Club Meetings 2016

Club Meeting 6 April 2016

Meeting on Wednesday 6 April at the Clubrooms 123 Latham Street

Chair: Wally ZL2MO, the meeting started at 7:30 pm.

Present: Laurie ZL2TC, Revell ZL2SS, Dave ZL2DW, Paul ZL2HB, Rob ZL2US, Blue ZL3TT, Ray ZL2RB, Erroll ZL2IT, Marty ZL2PX, Peter ZL2CD, Bill ZL2UBG, Peter ZL2HM, Peter Mulhare ZL2IK, Murray Greenman ZL1BPU and Karl ZL1TJ.
Apologies: ZL2DC, ZL2VM, ZL2ST, ZL2MQ.

Visitors Peter ZL2IK and Murray ZL1BPU were welcomed by Laurie.
As a follow up to the December meeting Karl presented Laurie with his Life Member badge.

Minutes of previous meetings: Due to absence of the secretary minutes of the February meeting were not taken. The March meeting was cancelled due to absence of President, Secretay and Treasurer.

Correspondence: minor email correspondence regarding the forthcoming Bay Hamfest only.

Finance: A float of $100 for the Hamfest was provided by Treasurer Stan. Dave 2DW asked if the recent Branch 13 cheque had been banked. Confirmed by Laurie.

General Business:
As decided at the March committee meeting the topic of dwindling interest in the ECI net was discussed. Laurie gave a brief explanation of the reasons for the establishment of the net, originally proposed by Lee ZL2AL(SK) as a communication network of last resort in case of disaster striking the district. The initial response and participation by local and adjoining district amateurs was substantial but now has dwindled away for various reasons. Both Peter ZL2IK and Murray ZL1BPU took part in the discussion, suggesting that past experience has been that infrastructure damage will curtail even ham radio communication, repeaters will be damaged and standby power systems will run out of fuel and battery storage. It was suggested that the ECI net become an annual event perhaps in the nature of a contest. Alternatively it could be coupled to an event such as the Jock Whyte memorial Field Day exercise. Both volunteer controllers, Laurie 2TC and Dave 2DW voiced the opinion that the ECI net be discontinued in it’s present format. All present agreed. Information in BreakOut needs amending.

Laurie reported on the Bay Hamfest. A number of pre-registrations have been received, total numbers will be similar to the 2014 event, around forty. The Saturday night ‘after’ dinner will now be held at the Taradale RSA, a booking for twenty has been made.
Rob ZL2US reported on the recent Branch 13 Irirangi visit. Some 35 participants, some from other branches, visited both tranmitting and receiving sites. The guide was obliging and the absence of fog (spoiled a previous visit) made for an exellent day out. To be repeated again in say two years.

The meeting closed at 8:15 pm and was followed by a fascinating talk by Peter ZL2IK about his career in radio communications, mainly with the NZ Police. His involvement with the Wahine disaster and with other notorious events. Also being stationed in such exotic places as Niue and other Pacific Islands with many interesting anecdotes. Retirement with an interest in aviation and flying gliders. Peter ended his talk by giving a brief introduction to his topic at the forthcoming HB Hamfest: Microwatting or MEPT.

Karl ZL1TJ, Secretary Branch 25.


Amateur Radio Operator ZL4XE