Club meetings 2021

Club Meeting 8 September 2021

Minutes of the Napier Amateur Radio Club

Meeting on Wednesday 8 September 2021 at the Clubrooms

123 Latham Street Napier

Chair: Karl ZL1TJ, the meeting started at 7:30pm.

Present: Errol ZL2IT, Peter ZL2CD, Mike ZL2VM, Mark ZL2TVK, Bryce ZL1BCG, David ZL2DW, Mike ZL2MY.

Apology: ZL2MQ, ZL2XC, ZL2AN.

Minutes of the previous meeting: Read and confirmed to be correct: ZL2MY, ZL2VM.

Arising: David 2DW reported on the raffle outcome and Branch 13’s decision to share the proceeds with Branch 25. Received with thanks.

Correspondence: With John ZL2VAF via Mike 2VM regarding casual use of the club rooms by the CD Radio Group. With NZART regarding Conference financial outcome. (Dealt with by the Committee 17/8).

With Douglas Birt ZL1BFS, acting NZART Local Government Liaison Officer, (cc to 2MQ, 2VM, 2AN and 2DW) regarding the NCC Draft Plan. A copy of the NCC Draft Plan clause 53.26.2a and the proposed submission written by Douglas 1BFS to all members. The usual notices etc. to members.

Finance: the month’s financial statements attached. At the last committee meeting it was decided to refund to NZART in full the $1000 seed capital paid to us prior to Conference.

General business:

The NCC Draft Plan was discussed at length. Various options such as lobbying councilors and planning officers to be secondary to a formal submission. The submission written by Douglas ZL1BFS was accepted with thanks. Suggested by the undersigned that the main submitter should be the Club President rather than the Secretary. The submission window has now been extended to 24/9. More immediate action: Dave 2MQ to follow up on Council’s offer to have a chat with a member of the planning team. A request that someone other than the Club Secretary takes on the job of Council Liaison person fell on deaf ears.

Two other ‘projects’ needing dedicated organisers:

1)The proposed HF antenna re-build, warmer weather has arrived, Saturday working bee?

2)The 75th Club anniversary: David 2DW’s joint Branches (25 and 13) Award scheme is perhaps not viable. A proposed celebratory BBQ party has in principle been agreed on.

To be held at the clubrooms on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon late December. Branch 13 to join, also invite all past members etc..

New members Mark and Bryce need some assistance to get their equipment up and running and contacts to build up their initial log entries.

The meeting closed at 8:45 pm

Karl ZL1TJ


Amateur Radio Operator ZL4XE