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NARC Meeting Sept 3, 2014

Meeting on Wednesday 3 September 2014 at the Clubrooms 123 Latham Street

Chair: Laurie ZL2TC, the meeting started at 7:30 pm.

Apologies: ZL2DW

Present: Lee ZL2AL, Revell ZL2SS, Peter ZL2CD, Wally ZL2MO, Bert ZL2OC, Mike ZL2MY, Willy ZL2AGD, Erroll ZL2IT, Mike ZL2VM, Rob ZL2US, Stan ZL2ST and Karl ZL1TJ.

Minutes of the previous meeting: read and confirmed correct: ZL2MO, ZL2TC.

Arising: Nil

From the Napier City Council, the signed Lease Agreement. Valid for 15 years (from 1 November 2009), with a right of renewal for a further 15 years.
An application to the Keep Napier Beautifull Group for a grant of $500 for an external paint and repair job for the clubrooms.

Stan reported having a number of bills to pay, on the credit side is powerline company Unison’s refund for $170 and a few deposits by Lee for Trademe receipts.

General business:
Rob reported the annual combined branches 13 and 25 Christmas dinner will be held at the Taradale RSA club on Friday November 21. Cost about $22. Bookings to Rob or Dave ZL2DW.
Laurie gave Wally ZL2MO another pat on the back for ongoing improvements to the clubroom interior, the radio room has been repainted and the operating bench extended. Looking great.
Karl presented the enclosure with circuitbreakers and safety switch needed to replace the outdated porcelain fuses etc. on the electrical distribution board. The cost of $85 was approved.
Meeting closed at 8pm.

Followed by Laurie,
explaining the history and the workings of the Maidenhead Locator System.
The system was devised by Dr John Morris G4ANB around 1980 and adopted by a group of amateur radio managers meeting at the town of Maidenhead (near Windsor), Berkshire England.
Details of the system can be found at:
Searching the web with ‘QTH locator’ brings up a number of sites with tools that provide instant locator codes by pointing to a location on a worldwide map.
An interesting talk.

The meeting was rounded off with a cuppa and a chat with fellow hams.

Karl ZL1TJ, Secretary NARC .


Amateur Radio Operator ZL4XE