Club Meetings 2017

Napier ARC meeting 4.10.17


Meeting on Wednesday 4 October 2017 at the Clubrooms 123 Latham Street

Chair: Dave ZL2MQ, the meeting started at 7:30 pm.

Present: Revell ZL2SS, Peter ZL2CD, Dave ZL2DW, Wally ZL2MO, Paul ZL2HB, Blue ZL3TT, Errol ZL2IT, Mike ZL2VM, Stan ZL2ST, Michael ZL2MY and Karl ZL1TJ. Apologies: ZL2US.

Minutes of previous meeting: Read and confirmed to be correct: ZL2HB, ZL3TT.

Arising: Dave ZL2DW: following up on Errol’s querie about the week-end licensing course costs it has now been agreed that NZART’s reduced part year membership fees allow the cost to be reduced.

Correspondence: email exchanges regarding the possibility of DF (fox hunt) exercises (Errol 2IT) and some interest from the Masterton club in the 2014 club pool Que antenna project (Dave 2DW).

Finance: Account for $250 presented by Karl for radio equipment purchased from SWL estate.

General Business: Dave 2DW: the next Branch 13 meeting will be the annual excursion to Waipawa, dinner at Mulligan’s, all welcome and spare seats may be available. Also, the Masterton Radio Club may be interested in buying a few of our (2014) pool Q 2m/70cm kitset antennas. Are we interested? Dave 2MQ offered to do a costing for another run, Dave 2 DW to find out the numbers required. The kitset could possibly also be sold at the 2018 Hamfest.

A working bee is planned for Saturday 14 October. Jobs to do: painting of soffits and windows, repair gutters, replace outside lights, refit the Gillchrist Memorial Hall lettering and a few minor jobs. A show of hands showed adequate support.

Karl: equipment purchased from SWL estate to be sold on Trade me by Dave 2MQ to boost club funds. Club members interested can set a reserve and purchase items at that price if the is reserve is not met on Trade me. Contact Dave or Karl.

Errol’s presentation to Branch 13 of the concept of a simple offset tuning attenuator added to a handheld 2 m radio was received well. He will repeat the demonstration at the NARC Open door on Sunday 15.10 (1:30 pm). There is some interest form some members from both branches to get together and build this device to eventually be followed up by a DF ‘fox hunt’ exercise. Suggested by Dave 2DW: a Pakowai Hall BBQ after. Napier clubrooms may also be suitable?

At the September committee meeting the 3 band yagi antenna and support system was discussed. The committee, with the exception of Revell ZL2SS is not overly enthusiastic about proceeding with this, at least for the time being. It is a big job and the difficulties to make structures safe and vandal proof appear to be substantial. Dave 2MQ asked how often club member would use the equipment and out of all present only two, possibly three members made a commitment.

It was decided not to proceed for the time being.

Dave 2MQ reminded all that our next meeting will be the AGM and that nominations are now called for. In particular a new treasurer is needed as Stan 2ST is now, after many years of great service to the club, definitely resigning the position. Consider giving this a go, it is not a demanding job and support from President and Secretary is always there. Contact Dave or Karl.

Finally a request from Errol 2IT: I am restoring WW2 radio equipment, does anyone have spares, in particular valves such as 1T4, 1S5 etc..

The meeting closed at 8:25pm.

Followed by our annual quiz and (not very) sticky bun event. Questions from the NZART data bank and an interesting range of general knowledge ones kept us entertained for a while. Winners: Revell 2SS came 1st, shared 2nd and 3rd Dave 2DW and Peter 2CD. Thank you Dave 2MQ for organizing.

Karl ZL1TJ Secretary NARC.


Amateur Radio Operator ZL4XE