Club Meetings 2015

September Club Meeting

Meeting on Wednesday 2 September 2015 at the Clubrooms 123 Latham Street

Chair: Laurie ZL2TC, the meeting started at 7:30 pm.
Laurie welcomed newly licensed ham Paul ZL2HB.

Present: Erroll ZL2IT, Revell ZL2SS, Peter ZL2CD, Dave ZL2DW, Paul ZL2HB, Mike ZL2MY, Rob ZL2US, Bert ZL2OC, Blue ZL3TT, Jan ZL2CZE, Karl ZL1TJ, Peter ZL2CD and Stan ZL2ST.
Apologies: ZL2IK, ZL2VM, ZL2MO, ZL2DC.

Minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed correct: ZL2OC, ZL2US.

Arising: Rob reported the outcome of the two day ham licensing course organised by Branch 13 and held at his QTH over the previous weekend. As well as Paul ZL2HB a further 4 candidates passed the test and were issued callsigns. The youngest: Holger ZL3IO’s daughter Xenia (14).

Correspondence: Email correspondence dealing with the transfer of the Club’s website control, agenda items, Break-Out and the ham training weekend were tabled.
Finance: Received account for materials used in the ongoing clubroom upgrade by Wallie ZL2MO.

General Business: Dave ZL2DW introduced the proposed D-Star repeater to be located on Mt.Threave, south of Hastings. Primarily a Branch 13 project support is sought from Branch 25. There is substantial support from a number of club members. D-Star works over the Internet, like IRLP, but is considerably more sophisticated and provides a gateway to the World.
All about D-Star at

Laurie reported that the 725 repeater antenna needs repairs. A job to be done when spring is here.
Dave reminded us that it is Branch 25’s turn to organize he annual combined branches Xmas tea.
Rob reported that the 725 IRLP gateway is undergoing repairs and is being re-located to Branch 13’s clubrooms at Pakowai Hall. Much of the work is being done by Jan ZL2CZE. The node should be up and running again within a few weeks.

Laurie is seeking commitments from speakers for the proposed April 2016 East Hamfest.
Suggested by Dave: Gary Hinson ZL2IFB.

Laurie reminded the gathering that he will be re-locating to Wanganui and will be relinquishing the Branch 25 presidency at the November AGM. A new repeater trustee etc. will also be needed.

The meeting closed at 8:10 pm.

And was followed by Laurie sharing his considerable knowledge of Yagi Antennas and how to build your own. First requisite is having the right tools and Laurie presented several home made jigs.

Building a functional yagi is actually not easy as it is a precision job. There are a number of designs available, the most obvious ones found in the RSGB and ARRL publications. In addition there are websites with calculators etc. run by VK5JD, YU7EF and DK7ZB.

Lauries lecture generated a number of good questions and an informative discussion.

Karl ZL1TJ, Secretary Branch 25.


Amateur Radio Operator ZL4XE