. – Secretary



NARC Meeting June 2, 2014



Chair: Laurie ZL2TC, the meeting started at 7:30 pm.

Apologies: ZL2US, ZL2DC, ZL2DW, Mike ZL2VM and Karl ZL1TJ.

Present: Lee ZL2AL, Mike ZL2MY, Wally ZL2MO, Revell ZL2SS, Stan ZL2ST, Dave ZL2MQ, Peter ZL2CD, Laurie ZL2TC

Visitor: Laurie welcomed Bob ZL2BDL from Hastings

Minutes of the previous meeting: read and confirmed correct: ZL2MO, ZL2MY.

Arising: All “Q” antenna kits have now been sold.

Correspondence: nil.

Finance: nil to report.

Conference Report. No one from Napier Branch intended going to Conference and Laurie emailed our voting on remits to Business Manager Debbie to arrange for someone at Conference to represent us.

Report from Laurie ZL2TC:

Remit 1 was lost unanimously and remit 2 was carried with a minor amendment.

Kordia have signed a contract with NZART extending access to their repeater sites until 2016.

NZART subs will remain at the same level as last year.

Most Branches have public liability insurance and NZART may extend their cover to clubs.

General Business:.Laurie moved that we re-establish our 70 cm beacon station. Seconded ZL2ST and carried unanimously.

Wally ZL2MO suggested that an electric clock (ie not battery) be purchased for the clubrooms.

The meeting closed at 8.00 pm.

Followed by Members Show and Tell of items from their shack. The following were presented:-

Dave ZL2MQ – 2 metre masthead preamps for horizontal and vertical cross-polarised antennae plus a noise source for them.

Mike ZL2MY presented his Icom 720A transceiver.

Laurie ZL2TC showed his 5760 MHz transverter. It uses 144 MHz as the IF and for 10mw transmitter power it produces 5Watts of output.

Lee ZL2AL presented his very attractive Russian ‘Peter 1 The Great” HF Award plaque for contacting Russian and European stations.

Stan ZL2ST Acting secretary.