

After a bit of time figuring out who will be managing our lovely Branch 25 spot on the net, at this stage the responsibility will reside with ZL4XE who became the secretary for Branch 25 in November 2024.

We will endeavor to update the page with all of the events that have happened since the last update in 2023 including minutes for meetings that were held between then and now.

Please be patient as we work on these updates!


ZL4XE – Lisa Thompson


Ham Cram 13 and 14 May 2023

Club Meetings 2022

Club Meeting 2 February 2022

Minutes of the Napier Amateur Radio Club

Held at the clubrooms at 123 Latham Street on the 2nd of February 2022

Chair Dave ZL2MQ Started the meeting at 7:31pm

Present: Dave ZL2MQ, Rob 2AN, Mike 2MY, Stu 2XC, David 2DW, Karl 1TJ, Peter 2LF, George 2KKT, Bryce 1BCG, Revell 2SS and Hunter 2EDH. Also Hunter’s dad and George’s daughter Corrie.

Apologies: Mike 2VM and Errol 2IT.

Minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed to be true and correct once Dave Sheath’s name amended to Rob 2AN in general business. Mike 2MY seconded by Karl 1TJ.

Matters arising: Dave 2DW was Hunters first contact on the clubs 2M radio.

Correspondence: Filed Annual Report with the Companies Office. Update of records with NZART in regards to the committee changes. From NCC update of Draft Annual Plan process , repeater charges to be shared with Branch 13, Dave 2DW Regarding 75th Anniversary, Subs due and the usual notices to members.

Finances: paid: the monthly power account, annual licence fees to RSM and payment for the club’s new screen. Account balaces were read out by Stu.

General Business: Karl 1TJ: our website was down for a few days. Dave 2MQ: due to administrative confusion resulting from a $zero pro forma invoice.

The repeater licence fees to be equalized between the two branches.

Karl 1TJ: about the 75th anniversary dinner, about ten Branch 13 members are interested in joining us for this joint event. A show of hands indicated a similar number of our members to be interested. Karl to investigate options, either the Taradale club or Taradale RSA possibly earl March. Dave 2DW: the trip to the Taraponui repeater site, it was an awesome day. The branch 13 sale was disappointing but there is an upcoming auction in July. Dave Lamont’s aerial is still available. Dave 2MQ to pick up various items for sale with proceeds going to the club. Membership drive. Is anyone having interference with Cber’s in the CW portion of the spectrum and also repeater triggering. Stu to present photo’s of the Tiwai power plant upgrade he has been working on at our March meeting.

Dave 2MQ suggested to have a tech only “meeting/get together” without the need for minutes etc.

To be followed up.

Meeting Closed : 8:09pm

And was followed by the club’s new video screen being ‘inaugurated’. Linked to the internet via a ‘hotspotted’ phone it was used to demostrate the graphical representation of all parameters of a magnetic loop antenna for a variety of dimensions and materials. Very fascinating and found to be correct when checked against dave 2MQ’s reccently constructed antenna.

Revell used the new screen to show the ‘melodical morse code show’ which came on a USB stick.

The new screen is an absolute treasure and will enrich the club meetings for years to come.

Bryce ZL2BCG

Club meetings 2021

Club Meeting 1 December 2021

Minutes of the Napier Amateur Radio Club.

Held at the clubrooms 123 Latham Street on the 1st of December 2021.

Chair: Dave ZL2MQ, the meeting started at 7:30pm.

Present: Dave 2MQ, Dave 2DW, Peter 2LF, Revell 2SS, Bryce 1BCG, Karl 1TJ, Errol 2IT and Peter 2CD.

Apology: Stu 2XC, Blue 3TT and Rob 2AN.

Minutes of the previous NARC meeting read and confirmed to be true and correct, Peter 2LF and seconded by Revell ZL2SS.

Arising: Dave 2MQ donated a radio and Karl 1TJ donated an aerial to help Hunter Picket ZL2EDH to get on the air.

Correspondence: Notices to members.

Accounts: Read

General Business: Mention of covid vaccine passes, did we need these for the club? Tower sale and removal of David Lamont’s has been canceled pending crane hire and plan to take down safely. Dave Sheath has an aluminum pipe to donate to the club by way of Errol 2IT. Dave 2MQ to look at an auto tuner to be located at the base of the new HF aerial that has just been erected. Branch 13 AGM from last week: the elected Officers have remained with no change. Peter 2LF talked about a previous Chatham island visit and to make sure that footage was added to the knowledge bank. It was noted that JA had Opened.

The Meeting closed at 8:10 pm.

Bryce Gilbert ZL1BCG

Secretary Napier ARC.

Club meetings 2021

Club Meeting 3 November 2021

Minutes of the Napier Amateur Radio Club

Meeting on Wednesday 3 November 2021 at the Clubrooms 123 Latham Street

Chair: Dave ZL2MQ, the meeting started at 7:30pm.

Present: Errol ZL2IT, Peter ZL2CD, Mike ZL2VM, Bryce ZL1BCG, Dave ZL2DW,

Peter ZL2LF, Mike ZL2MY, Revell ZL2SS and Karl ZL1TJ.

Apology: Hunter Picket ZL2EDH, Stu ZL2XC.

Minutes of the previous meeting: Read and confirmed to be correct: ZL2MY, ZL2LF.

Arising: Dave 2DW: the Branch 13 Waipawa meeting and social was attended by 17 or 18 and was once again most enjoyable. Peter 2LF warned against installing the latest Windows operating system (W11) before all bugs have been fixed.

Correspondence: With Randall ZL2NW regarding the draft NCC district plan. From NCC, annual ground rent invoice ($621.20). From the Power consumers Trust: refund of $230 due. Monthly power account $ 84.57 (17KWh). Reminder from Companies Office: annual return due. Notice from RSM: repeater license fees due ($100). The usual notices to members.

Finance: Stu’s financial statement for the month was tabled. Moved and seconded (2LF-2VM) that the NCC ground rent be paid. Also that Dave 2MQ is reimbursed for the purchase of a balun for the proposed long wire HF antenna ($30).

General business:

Mike 2MY brought up the NCC annual charge and suggested a possibility to have this partially waved may exist. To be investigated. Dave 2MQ lead the discussion on the installation of the mast etc. for the HF long wire antenna. A bracket to secure the mast to the building needs to made , followed by a working bee to do the installation. Errol and Dave 2MQ to get that underway.

A discussion followed regarding getting our newly licensed members ‘on the air’. SK Stan’s TS 430 is available but a power supply is needed. Also a 2m antenna is needed. Dave 2MQ to follow up.

The meeting closed at 8:10 pm and was followed by the Annual General Meeting which was then followed by the annual home construction competition (The Pan Pac trophy).

Mike 2VM presented two testing / safety devices to be inserted in the power lead when livening devices. Indicators show various states, fuse protection avoids smoke out events.

Erroll presented a numbers of items in various states of completion, the virtually completed stepper motor driven tuning capacitor for the mag-loop antenna (parts: Wattie’s can and bit of ‘down pipe’).

High voltage relay switched capacitor (Russian made Parts?). Also his first attempt at making a sub-miniature oscillator board using a home brew (but Chinese made) 1 inch square circuit board. Hi-tech!

The winner: Errol ZL2IT.

Karl ZL1TJ

Club meetings 2021

Club Meeting 6 October 2021

6/10/21 Br 25/NARC General Meeting, Napier

Attendance (10 people) as per the attendance book

Apologies ZL1TJ

Min’s of the previous Gen. Meeting read and approved

Matters arising

– ZL2MQ talked about the NCC District plan and gave a review of same.

– it was approved that a 9:1 balun be purchased by ZL2MQ for the Br 25 Club Rooms Long Wire aerial.

– ZL2DW said that he was not going to go ahead with the Br 13/25 combined “On Air 75th Award” due to apparent (as per the Awards Manager) response to these events.

Financial report

– Presented by Stu ZL2XC. The usual power bill and balances read out.

– Some discussion was had regarding a “Review” of the Br 25/NARC financial balance sheet /records for the year ending 30/9/21. To be resolved between ZL2MQ and ZL2XC when further info. (on the need or not) comes to hand and a price given.


– a reply from the NCC regarding the District Plan

General Business

– some notes were presented by ZL2DW

– it was noted that the xyl of (former Treas. of Br 25/NARC) Don Mudford (ex ZL2AMV) had died on 12/9/21. A card was sent by Marilyn ZL2BOA from the “Cornflakes Net” group.

– is the 75th anniversary BBQ still to be had and hosted by Br 25/NARC ?

– maybe in Dec 2021 or Jan/Feb 2022 a trip to Taraponui coming up

– expecting a trip to Wharite 2021/2022 coming up.

– Br 13/HBARC had made a donation to the “NZART Radio Education Trust”

– the Br 13 “CHB Meal and Meeting” event at Waipawa on 27/10/21 is coming up, all welcome.

– ZL2LF made some comments about his W11 computer conversion $700

– ZL1TJ to stand down at the next Br 25/NARC AGM (on 3/11/21). Some discussion was held re future Office bearers

Meeting closed at 2015hrs followed by the “Br 25 World Famous quiz”……..lots of fun and chocolate fish given out.

Dave ZL2DW

Club meetings 2021

Club Meeting 8 September 2021

Minutes of the Napier Amateur Radio Club

Meeting on Wednesday 8 September 2021 at the Clubrooms

123 Latham Street Napier

Chair: Karl ZL1TJ, the meeting started at 7:30pm.

Present: Errol ZL2IT, Peter ZL2CD, Mike ZL2VM, Mark ZL2TVK, Bryce ZL1BCG, David ZL2DW, Mike ZL2MY.

Apology: ZL2MQ, ZL2XC, ZL2AN.

Minutes of the previous meeting: Read and confirmed to be correct: ZL2MY, ZL2VM.

Arising: David 2DW reported on the raffle outcome and Branch 13’s decision to share the proceeds with Branch 25. Received with thanks.

Correspondence: With John ZL2VAF via Mike 2VM regarding casual use of the club rooms by the CD Radio Group. With NZART regarding Conference financial outcome. (Dealt with by the Committee 17/8).

With Douglas Birt ZL1BFS, acting NZART Local Government Liaison Officer, (cc to 2MQ, 2VM, 2AN and 2DW) regarding the NCC Draft Plan. A copy of the NCC Draft Plan clause 53.26.2a and the proposed submission written by Douglas 1BFS to all members. The usual notices etc. to members.

Finance: the month’s financial statements attached. At the last committee meeting it was decided to refund to NZART in full the $1000 seed capital paid to us prior to Conference.

General business:

The NCC Draft Plan was discussed at length. Various options such as lobbying councilors and planning officers to be secondary to a formal submission. The submission written by Douglas ZL1BFS was accepted with thanks. Suggested by the undersigned that the main submitter should be the Club President rather than the Secretary. The submission window has now been extended to 24/9. More immediate action: Dave 2MQ to follow up on Council’s offer to have a chat with a member of the planning team. A request that someone other than the Club Secretary takes on the job of Council Liaison person fell on deaf ears.

Two other ‘projects’ needing dedicated organisers:

1)The proposed HF antenna re-build, warmer weather has arrived, Saturday working bee?

2)The 75th Club anniversary: David 2DW’s joint Branches (25 and 13) Award scheme is perhaps not viable. A proposed celebratory BBQ party has in principle been agreed on.

To be held at the clubrooms on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon late December. Branch 13 to join, also invite all past members etc..

New members Mark and Bryce need some assistance to get their equipment up and running and contacts to build up their initial log entries.

The meeting closed at 8:45 pm

Karl ZL1TJ

Club meetings 2021

Club Meeting 4 August 2021

Minutes of the Napier Amateur Radio Club

Meeting on Wednesday 4 August 2021 at the Clubrooms 123 Latham Street

Chair: Dave ZL2MQ, the meeting started at 7:30pm.

Present: Errol ZL2IT, Peter ZL2CD, Rob ZL2AN, Mike ZL2VM, Mark Paton ZL2TVK, Bryce Gilbert ZL1BCG, George ZL2KKT, Dave ZL2DW, Stu ZL2XC, Peter ZL2LF,

Brian Meikle ZL2BPM, Mike ZL2MY, Revell ZL2SS and Karl ZL1TJ.

Apology: ZL2KKT, ZL3TT.

Dave 2MQ welcomed Brian ZL2BPM.

Minutes of the previous meeting: Read and confirmed to be correct: ZL2AN, ZL2VM.

Arising: Dave 2MQ: The licensing exam held on 10 July resulted in three passes: (12 year old) Hunter Picket, Mark Paton, callsign ZL2TVK and Bryce Gilbert, callsign ZL1BCG. Congratulations to Mark and Bryce. Arrangements to assist Mark, Bryce and Hunter are being considered. An opportunity to resume Sunday afternoon technology sessions?

Mike 2MY: Still looking for large size screen, 65 inch seems to be the best value for money.

Dave 2mQ: HF antenna project waiting for warmer weather. Anyone willing to take charge?

Apology from John ZL2VAF for defaulting at the July meeting.

Correspondence: With the Napier City Council regarding the District Plan, with Bryce Gilbert regarding the licensing exam, with Hunter Picket regarding the spelling of his name, with Craig Crawford, NZART historian, regarding celebrating the Club’s 75 years existence.

From Debby NZART regarding Conference financial reconciliation. From Dave 2DW regarding branch 25 and branch 13 seventy five year celebrations and proposed Award.

From John Newson regarding the Rally of Hawke’s Bay. From John Cowell VK2IAU regarding a new morse code learning facility stimulating interest in Amateur radio.

Various notices to members.

Finance: Stu presented the month’s financial statements. Also gave notice that, due to work arrangements, his attendance to club meetings will be minimal over the next 6 months.

General business:

Dave 2DW promoting the branch 13 raffle (RWB Voucher).

Dave 2MQ: the 75 year celebration. Joint effort with branch 13? An Award is being organised by Dave 2DW. Other options might be a celebration dinner, or Sunday afternoon barbecue. Other ideas are solicited. Dates need to be set so events can be advertised in Break-In and Break-Out magazines. Dave 2DW reported that AREC involvement in the Rally of Hawke’s bay was a success.

The meeting closed at 8 pm and was followed by the customary ‘Show and Tell’ event.


  1. Dave 2DW: 6 items of interest ranging from the original 670 Kahuranaki repeater to books, gadgets, pictures and an illustrated explanation of the radio inspector’s ongoing efforts to find the cause of marine channel 16 interference.

  2. Peter 2LF: an audio mixer USB device vastly superior to a standard computer sound card, a home made stereo microphone and a handy gadget for opening pull tab tins.

  3. Rob 2AN: Controller and description of his new German made 3 element Ultra Beam. 20 to 6 m bands, much superior to his previous US made one.

  4. Errol 2IT: home made voltage booster 12V to 150V- oscillator-transformer-rectifier, home made crystal replacement, DC to 12MHz using synthesizer chip, software to multiply miniature printed circuit board patterns to make multiple copies.

  5. Mike 2MY: experimentation with a delta loop antenna, measurement of parameters, matching networks, final outcome: tuner needed to achieve maximum performance.

  6. Dave 2MQ: A more ‘up market’ VNA, robust construction with all bells and whistles. Good instructions and features that cheaper models do not have. Range up to 3GHz. Amazing piece of technology for $220.

This was, as always, a fun evening for the club.

Karl ZL1TJ

Club meetings 2021

Club Meeting 7 July 2021

Minutes of the Napier Amateur Radio Club

Meeting on Wednesday 7 July 2021 at the Clubrooms 123 Latham Street

Chair: Dave ZL2MQ, the meeting started at 7:35pm.

Present: Errol ZL2IT, Peter ZL2CD, Rob ZL2AN, Mike ZL2VM, Mark Paton, George ZL2KKT and Karl ZL1TJ.

Apology: ZL2DW, ZL2XC.

Minutes of the previous meeting: Read and confirmed to be correct: ZL2VM, ZL2AN.

Arising: Dave 2MQ: Conference has now been analysed and discussed adequately, the financial outcome with a modest surplus is satisfactory.

Also: No progress made with the proposed long wire 80/40 HF antenna to replace the dipole. A short discussion on various options followed. Someone to take charge of this project?

Correspondence: From Dave 2DW re: a potential new member, from Mike 2VM re: privacy laws affecting Club records, from Blue 3TT re: Napier City District plan ongoing ‘consultations’, with Stu regarding financial matters. Conference mail with Club members, Conference participants and NZART. The latter included a thank you from Debby Morgan and a Branch 25 report on the outcome of Conference from our perspective.

Various notices to members.

Arising from Correspondence: Rob: The Napier City district plan needs to be kept to the fore at club level. Regular discussion and contact with NCC to be maintained. Dave: Karl to write to NCC to ensure our initial registration of interest is not being overlooked.

Finance: Stu, being tied up with work, sent the attached financial statement by email.

General business: Dave 2MQ: A 12 year old youngster has applied to sit the licensing exam. This will take place this Saturday 10 July. Are any club members interested in giving this a go while the opportunity arises? Mark giving it serious consideration. Karl to contact one other potential candidate. The possibility of a 12 year old joining the club was discussed. Suggested that he is offered a regular (monthly?) technical / construction session along the lines of our previous Saturday or Sunday afternoon technical meetings on the condition that he brings a few friends along.

The August meeting features the customary ‘Show and tell’ event.

Moved by Dave 2MQ and seconded by Rob 2AN that the Club invests in a large screen smart television to replace the ailing projector. All present supported the motion. It was suggested a 75 inch screen is preferable if this can be bought for $2K or less.

The meeting closed at 8:30 pm and was followed by a coffee / tea and chat session.

The scheduled presentation on the latest news from AREC did not eventuate.

Karl ZL1TJ

Club meetings 2021 Other

Club Meeting 2 June 2021

Minutes of the Napier Amateur Radio Club

Meeting on Wednesday 2 June 2021 at the Clubrooms 123 Latham Street

Chair: Dave ZL2MQ, the meeting started at 7:30pm.

Present: Peter ZL2LF, Stu ZL2XC, Errol ZL2IT, Revell ZL2SS, Mike ZL2MY, Peter ZL2CD, Rob ZL2AN, David ZL2DW, Mike ZL2VM, Blue ZL3TT, Wally ZL2MO, Mark Paton, Bryce Gilbert and Karl ZL1TJ. Apology: none.

Minutes of the previous meeting: Read and confirmed to be correct: ZL2LF, ZL2MY.

Arising: Dave 2DW: a clearer explanation of the one and only Conference remit has been published in the May / June Break-In magazine. Revell: confirmed Napier City Council’s intention to remove the last remaining tree on our Eastern boundary. Bare (zero catering) Conference registrations for the Deco Techo Sunday are five only.

Correspondence: Amendment to May minutes request from Dave 2DW, confirmation from John ZL2VF regarding his July club meeting talk, request from Napier City Council to update our entry in the community database and the usual notices etc. to club members.

Finance: Stu gave an overview Club’s financial affairs.

General business: Dave 2MQ requested an overview of key holders to the club rooms.

Wally handed his keys to Stu, keys are held by all committee members and one set is with our Menz Shed neighbours who use the Clubrooms for committee meetings.

Conference Delegate: moved by Karl and seconded by Errol that Dave 2MQ is appointed Branch 25 Conference delegate. Passed unanimously.

The balance of G.B. was mostly dedicated to Conference organisation final details.

Discussed were: Raffle organisation etc.. Saturday afternoon drivers: Karl to email instructions to volunteers Mike 2MY, Peter 2CD, Errol and Mary Crook.

Peter 2LF presented the (very nice) booklets and ID tags. A few blank ID tags available for last minute joiners. Many thanks to Peter and Rosemary for an excellent job done.

Dave 2MQ to attend NZART Council meeting Friday afternoon. Peter 2 LF, Dave 2MQ, Karl and whoever wants to join meet at East Pier Friday 7pm for early registrations and a chat (beer?) with the Friday arrivals. Errol offered (once again) to provide the occasional airport shuttle service.

Quiz prizes: Debby and Topsy will be running a quiz on Sunday night. The Club to provide prizes, Karl to purchase some local wines and other goodies for this. May need to stipulate that wine is to take home (not consume on premises) to maintain the peace with East Pier.

Dave 2MQ referred to Presenters getting a free lunch, further reward not deemed necessary.

Security: George had to pull out due to urgent family matters. Dave 2DW presented Eric 2TSU as his replacement to assist Wally. Wayne Jacobsen ZL2OZ (QRP) had to pull out for medical reasons. His slot will now be filled by Vaughn Henderson and Don Wallace (NZART ALO) presiding over the ‘VHF Spectrum Forum’.

Dave 2DW presented a breakdown of Conference attendees by region on the white board.

A general discussion followed. De-brief meeting to be held reasonably soon after Conference.

The meeting closed at 8:30 pm and was followed by a coffee / tea and chat session.

Karl ZL1TJ