club meeting 2019 Other

Club Meeting 4 September 2019

Minutes of the Gen. Meeting of Br 25/NARC, Napier, 4/9/19, 7-30pm

(Min’s taken by David ZL2DW due to Karl ZL1TJ being absent)

Chair: Dave ZL2MQ

Present: Wally ZL2MO, Blue ZL3TT, Michael ZL2MY, Dave ZL2DW, Rob ZL2AN, Martin ZL2MD, Stan ZL2ST, Errol ZL2IT, Revell ZL2SS and Peter ZL2CD.

Apologies: Karl ZL1TJ, Michael ZL2VM, Stu ZL2XC.

Minutes of the previous meeting: Read and confirmed correct: ZL3TT, ZL2MD


– a reply from Warren ZL2AJ on behalf of NZART Council accepting the offer by Br 25 to host the 2021 NZART Conference and AGM at Napier.


– a report from Peter ZL2CD was given re the Br 25 bank balances, he also noted that Kiwi Bank was about to decline cheque deposits and to stop their customers issuing cheques also.

– A White Board was donated to Br 25 by Wally ZL2MO (value $10).

General Business:

– ZL2MD asked about the requirement for the upcoming DMR repeater Lic. at Mt Threave to have a Long. and Lat. as measured at the base of the repeater aerial mast. David ZL2DW explained that it was a request by the licencing ARC (Doug ZL2TAR) and as it was being done for free we would comply, as soon as the info. was obtained during a visit to the site.

– Further to the NZART Conference correspondence above, David ZL2MQ said that the first Conference Committee meeting would be held at the Br 25 Club Rooms at 7-30 pm on 17 Sept.

The Meeting closed at 7-45pm

Guest Speaker

Errol ZL2IT gave a talk on the history and creation of 50 OHM coax cable. This was followed by contributions by those gathered on various subjects……….peppered with much humour.


Amateur Radio Operator ZL4XE