Club meetings 2021

Club Meeting 7 July 2021

Minutes of the Napier Amateur Radio Club

Meeting on Wednesday 7 July 2021 at the Clubrooms 123 Latham Street

Chair: Dave ZL2MQ, the meeting started at 7:35pm.

Present: Errol ZL2IT, Peter ZL2CD, Rob ZL2AN, Mike ZL2VM, Mark Paton, George ZL2KKT and Karl ZL1TJ.

Apology: ZL2DW, ZL2XC.

Minutes of the previous meeting: Read and confirmed to be correct: ZL2VM, ZL2AN.

Arising: Dave 2MQ: Conference has now been analysed and discussed adequately, the financial outcome with a modest surplus is satisfactory.

Also: No progress made with the proposed long wire 80/40 HF antenna to replace the dipole. A short discussion on various options followed. Someone to take charge of this project?

Correspondence: From Dave 2DW re: a potential new member, from Mike 2VM re: privacy laws affecting Club records, from Blue 3TT re: Napier City District plan ongoing ‘consultations’, with Stu regarding financial matters. Conference mail with Club members, Conference participants and NZART. The latter included a thank you from Debby Morgan and a Branch 25 report on the outcome of Conference from our perspective.

Various notices to members.

Arising from Correspondence: Rob: The Napier City district plan needs to be kept to the fore at club level. Regular discussion and contact with NCC to be maintained. Dave: Karl to write to NCC to ensure our initial registration of interest is not being overlooked.

Finance: Stu, being tied up with work, sent the attached financial statement by email.

General business: Dave 2MQ: A 12 year old youngster has applied to sit the licensing exam. This will take place this Saturday 10 July. Are any club members interested in giving this a go while the opportunity arises? Mark giving it serious consideration. Karl to contact one other potential candidate. The possibility of a 12 year old joining the club was discussed. Suggested that he is offered a regular (monthly?) technical / construction session along the lines of our previous Saturday or Sunday afternoon technical meetings on the condition that he brings a few friends along.

The August meeting features the customary ‘Show and tell’ event.

Moved by Dave 2MQ and seconded by Rob 2AN that the Club invests in a large screen smart television to replace the ailing projector. All present supported the motion. It was suggested a 75 inch screen is preferable if this can be bought for $2K or less.

The meeting closed at 8:30 pm and was followed by a coffee / tea and chat session.

The scheduled presentation on the latest news from AREC did not eventuate.

Karl ZL1TJ


Amateur Radio Operator ZL4XE