Club Meetings 2020

Club Meeting 4 November 2020

Minutes of the Napier Amateur Radio Club

Meeting on Wednesday 4 November 2020 at the Clubrooms 123 Latham Street

Chair: Dave ZL2MQ, the meeting started at 7:30pm.

Present: Stan ZL2ST, Stu ZL2XC, Errol ZL2IT, Peter ZL2CD, Revell ZL2SS, Mike ZL2MY, Peter ZL2LF, Blue ZL3TT, Dave ZL2DW, Mike ZL2VM, Rob ZL2AN, Warren ZL2AJ and Karl ZL1TJ. Apology: ZL2MO.

Dave welcomed NZART Councilor Warren ZL2AJ, then proceeded to present the Arthur (Jumbo) Godfrey Award for services to the Club and NZ Amateur Radio to Stan ZL2ST. The Award was made at the recent NZART AGM in Wellington and received by Dave on Stan’s behalf. Stan responded with thanks and a brief history of his years with the Club.

Minutes of the previous meeting: Read and confirmed to be correct: ZL2XC, ZL2MY.

Arising: Dave 2MQ: the club will be happy to contribute to the reasonable replacement cost of the National System Wharite repeater battery, ‘going halves’ with Branch 13.

Correspondence: With Debby, NZART, regarding the forthcoming visit (Nov.7th), with Dave 2DW re: the above mentioned Wharite repeater battery replacement, with Kiwi bank re: money transfer, from Peter 2CD, resignation from treasurer position, from Wally 2MO, resignation from building custodian position, from RSM re: repeater license fees due, from the Companies Office: Annual report due. Outward: various notices to members etc..

Finance: Peter 2CD: financial statement attached.

General business: Dave 2MQ: a discussion with Warren 2AJ regarding Conference break-out sessions, topics, presenters etc., Warren’s first comment: Being winter, the two primary conditions to be met are warmth and quality food. Speakers from the area presenting their expertise are good. Many previous year’s topics need updating.

Karl: a reminder: Debby Morgan, NZART business manager, will be visiting this Saturday. Limited spaces are available for lunch with Debby at the East Pier restaurant. Moved to recompense Debby for travel expenses, seconded by Dave 2MQ, passed.

The meeting closed at 7:53 pm.

And was followed by the Club’s AGM after which the annual construction competition (Pan Pac trophy) was conducted. Three entries this year: Stu restored a 1930’s ‘Cathedral’ style valve radio, much of the work went into rebuilding the tuning capacitor drive system.

Errol built a 475 KHz fixed tuning WSPR receiver using a kit set 21 MHz receiver board and pre-built oscillator(s) and mixer to arrive at the target frequency. Enclosed in a professional looking case. Dave 2MQ presented his almost completed Mag-loop antenna, about 1 m diameter, built of aluminium flat bar with a home made tuning capacitor made of copper laminate pcb board. Tested and working well, Operating range: 7 to 21 MHz.

The winner: (5votes), Errol, runner up: (4 votes), Stu, Dave’s Mag loop antenna: 3 votes

Karl ZL1TJ


Amateur Radio Operator ZL4XE