club meeting 2019

Meeting 6 March 2019


Meeting on Wednesday 6 March 2019 at the Clubrooms 123 Latham Street

Chair: Dave ZL2MQ, the meeting started at 7:30 pm.

Present: Dave ZL2DW, Blue ZL3TT, Mike ZL2MY, Peter ZL2CD, Revel ZL2SS, Errol ZL2IT, Jan ZL2CZE, Rob ZL2US, Peter ZL2LF, Rob ZL2AN, Wally ZL2MO, John Mouritsen VK2CRI and Karl ZL1TJ.

Apologies: ZL2VM, ZL2XC and ZL2HB (accepted 2MY, 2MO)

Minutes of previous meeting: Read and confirmed to be correct: ZL3TT, ZL2CD.

Arising: Dave 2DW: the Kahuranaki trip was an undivided success. Also, did we get a reply from the Napier City Council? Karl: No. Dave 2MQ asked if a copy of the Branch 13 / Hastings District Council planning documentation is available. Dave 2DW to check.

Correspondence: Email from and to Dave 2DW regarding payment to Laurie ZL2TC.

Email from New Plymouth Conference organizers, passed onto members.

Mail from Gary ZL2IFB regarding doing a presentation, is too busy at present.

Email from Mike 2VM regarding use of the clubrooms for a CDEM meeting on February 12th. Copy of the NZART public liability Insurance certificate from Dave 2DW.

Finance: Treasurer’s report attached. Few transactions only.

General Business:Laurie ZL2TC donated a newer Tait repeater for the National System. The $50 cost of a new DTMF controller for this is to be shared by Branches 13 and 25. Moved by Dave 2DW, seconded by Wally 2MO that payment be made. Passed.

With thanks for his ongoing support to past President and life member Laurie ZL2TC.

Dave 2DW: the Taupo ‘Meet our neighbours’ trip on March 16th is still ‘on’. Meet hams from Taupo, Taumarunui, Rotorua etc., seats may be available. Booking essential.

Dave 2MQ: the Club project. Initial costing for a basic 100 Watt dummyload is $50. The design could be modified for a higher power rating and / or power display. A show of hands indicated sufficient interest to plan for a ‘run’ of 15. Dave may do a short write up for Break-In magazine.

The Menz Shed committee has given permission to terminate one end of our 80/40m dipole on their building. A short hockey stick type mast was provided for this. Alternatively Wally may be willing to part (for a reasonable fee) with a 7m tall boat mast languishing in his back yard. The project is in the capable hands of Blue 3TT and Wally 2MO.

The meeting closed at 8 pm.

And was followed by Jan ZL2CZE presenting the history (1984), development and present state of software defined radio. Limitations and applications (aircraft tracking, signals from the Universe).

Discussed were Rob 2AN’s Icom IC 7610 and the Lynrad software (Dave 2MQ).

Also Kiwi SDR and the proposal to install a remote receiver at Cliffton, a project of Branch 13.

Karl ZL1TJ Secretary NARC.


Amateur Radio Operator ZL4XE