club meeting 2019

Club Meeting 1 May 2019


Meeting on Wednesday 1 May 2019 at the Clubrooms 123 Latham Street

Chair: Dave ZL2MQ, the meeting started at 7:30 pm.

Present: Blue ZL3TT, Mike ZL2MY, Peter ZL2CD, Revel ZL2SS, Rob ZL2AN, Wally ZL2MO, John ZL2AGE, Paul ZL2HB, Mike ZL2VM, Errol ZL2IT and Karl ZL1TJ.

Apologies: ZL2DW, ZL2US, ZL2XC, (accepted 2MO, 2HB)

Minutes of previous meeting: Read and confirmed to be correct: ZL2MQ, ZL2MY.

Arising: Wally: the 40/80m dipole antenna has now been re-instated and is fully operational.

Thank you Wally and Blue for a job well done from Dave 2MQ.

Blue: Branch 13 has donated $200 to the Jaidyn ZL4WW and Xenia ZL4YL Bulgaria travel fund.

Dave: Can the Napier ARC match this? Moved by Wally and Paul that the Napier ARC donates $200 to this worthy cause. Passed unanimously.

Correspondence: Received: NZART membership list and request for Call Book information.

Information regarding the IARU International Youth Camp in Bulgaria from ZL4WW and ZL4YL.

Jock White Field-day 2017 (2nd place) and 2018 (1st place) certificates from Stuart Watchman.

Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act form from Kiwi Bank.

Info from Holger 2IO regarding German antenna analyzer which was forwarded to members.

Sent: a thank you to Korin ZL2PGJ for his contribution and donation.

Finance: Treasurer’s report attached. Few minor transactions only.

General Business: Wally: the multi band vertical antenna is on a slant and needs refurbishing.

A Saturday or Sunday volunteers effort was suggested. Wally to organize.

Blue: John Newson forwarded a message regarding John Bolton’s display of ancient broadcast radios. To be found at 16 Byron st, till May 9th. Admission free.

Mike 2MY: do all members get a set of keys to the clubrooms? Response from Dave: committee members only but members will be given access on request.

Dave 2MQ presented two prototype versions of the Dummy Load project, the basic one with a smaller enclosure and the power meter version with a larger box. It was decided to use the larger version for both types. Estimated cost sofar is $50 and $75, to be confirmed. Karl to seek firm orders once prices are decided on.

Remits. There were two remits to consider, details can be found in the March/April 2019 Break In magazine. Of the 7 eligible members present 5 voted against Remit one with two abstentions.

Remit 2 received 7 votes in favour, zero against. Results to be forwarded to Debby at NZART HQ.

The meeting closed at 8:15 pm.

And was followed by the showing of several Ham Radio videos with a reasonably recent flavor e.g. while the sun is not much into ionizing our layers there are still many radio modes that are both fun and rewarding. And how to erect an aerial mast using a helicopter…

Karl ZL1TJ Secretary NARC.

By admin

Amateur Radio Operator ZL1TJ