Club Meetings 2015

Club Meeting 2.12.2015

Meeting on Wednesday 2 December 2015 at the Clubrooms 123 Latham Street

Chair: Wally ZL2MO, the meeting started at 7:30 pm.

Present: Laurie ZL2TC, Revell ZL2SS, Dave ZL2DW, Paul ZL2HB, Mike ZL2MY, Rob ZL2US, Blue ZL3TT, Ray ZL2RB, Dave ZL2MQ, Bert ZL2OC, Stan ZL2ST, Mike ZL2VM , Jan ZL2CZE, Erroll ZL2IT, Marty ZL2PX, Peter ZL2CD and Karl ZL1TJ.
Apologies: ZL2DC.

Minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed correct: ZL3TT, ZL2OC.
Arising: Rob ZL2US: the ‘last of the summer wine’ bus tour (free for those with gold cards) is happening this Saturday, No. 12 bus from Hastings central, 10 am departure. Coffee (or whatever) and cake in Napier (and Christmas shopping?) If you live along the route jump on at your stop! Bring your hand-held!
Jan ZL2CZE: has the recent re-location of the APRS affected anyone’s capability to access it? A brief discussion followed. Karl ZL1TJ reported the combined Radio club’s annual dinner at the Napier RSA restaurant was the usual fun with good company and good food.

Correspondence: email from Steve Miller ZL1FS wishing all a good and safe Christmas.
Email correspondence from Dave ZL2DW relating to Korin ZL2PGJ / JQ2WTV and his annual contribution per Paypal needing a new channel since Lee ZL2AL’s key went silent.
Finance: Received $170 refund from Power line company Unison. A few subscription payments.

General Business: It was moved by Stan ZL2ST and seconded by Blue ZL3TT that Laurie ZL2TC, our immediate past President, be awarded the Club’s Life Membership in recognition of all he has done for the club during his 13 years as President and before. Stan referred to the many ways Laurie contributed, as tutor to those aspiring to pass the licensing exam and through presenting many technical topics at club nights and other occasions such as the 2014 Bay Hamfest.
The motion was passed by acclamation.

Jan ZL2CZE reported having found two further presenters for the 2016 Bay Hamfest, John ZL2TWS and Mark ZL2UFI both of whom will share their expertise in D-Star radio.

Rob ZL2US reported on the D-Star repeater being under construction. It is hoped to have this up and running before Christmas. Laurie reported that AREC is considering a nationwide digital network of ten repeaters. Locally 405 will be part of this, becoming dual mode.

Laurie ZL2TC reminded all present of the VHF field day competition this coming weekend the 5th and 6th of December.
Mike ZL2VM produced year planner with all scheduled club events for the Napier ARC and all meeting dates for the Hastings / HB Radio Club. It was sent by email to all remember. Very useful.

The meeting closed at 8pm and was followed by The Annual Quiz of both matters Radio (10 questions) and General knowledge (another 10 questions). The radio questions were fair and should have been easy to answer for most but when Laurie discussed the answers the expression ‘Oh Dear’ escaped his lips. General knowledge was a bit harder (I got only 3 out of 10).
The whole thing was good fun. The winner: Dave ZL2DW with 18 out 20 correct.
The evening was rounded off with the customary sticky buns and a cup of tea.

Karl ZL1TJ, Secretary Branch 25.


Amateur Radio Operator ZL4XE