Club Meetings 2017

Club meeting 5.7.17


Meeting on Wednesday 5 July 2017 at the Clubrooms 123 Latham Street

Chair: Dave ZL2MQ, the meeting started at 7:30 pm.

Present: Revell ZL2SS, Peter ZL2CD, Dave ZL2DW, Wally ZL2MO, Paul ZL2HB, Mike ZL2VM, Stan ZL2ST, Blue ZL3TT and Karl ZL1TJ. Apologies: ZL2IT, ZL2XC, ZL2US.

Minutes of previous meeting: Read and confirmed to be correct: ZL2MO, ZL2MQ.

Arising: Dave 2MQ: the beacon transmitters on test may need some temperature stabilisation, most likely thermostatically controlled cooling fans.

The maintenance work scheduled for 22 June was postponed due to adverse weather conditions. This is now scheduled for 27 July: beacon aerial installation and gutter repairs. Paul 2HB suggested warmer weather is needed to complete the (soffit and windows) paint job.

Stan mentioned that NZART Conference photos, now available on the Web, appear to show fewer grey heads, are hams getting younger? This was confirmed by Dave 2DW who was there.

Correspondence: email correspondence regarding the disposal of the FTdx400. Inwards: Bank statement.

Finance: Stan 2ST: Current account balance $905, other accounts as previously reported.

General Business: Dave 2DW: A firm date has now been set for the Branch 13 weekend licensing course: 16 and 17 September. Mike 2VM reported knowing one candidate from Napier to take part.

The Branch 13 equipment auction and scrap metal collection is scheduled for 26 July, all welcome.

The Cornflakes Net annual luncheon will be noon, 12 July, Napier RSA restaurant.

Karl: The Napier Radio Club August meeting will be ‘Show and Tell’, as in previous years.

Blue 3TT mentioned broadband fibre presently being installed in Latham Street. Should the club apply for a connection? Karl: perhaps joining forces with The Menzshed may be more economical?

The meeting closed at 8pm.

Paul 2HB reported having made contact with the local scouting groups. Not a great deal of interest in participating in the forthcoming ‘Jamboree on the air’ event was shown. Consequently Paul decided not to proceed with further preparation.

A discussion on the potential and practicalities of a D-Star repeater for the Napier area followed.

Dave 2MQ brought and demonstrated the assembled prototype of the Club’s project, the multi band microprocessor driven ‘Mega’ SWR meter. Calibration and further testing are next.

This is a magnificent device with excellent features.

Needed now: someone with artistic capabilities to draw the front and rear panel decals.

Karl ZL1TJ Sec. NARC.


Amateur Radio Operator ZL4XE