Club Meetings 2020

Club Meeting 3 June 2020

Minutes of the Napier Amateur Radio Club

Meeting Wednesday 3 June 2020 at the Clubrooms 123 Latham Street

Note: The April and May meetings of the club were not held due to the Covid 19 (Corona virus) lock-down restrictions imposed by the NZ Government.

Chair: Dave ZL2MQ, the meeting started at 7:30pm.

Present: Wally ZL2MO, Karl ZL1TJ, Peter ZL2CD, Blue ZL3TT, Stan ZL2ST, Mike ZL2MY, Rob ZL2AN, Fergus ZL2VF, Revell ZL2SS and Errol ZL2IT.

Apologies: ZL2DW, ZL2XC, ZL2LF and ZL2VM.

Minutes of the previous meeting: Read and confirmed to be correct: ZL2MO, ZL2MY.

Arising: Dave 2MQ, a suitable antenna has not been found, the (future) discourse on EME radio will be based on videos of his home station in action.

Correspondence: Email from Debby NZART that a visit sometime October is ‘on the cards’ if we still want her to come. Also an email from NZART regarding Conference finance, dealt with by the Conference committee. Email from Dave 2DW regarding his proposed July meeting talk, email from Daniel Hopper, seeking assistance to gain his operating certificate. Power account and Info-line newsletter. Earlier correspondence was reported in the 19 May Committee meeting minutes.

Finance: financial statement attached, no major transactions, a $20 contribution was paid towards the running cost of the Mt Threave digital repeater.

General business: Rob reported checking the coverage of the Mt Threave digital repeater. This was found to be surprisingly good. A few (3?) members now use this repeater.

Errol suggested some form of lighting the building or the sign on the roof is necessary during the winter monthly meetings to assist potential visitors finding the clubrooms.

Wally reported being extremely busy with work, finding little spare time for other things and requested to be taken off committee lists for the time being. He is still able to fulfill his roll as building custodian. Accepted with thanks for all the work he has done for the club over the years.

The meeting closed at 8 pm

And was followed by Dave 2MQ’s demonstration of digital communication software such as found in the WSJT package. The FT8 format is very popular at present, it uses the audio input and output of a computer to interface to the radio. Dave’s laptop received and decoded sounds coming from the club’s radio room in spite of all the ‘talk interference’ being generated by the audience. Two (laptop) computers will talk to each other this way, without actual physical connections. Fergus ZL2VF brought in his computer to demonstrate another (his favourite ) software package, FLDIGI, and in particular the Olivia mode which comes in a number of sub-formats. It allows the exchange of messages similar to teletype or what is now known as ‘Texting’. These modes work well with low power even when atmospheric conditions are not good.

Karl ZL1TJ

Club Meetings 2020

Club Meeting 4 March 2020

Minutes of the Napier Amateur Radio Club

Meeting on Wednesday 4 March 2020 at the Clubrooms 123 Latham Street

Chair: Dave ZL2MQ, the meeting started at 7:30pm.

Present: Wally ZL2MO, Dave ZL2DW, Karl ZL1TJ, Peter ZL2CD, Mike ZL2MY, Peter ZL2LF, Stu ZL2XC, John ZL2AGE and Mark Cowan.

Apologies: ZL2ST, ZL2IT, ZL2SS, ZL3TT, ZL2US, ZL2VM.

Minutes of the previous meeting: Read and confirmed to be correct: ZL2CD, ZL2LF.

Arising: Nil

Correspondence: Acknowledgment of receipt of $1000 deposit by East Pier.

Invite to Debby NZART to visit combined branches sometime September or October.

A response from Debby but no firm commitment as yet.

Correspondence with Dave ZL2DW re: joint branches website development.

Email from Daniel Vandenberg regarding reciprocal licensing.

Notice from energy supplier Powershop of another price increase.

Finance: financial statement attached, $ 1000 deposit paid to East Pier.

General business: Dave 2DW: The Pakowai Hall needs to be booked in time for the proposed Debby Morgan visit. Alternatively the Napier club rooms could be used.

Financial contribution was discussed, travel compensation paid to Debby by Branch 13 at the occasion of her previous visit was based on a Km rate rather than cost of fuel.

Dave 2MQ moved that NZART be invoiced for the $1000 deposit paid to Eastpier.

Dave 2DW: “DMR rules”, the new digital repeater is working well, coverage substantially better than the previous D-Star repeater. Users at about 15 at present and increasing.

A lengthy discussion / explanation led by Dave 2MQ followed.

Karl: from various email exchanges it would appear that the proposed joint branches website will be limited to an essential resource from which names, phone numbers etc. can be found by those seeking further information about amateur radio in Hawke’s Bay.

John ZL2VAF, editor of Break-Out magazine, offered to maintain this.

Peter 2LF’s grandson, who is IT knowledgeable may also be available for some input.

Club Programme: The April meeting is to feature an EME demonstration by Dave 2MQ, subject to a suitable dish antenna being available and being installed in good time. The alternative of a brief video of Dave’s home station in operation may be more realistic.

Karl asked Mark Cowan if he would like some assistance with the construction with a basic aerial. Mark is likely to take up the offer in a few month’s time.

The meeting closed at 8:45 pm

Karl ZL1TJ

Club Meetings 2020

Club Meeting 5.2.2020

Minutes of the Napier Amateur Radio Club

Meeting on Wednesday 5 February 2020 at the Club rooms 123 Latham Street

Chair: Dave ZL2MQ, the meeting started at 7:40pm.

Present: Wally ZL2MO, Dave ZL2DW, Blue ZL3TT, Revell ZL2SS, Rob ZL2AN, Karl ZL1TJ, Peter ZL2CD, Mike ZL2MY, Peter ZL2LF and Daniel Vandenberg ZL2DRV.

Visitors: George Theron ZS5JAM, Mark Cowan and Rudolph Blaha.

Apologies: ZL2ST, ZL2IT, ZL2XC, ZL2HB.

Dave 2MQ opened the meeting and welcomed our visitors.

Minutes of the previous meeting: Read and confirmed to be correct: ZL3TT, ZL2SS.

Arising: Dave 2MQ: Martin ZL2MD has now moved to his new abode in Awakina (Marlborough Sounds). His offer to contribute to the setting up and maintenance of a new, combined branches website is therefore no longer applicable. Daniel made the point that a club website page dedicated to the Conference needs to be established, with a link to the NZART website.

Correspondence: email exchange with MED regarding payment of license fees. Emails from and to Mark Cowan about meeting times, various Conference correspondence items.

Finance: financial statement attached, the usual payments for ground rent and power were made. Also annual license fees. Annual refund from power company received. It was agreed to temporarily dedicate the AREC account to the 2021 conference.

General business: Suggested by Dave 2DW that Debby ZL2DM, NZART secretary be invited to come to the Bay to renew acquaintances and discuss Conference requirements sometime September / October. Karl to do the inviting.

Karl: Stan, being incapacitated after a hip transplant is not able to organize or participate in the annual Jock White field day contest. Any one interested in organizing this or just participating please contact the undersigned or Dave ZL2MQ.

Dave 2DW: A DMR repeater is now operational, first switched on 29/1. Frequency 439.2375 MHz

The meeting closed at 8:15 pm and was followed by Daniel ZL2DRV, in his capacity of NZART Counselor giving some insight in the workings of Council and progress being made. NZART incumbent President Mark Gooding ZL2UFI insists that when a commitment is made this is followed up with action.

Membership is always an issue, especially younger members are needed.

Daniel looked into the Napier Club’s history and told us a bit about his own background.

Daniel was asked a number of questions most of which were answered on the spot with the occasional “I shall look into it” response.

Dave 2MQ thanked Daniel for coming to Napier to address both the Conference organizing committee and the Club meeting.

Karl ZL1TJ

club meeting 2019

CLUB MEETING 4 December 2019

Minutes of the Napier Amateur Radio Club

Meeting on Wednesday 4 December 2019 at the Clubrooms 123 Latham Street

Chair: Dave ZL2MQ, the meeting started at 7:40pm.

Present: Stan ZL2ST, Errol ZL2IT, Dave ZL2DW, Blue ZL3TT, Revell ZL2SS, Rob ZL2AN, Martin ZL2MD, Karl ZL1TJ, Peter ZL2CD and Mike ZL2MY.

Apologies: ZL2MO, ZL2AGE, ZL2XC.

Minutes of the previous meeting: Read and confirmed to be correct: ZL2IT, ZL2MY.

Arising: Dave 2DW: The Te Puke repeater is now linked to Rotorua. The contents of the Bch 13 Yahoo reflector were handed over to Dave 2DW on a USB memory stick. Possibly to be passed on to John 2VAF for preservation in the HB history data banks.

Correspondence: Outwards: A message to the HB Power Consumers Trust notifying of change of contact information. Similar to the Power Shop energy company. Notice to John ZL2VAF to add Martin ZL2MD to the Breakout Committee list. Registration of the Club with the Eastern and Central Communities Trust. Inwards: Response from the above trust, registration accepted. From Branch 13 (2DW) that the possibility of a joint website is looked into. Also via 2DW: mail from Warren Cowley regarding Branch 20 running costs.

Finance: Peter presented the Annual Accounts for the 2018-2019 year, reviewed and certified by Stan ZL2ST. The session went briefly into AGM mode to discuss these. It was moved by Peter ZL2CD and seconded by Michael ZL2MY that the Annual Accounts be accepted. Passed unanimously. Peter mentioned the (once again) major contribution from Dave ZL2MQ through the virtual single handed design and build of the years Club project, an Arduino driven dummy load / power meter.

General business: The concept of a joint Branches website / bulletin board was briefly discussed. Martin confessed to having some experience with electronic media offered to look into this.

The 2021 NZART Conference: Dave 2MQ set up an initial spreadsheet resulting in an estimated full programme cost of $258. A phone discussion between Karl and Daniel Van Den Berg (New Plymouth) confirmed this to be a reasonable amount, similar to projected cost for the 2020 Greymouth conference.

Errol and Blue were instructed to make a firm booking with Eastpier, for both the venue (two days) and accommodation (3 nights). The initial deposit of $1000 to be invoiced to the Club. To be paid and reimbursement sought from NZART. The next meeting will be a combined Committee / Conference meeting on Tuesday January 21st 2020 followed by a Club meeting on February 5th.

The meeting closed at 8:15 pm and was followed by the celebration of yet another successful year for the club with the customary liquid refreshment and interesting discussion.

Karl ZL1TJ


Club Meeting 6 November 2019

Minutes of the Napier Amateur Radio Club

Meeting on Wednesday 6 November 2019 at the Clubrooms 123 Latham Street

Chair: Dave ZL2MQ, the meeting started at 7:30pm.

Present: Wally ZL2MO, Errol ZL2IT, Mike ZL2VM, Dave ZL2DW, Blue ZL3TT, Revell ZL2SS, Stu ZL2XC, Rob ZL2AN, Martin ZL2MD, Karl ZL1TJ, Peter ZL2CD and Mike ZL2MY. Apologies: ZL2HB, ZL2ST. (2MO, 2MQ)

Minutes of the previous meeting: Read and confirmed to be correct: ZL3TT, ZL2XC.

Arising: Dave 2DW informed Warren 2AJ regarding the decision not to take up his offer to link HB repeaters to the proposed South Waikato network.

Correspondence: Inward: Yahoo groups moving from message board format to email platform, existing data may be downloaded for preservation. Mail from Simon Osborne ZL2TSO, active again, replied and cc’d to 2DW. From Mike 2VM: updated HB Hams list. From the Napier Citizen’s Advice Bureau, the NARC listing on their bulletin board, responded with corrections. From the Unison Consumers Trust advice regarding energy refund. From RSM, License fees of $100 due on 30 November.

Outward: To RSM, cancellation of two beacon licenses. To the Te Puke Radio Club: Thank you but no thank you to the proposal to link their extended repeater system to 725, received a brief acknowledgement to this. Various notices to members. Venue info to the Conference sub-committee.

Finance: Treasurers report attached.

General business: Karl: downloaded Yahoo bulletin board contents for future reference, for some unknown reason Branch 13 content came with it.

Dave 2DW: questioned the de-activation of the Club’s beacons. Responded to by Dave 2MQ: The beacon design, being software driven caused some interference to nearby stations. Both a rebuild or relocation of the beacons were considered but found to be not practicable. An alternative being looked into is using WSPR on HF, a future project.

The meeting closed at 7:45 pm and was followed by the AGM.

After the AGM the annual Home Brew contest took place. Two entries only: Errol ZL2IT presented two transmitters for the 630 m band. Both designed by himself. The more powerful one (250W) posing the greatest challenge as currents through the low impedance side of matching networks are substantial.

Revell ZL2SS, while searching for alternative sources of energy to do his bit to counter global warming experimented with an ancient bicycle generator. Equipped with led lights the demonstration proved that just minor input energy can in fact light up the room. (well, sort off).

The prize went to Erroll, with a pat on the back to Revell for an entertaining presentation.

Karl ZL1TJ

club meeting 2019 Other

Club Meeting 2 October 2019


Meeting on Wednesday 2 October 2019 at the Clubrooms 123 Latham Street

Chair: Dave ZL2MQ, the meeting started at 7:30 pm.

Dave read out the death notice of Karen Wilson ZL2AQO who was secretary / treasurer of the Napier ARC for many years. A brief silence was observed.

Present: Peter ZL2CD, Revel ZL2SS, Martin ZL2MD, Dave ZL2DW, Blue ZL3TT, Rob ZL2AN, Stu ZL2XC and Karl ZL1TJ.

Apologies: ZL2MO, ZL2HB, ZL2ST and ZL2IT.

Minutes of previous meeting: Read and confirmed to be correct: ZL3TT, ZL2CD.

Arising: Dave 2DW:The Mt Threave repeater co-ordinates were determined and submitted.

Dave 2MQ: our attempt to book the Napier Memorial Conference Centre for the 2021 NZART Conference failed. There is a perpetual booking for the QBD weekend in place.

Correspondence: with Syd Rowe ZL1LWR, Te Puke ARC, regarding proposed linking of their repeater with Rotorua, Taupo and so with our 725 repeater. Also with Warren ZL2AJ who proposes to establish several new repeaters in South Waikato and link these to the local 405 repeater.

A confirmation and offer of assistance with the 2021 conference organisation from NZART Conference Coordinator Topsy Scott ZL2LS.

A newsletter from Icom agent RWS Communications.

Finance: Treasurer’s report attached. The last power account jumped to $131.14. The consequence of the clubroom heater being left on for several days. A cut-out timer is needed.

General Business: A discussion regarding to the two proposals to link Hawke’s Bay repeaters to other networks (see correspondence above) ended with both repeater trustees (2DW and 2MQ) voicing opinions that there is no need for this as the National System does a similar job and works well. A negative response was agreed to by all present. Dave 2DW to respond to Warren 2AJ, Karl to the Te Puke ARC.

The meeting closed at 7:50 pm.

And was followed by our annual quiz, once again devised by quiz master Dave 2MQ. The usual format, 10 general knowledge and 10 technical questions were within the easy to not so easy range.

The winner: new member Martin ZL2MD who did the licensing study recently so should know the tech stuff but has obviously also a great deal of general knowledge.

The sticky buns were fresh and beautiful. Thanks Dave.

Karl ZL1TJ

club meeting 2019 Other

Club Meeting 4 September 2019

Minutes of the Gen. Meeting of Br 25/NARC, Napier, 4/9/19, 7-30pm

(Min’s taken by David ZL2DW due to Karl ZL1TJ being absent)

Chair: Dave ZL2MQ

Present: Wally ZL2MO, Blue ZL3TT, Michael ZL2MY, Dave ZL2DW, Rob ZL2AN, Martin ZL2MD, Stan ZL2ST, Errol ZL2IT, Revell ZL2SS and Peter ZL2CD.

Apologies: Karl ZL1TJ, Michael ZL2VM, Stu ZL2XC.

Minutes of the previous meeting: Read and confirmed correct: ZL3TT, ZL2MD


– a reply from Warren ZL2AJ on behalf of NZART Council accepting the offer by Br 25 to host the 2021 NZART Conference and AGM at Napier.


– a report from Peter ZL2CD was given re the Br 25 bank balances, he also noted that Kiwi Bank was about to decline cheque deposits and to stop their customers issuing cheques also.

– A White Board was donated to Br 25 by Wally ZL2MO (value $10).

General Business:

– ZL2MD asked about the requirement for the upcoming DMR repeater Lic. at Mt Threave to have a Long. and Lat. as measured at the base of the repeater aerial mast. David ZL2DW explained that it was a request by the licencing ARC (Doug ZL2TAR) and as it was being done for free we would comply, as soon as the info. was obtained during a visit to the site.

– Further to the NZART Conference correspondence above, David ZL2MQ said that the first Conference Committee meeting would be held at the Br 25 Club Rooms at 7-30 pm on 17 Sept.

The Meeting closed at 7-45pm

Guest Speaker

Errol ZL2IT gave a talk on the history and creation of 50 OHM coax cable. This was followed by contributions by those gathered on various subjects……….peppered with much humour.

club meeting 2019

Club Meeting 7 August 2019


Meeting on Wednesday 7 August 2019 at the Clubrooms 123 Latham Street

Chair: Dave ZL2MQ, the meeting started at 7:30 pm. Dave welcomed visitor Martin Akhurst who recently passed the licensing exam and has now been allocate the call sign ZL2MD.

Present: Mike ZL2MY, Peter ZL2CD, Revel ZL2SS, John ZL2AGE, Errol ZL2IT, Martin ZL2MD, Dave ZL2DW, Mike ZL2VM, Wally ZL2MO, Stan ZL2ST and Karl ZL1TJ.

Apologies: ZL2XC, ZL2HB and ZL3TT. (2SS, 2MO)

Minutes of previous meeting: Read and confirmed to be correct: ZL2MY, ZL2CD.

Arising: to be discussed under General Business.

Correspondence: From Dave 2DW: Branch 13 support for the proposed 2021 NZART conference offered. From Warren 2AJ: proposed changes to ‘Ham cram’ format. To New Plymouth conference organiser and Debby at NZART, request for information. received a response from Debby. From Mike 2VM: information from past conferences extracted from Break-In magazines.

Finance: Treasurer’s report attached. The term deposit was rolled over for one year at 3.1%. The bank was convinced to reduce the withholding tax from 33% to 10.5%. Karl to attempt to lodge a tax return asking for a refund of last year’s tax withheld.

General Business: Estimate for shack whiteboard replacement from Wally ($50-$100).

Dave 2DW: Bch 13 is looking into the establishment of a DMR repeater, probably on Mt Threave, possibly becoming part of a new digital National System. A lengthy discussion followed. A licence is being applied for, Napier ARC will be asked to share the various costs as per existing agreements.

Errol asked what is happening with D-Star? Dave 2DW: being a proprietary mode, it is now being overtaken by technological (internet) developments and has only a limited future.

The 2021 NZART Conference and AGM: It was moved by Dave 2MQ and seconded by Karl that the NARC offers to organise and run the event. In favour: seven. Opposed: none. Carried.

Dave 2DW confirmed Branch 13 support, offering to organise speakers for various special interest groups and a raffle. The following agreed to be part of the organising committee: 2MQ, 2IT, 2ST, 2DW, 2VM, 2MO, 2MY, 1TJ, 3TT(2DW). First meeting for allocation of responsibilities etc. scheduled for 17 September. Karl to report to NZART, Warren 2AJ to seek confirmation and approval before proceeding.

The meeting closed at 8:20 pm.

And was followed by the club’s annual ‘Show and Tell’ session:

1) Errol: a fully operational computer with 4GB ram, 64GB SDD memory, Wifi, Blue-tooth, all the ports and a (legal) Windows 10 operating system for Aus $200. Model AP35, on EBay.

2) Dave 2MQ: a well made illuminated magnifying headset. Exchangeable lenses. Essential gear.

3) Dave 2DW: From an October 1978 Break-Out article by Trevor King ZLAKW: A longer wire picks up more electro-magnetic energy than a short one. And: a short aerial converts all the electro-magnetic energy pumped into it. Aerial fundamentals.

4) Mike 2MY: a switch mode computer power supply converted into a 3-5-12 Volt bench supply.

The evening was rounded off by Dave 2MQ’s demonstration (with projector and screen) of a dual SDR receiver unit. The two radios are synchronised but one can be phase shifted. Interesting to connect one to a vertical and the other to a horizontal antenna and compare the outputs.

180 deg. phase shift could be used as a noise blanking device? Unfortunately the bands were ‘dead’, the experiment may be repeated at a future date.

Karl ZL1TJ

club meeting 2019

Club Meeting 3 July 2019


Meeting on Wednesday 3 July 2019 at the Clubrooms 123 Latham Street

Chair: Dave ZL2MQ, the meeting started at 7:30 pm.

Present: Blue ZL3TT, Mike ZL2MY, Peter ZL2CD, Revel ZL2SS, Stu ZL2XC, John ZL2AGE, Errol ZL2IT, Peter ZL2LF, Phil ZL2RO, Paul ZL2HB and Karl ZL1TJ.

Apologies: ZL2VM, ZL2US, ZL2DW, ZL2MO.

Minutes of previous meeting: Read and confirmed to be correct: ZL2CD, ZL2MY.

Arising: Karl: contrary to last months announcement, Paul ZL2HB’s club membership stands, he resigned from the committee only.

Blue: due to branch 13’s June meeting being an excursion no business was discussed.

The possibility of branch 13 assisting branch 25 with the proposed 2021 NZART AGM and conference in Napier will be discussed at the July meeting.

Dave: the boxes for the club project, dummy load extraordinary, have been delayed somewhat. The Arduino software will ensure a level response over a wide range of frequencies.

Correspondence: inquiry from Doug Birt ZL1BFS regarding the status of our submission to the Napier City Council and a reply to this.

An invitation from the Inland Revenue Department to participate in a ‘satisfaction’ type questionnaire for non-profit organisations and a ‘no thank you, we are actually not a charitable organisation’ response in return.

Notice from John ZL2VAF regarding the visit from and meeting with new AREC director Don Robertson ZL2TYR. This was forwarded to members.

Outwards: a thank you note to Don for his presentation at the June 23 special AREC meeting.

Finance: Treasurer’s report attached. Monthly power account paid.

General Business: a reminder from Blue about the branch 13 junk sale on the 24th.

A note from Dave 2DW saying thanks to branch 25 members for participating in the Faraday Centre excursion.

Peter 2LF mentioned the amazing WW2 prison camp improvised (bits of string and no.8 wire) radio receiver constructed to keep prisoners in touch with the BBC. Article to be posted in Break-Out.

Dave 2MQ: now available: very cheap motors, (Arduino) controller and software to build a satellite tracking station. Could also be used for moon bounce or just locking a telescope onto a far away galaxy or star.

The meeting closed at 8 pm.

And was followed by Stu ZL2XC explaining what he does for a living. While serving an apprenticeship with Rothmans Stu specialized in industrial automation and went through all the stages of relay logic, hard-wired (but solid state) electronic logic, fixed programmed logic and finally flexible, programmable systems. Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC’s) are programmed using ‘ladder’ diagrams which simplify the coding to a graphic (pictural) representation not a great deal different from the actual wiring diagram. This makes program writing (and modifying existing programs) a task that can be mastered by non computer software experts.

Stu is now self employed and can often be found in far away tropical paradises such as PNG where he installs and maintains all kinds of electronic control systems. Stu’s spirited presentation ended with a small PLC being programmed to run a ‘fastest draw’ game. Revell was the winner.

Great presentation.

Karl ZL1TJ

club meeting 2019

Club Meeting 6 June 2019


Meeting on Wednesday 5 June 2019 at the Clubrooms 123 Latham Street

Chair: Dave ZL2MQ, the meeting started at 7:30 pm.

Present: Blue ZL3TT, Mike ZL2MY, Peter ZL2CD, Revel ZL2SS, Wally ZL2MO, John ZL2AGE, Errol ZL2IT, Dave ZL2DW, Jaidyn ZL4WW, Peter ZL2LF, Fergus ZL2VF and Karl ZL1TJ. Apologies: ZL2VM, ZL2US, ZL2XC.

Minutes of previous meeting: Read and confirmed to be correct: ZL2MO, ZL2SS.

Arising: Wally: the HF dipole was in fact re-instated by Blue and himself.

Correspondence: Received: a response from Korin ZL2PGJ.

Outwards: Call-book information to NZART, also the outcome of remit voting, response to Kiwi Bank foreign financial ties questionnaire.

Finance: Treasurer’s report attached. Donation of $200 to 4WW and 4YL travel fund paid.

General Business: The club was approached by Warren ZL2AJ about the possibility of it organising the 2021 NZART AGM and annual conference. The initial response was cautious, the workload would need to be shared by a number of members. Does Napier have a suitable venue, ideally combined with accommodation and restaurant facilities? Dave 2DW tabled numbers, costs etc. from his attendance of this year’s conference in New Plymouth. Blue suggested a joint Branches approach. Dave 2MQ asked for a show of hands of those willing to be involved, and at 6 or 7 there appears to be sufficient interest. Dave 2DW suggested a more ‘minimalist’ approach.

Blue and Dave to gauge interest at the HBARC.

Dave 2DW: the annual combined branches (buffet) dinner, now held midyear (solstice) will be at the Napier RSA, June 28. Bookings required with himself or the undersigned. The Branch 13 annual junk auction and scrap metal collection will be July 24.

Peter 2LF has the equipment to rescue ageing VHS tapes to digital storage and will do so for club members for a nominal fee. Peter also suggested that the club investigates Internet access to facilitate any-time access to Web Radio.

Karl reported the resignation from club membership by Paul ZL2HB.

Blue reminded all to follow protocol, in particular pause and listen when using IRLP systems.

Errol suggested the club looks into the possibility of starting an electronics hobby club, either as a subsection to the radio club or as a stand alone, just using the clubrooms, with club members being available for assistance and tuition. Such a club may attract younger people who then possibly might eventually become interested in amateur radio.

A discussion followed, gauging interest and considering potential problems such as the need for parent supervision when mentoring young people. Publicizing etc. was discussed. To be given further consideration at committee level.

Dave 2DW then briefly reported procedures and outcomes from the NZART AGM etc.. Remit one lost, remit two passed, new President and Vice-President. Dave’s talk went well with substantial attendance. Would he attend Conference again? Answer: Yes.

The meeting closed at 8:25 pm. And was followed by Dave 2MQ explaining the circuit diagram and Arduino programming of the ‘up market’ version of this year’s club project, a 100W dummy load with built-in Watt meter. An excellent presentation with diagrams etc. projected on the screen.

Karl ZL1TJ Secretary NARC.